Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! 5'7. The half biscuit bar before bed was a good choice.

Yesterday at work they gave me and my colleagues fancy little eggs from Hotel Chocolat. Then my fav regular customer checked in to stay for a week and said she has Easter treats for us. I still have some Quality Street she gave me at Christmas. I really appreciate the gesture but I see I'll have an excessive stock of chocolate at home! 😱
Good morning.
5.9 which, given what I ate yesterday, is a miracle. Slept like the dead and awoke to sunshine. Quite a lot of cloud about but improved light levels seem to mean better mood and a SAD light doesn't really cut it.

No great plans for the day, just the usual potter with the animals, and perhaps a further attack on Wolf's wooly bum. Friends popped in yesterday to bring me a sack of fish food for the hundreds of gold fish which infest my garden pond. Amazon had gone mad and sent 3 bags instead of one. They will have to wait until the water temperature hits 13 degrees. Friend's fish, which she feeds in the winter, are dying like flies. I ignore mine, feed them only in the summer, and they breed like flies. I hope the new gardener likes wading as we shall have to go in and catch some for distribution.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Hey all. 9.0 today.
Still caught in a never ending cycle of naps and keeping odd hours. Roll on this folic acid getting me to not exhausted levels.
Plodding on anyway.

Not much on today, Tesco coming with the shopping then I'll need to go drop off the easter eggs for the dinky nephews that I hope will arrive :D Really not been out much the past wee while so not organised at all!
I need to (hopefully) go into town pick up some scripts tomorrow so that's plan B to sort easter if tesco fails :D
My two are getting taken to cinema for their easter treat at the weekend (dungeons and dragons) and a home movie night for avatar 2 which was out a few days ago to buy so looking forward to all that.
@Bloden If it’s beach you want, then have I got a house for you…


Just finished painting the wall. It looks so much better. This is a pic after I had finished painting it

images (39).jpeg

Me and my wife, er, my wife and I, watched the latest Top Gun film last night.

It was quite good. A sequel that is not worse than the original. Amazing.

I really want to see the latest Avatar film
Morning all. 9.3 today. At bedtime last night i dropped to 4.1 with a downward trend so had a few peanuts. I obviously overdid them.

Raining all day today so only nipping out to get new jeans and pick up prescription then home for a lazier day with my book.

Congrats to @harbottle and @Bloden on your HS's.
I really want to see the latest Avatar film
I saw it in cinema twice and the kids went themselves for a 3rd was fab and defo worth picking up.
Bif miffed the blu ray release hasn't been announced but the digital has happened. I prefer disk media for movies I love. Will probs still pickup a copy on that too when its out :D
Grey sky and its raining this morning so no more gardening for me today but did manage five hours yesterday.
Anyway it’s a 5.6 for me this morning.
Move over @harbottle and @Bloden - make room for me!

@TinaD - we have the same problem - they just keep multiplying!


Have a great day everyone!
Good morning - 5.5
7.6 for me this morning but only because I injected a couple of units correction for a 9.2 two and a half hours earlier when the high alarm went off, which was disappointing because I gave it an extra unit of Levemir last night. Sitting on a carriage driving around Beamish museum clearly doesn't burn off as much glucose overnight as my usual routine. Horses were a bit anxious about being put too in the stable yard in the centre of the town with the clunking whirring noise of trams passing by that they couldn't see but could hear and probably feel the vibration. I think it also didn't help that the stable yard had been swilled with Jeyes Fluid and it stunk! Give me the smell of horse manure any day. They then had to drive straight out into the hustle and bustle of the main street with the iron tyres of the wagonette fairly rattling on the cobbles. You couldn't hear yourself think when we trotted over them. They coped very well though and lots of people enjoyed petting them and taking photos with them. Zak was a bit fidgety at times and in a very bad mood with Arthur (he really doesn't like him 🙄) but the latter is a star when it comes to standing perfectly still and letting children touch and stroke him.

I just missed out on another unicorn day yesterday with the tiniest dip into the red after a very late trip to the supermarket last night BUT my Libre reader tells me that I had a Unicorn week!!
IMG_20230406_083255214.jpg Just annoyed that I now have one event in my low glucose log for the week when I was really trying for a clean slate with that too.

Many congrats to @harbottle @Bloden and @Eternal422 on your pre Easter House Specials. Good going guys.

@ColinUK Look forward to reading your review of The Jungle Book in CCC tomorrow.
Morning all

Been awol for a few days, work and a chest infection got me down again, I was unable to run a half marathon I had planned, so I have signed up to the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October, I have had to take a charity place, but going to run for theBritish Heart Foundation in memory of my dad and dad in law who both passed away after heart attacks-in 2020, about 6 weeks apart.

Doctor signed me off work for 2 weeks, so don’t go back until 17th April, today Is my last day of antibiotics, yesterday I managed a hour walk with th running ladies as 2 of them that did the Half marathon on Sunday so just wanted to ease back into running, which was great.

Anyway was 7.1 today which beats the double figures I have been having, signed up to a NHS app for logging food, exercise etc to try and get rid of this 20lbs I put on over the past year. Going to start just by calorie counting the first couple of weeks, then start lowering my carb intake back to around 75g per day, as that amount gave me good BG figures without feeling deprived of carbs.

@Bloden, @harbottle and @Eternal422 congratulations on your HS today.

@eggyg - I wish as the wife and mother of Tesco employees I could have some influence and make sure you get your leg of lamb, but not sure they will take much notice as hubby is a warehouse operative and daughter works in store. Always amazes me that Easter is as bad as Christmas in the shop, yet once again only closed one day and a couple of early closing.

@ColinUK - keep those ccc coming I love reading them.

Anyone heard from @Lanny lately?

Have a great day everyone