Group 7-day waking average?

Congratulations @Bloden @harbottle and @Eternal422 on your HSs!

6.6 for me this morning, think Dawn has come to visit me this week @Robin - I even kept within my 130g carbs total by estimated amounts yesterday - low carb brunch (ham with pesto and a couple of very thin crackers, 9g carbs total) and low carb tea (mozzarella pearls with slow roasted tomatoes, 13g carbs total). Snacks not so low carb (Blondie at my friend's shop mid afternoon, and a hot cross bun plus 2 chocs in the evening) but app reckons total carbs 115g.

Today I have some cooking to do - soup to make, and oldest and I will have burgers for lunch (well, I will have one...) as I acquired some brioche burger buns yesterday. Then I need to make Mac & cheese (to ensure something that youngest will eat) and I think leeks in cheese sauce (with maybe a bit of smoked ham if oldest hasn't eaten it all by the time I make it) for church bring and share supper (youngest has decided to come with me).
Morning all - sun and clouds, but 100% better than the constant downpour of yesterday!

7.6 this morning, not bad considering the overload of bread last night. We settled for bread, cheese and salami type meats for supper as we had been out for cooked lunch. We had shared Mackeral Pate as a starter, then Seafood linguini for J and fillets of sole with prawns for me. Checking out a venue for lunch a week on Sunday with friends. Any excuse to eat out, but it was delicious and we have booked a table.

Haven't logged in since early Tuesday and so much gone on since!

@colin, I remember being a very naive 17 year old when I had a boyfriend who was Jewish and I was invited to stay at his home for passover. I vividly remember chicken soup with matzo balls. His father kidded me that they were unlaid eggs from the chicken that made the soup i.e. unborn chickens. I think one look at my face convinced him to tell the truth!

@rebrascora @eggyg I think our Cornish Rhubarb beats yours!. One stalk will provide a human with enough Vit C for a year.... Gunnera_manicata3.JPG

@Eternal422 glad your dentist's receptionists are clued up. When I had the nastiest hypo ever in the dentist after having had anaesthetic, I got offered a glass of water! It's worth mentioning that Lidocaine injections can include adrenalin which will cause hypos in case members aren't aware.

@Bloden, @harbottle and @Eternal422 congrats on your HSs.

Have a lovely Thursday everyone!

PS @ColinUK loving the Akhenaten history!
Of course you do realise that that was not a real picture of a wall in my house. It was a random image from the web thingy. 🙂
I woke up at 1:30 and just out interest did a test and It was 4.5… I seem to recall when I used Libre sensors I saw really low readings during the night.
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Hair done and looking gawjus! Tesco done and leg of lamb was purchased, also a side of salmon half price with Clubcard, as was the lamb. Pretty chuffed with that. @Grannylorraine it was bedlam just like Christmas. Not much 19p veg left, but had to nip into Aldi for kitchen roll, my favourite, and grabbed a 19p swede. Now I’m going to attempt, for the first time, to make hot cross buns. Fingers crossed.
@Pattidevans wow! That rhubarb is huge. How many crumbles would that make? Enough for the entire population of Cornwall I expect.

Well done our House Specialists @Bloden @Eternal422 and @harbottle another set of triplets.
@Eternal422 glad your dentist's receptionists are clued up. When I had the nastiest hypo ever in the dentist after having had anaesthetic, I got offered a glass of water! It's worth mentioning that Lidocaine injections can include adrenalin which will cause hypos in case members aren't aware.
One of them did ask me if I wanted a drink of water, but the other was more clued up! Good to know about the lidocaine with adrenalin effect (hoping I won’t need it but I’m sure there will be a time in the future when I do:()
I woke up at 1:30 and just out interest did a tats and It was 4.5… I seem to recall when I used Libre sensors I saw really low readings during the night.
I often see lows overnight on the Libre, even ignoring what must be “compression lows”. The genuine lows can’t be enough to wake me and the chart shows the BG recovering and hovering around a reasonable level, even if only mid 4s. Of course, other times it’s higher as is the nature of the beast!
Morning all. 🙂 6.2 here.

Well, last night’s Welsh learners choir event was odd. Coffee, bingo, a break for some singing, then more bingo. The prizes were Easter eggs, but no-one seemed to know if it was a charity event or what. And the bingo-ing public looked horrified when we all got up to sing. Weird. 🙂

The weather seems to be perking up, which is nice. Doing a basal test later, so no gardening this morning. Enjoy the long weekend, folks. 🙂
Yup I am up very late at 7am

BG 4.9
Not happy with my continued ekevated blood pressure. I will investigate what I can do about it.

Lovely and sunny out there this morning.

Today exercise, exercise and...

Worms and slugs for tea tonight. Yummy (ok, its egg noodles, bean sprouts, mushrooms and diced chicken, all as a stir fry.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Just on the 5 step this morning at 5.9.

Does anyone know why the sky has turned blue and there’s a yellow circle in it? Also, will anyone be fixing the broken clouds? Second thoughts, belay that - I kinda like the look!

Visiting my folks today for my father’s 94th birthday! Then most likely chilling out at the start of this lovely Easter weekend.

Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing!
Morning all. 6.8 on the meter as my sensor died apparently between 4.30am and 7.30. Just says in a big red banner at the bottom. YOUR SENSOR HAS ENDED! ( there wasn’t an exclamation mark, I was just being a drama queen.) Shouldn’t end until Sunday afternoon, it still appears to be firmly fixed in place. Weird, and very inconvenient on the long Bank Holiday weekend. Ah well, good job I’ve just picked up my prescription. But I did have a unicorn day yesterday, up to 4.30am anyways. I think I’ll send him to @rebrascora to put in her field with her herd. 😉

Gorgeous morning here, car scraping frosty, but sunny and very still. Lovely start to the Easter Hols. The Farmers’ children will arrive about 9.30, think I’ll just chuck them in the garden. I’ve made hot cross buns for them. Or as middle daughter called them “ not cross buns!” Hmmm…not a good shape, I slightly caramelised them and the cross, well, I’ll let you see for yourselves. 🙄 Mr Eggy tasted the ugliest one, he said it was “ ok”. Baking failure.

Have a lovely day. 😎


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A Good Friday near miss for me with 5.3. 🙂


Merry Easter to all those who celebrate this weekend.

May all your chocolate bunnies lay enough eggs to keep everyone happy!

Really really pleased with a 5.6 this morning, stayed within my calorie allowance yesterday, so that is 2 days on track, Sunday when we have our Easter egg hunt might be a bit tricky, but will get myself a bar of 90% Lindt chocolate so I am not missing out, also will have chicken drumsticks, salad as well as pizza, quiche, sausage rolls all the stuff the kids eat.

today I will be doing some light housework, making the cookie dough, knitting and going to try a run walk, if it is too much for my lungs, I’ll just walk at a speed that doesn’t cause me to be too out of breath.

Have a good day everyone
Good morning - 6.9

Average has gone up slightly as my levels have suddenly started rising between 9-11 at night and can go from 4 to about 12 so that average is now 8. And then trying to get it down is like injecting water