Group 7-day waking average?

What a lovely set of people you are.

This forum is a precious thing.

Blessings to you all
Good morning everyone. Woke at 4am and decided to have a coyple of minutes sboozing. Woke again at 6:30am. Grrrrr! I haven't even done my blood pressure or pulse yet too.

BG 5.1 sooo close

Ok so no house special but perhaps a bit of a tent?

images (40).jpeg

Today some more wall painting. Running out of undercoat. I hope the shops are open today so I can get some more.

Nothing else going on as far as I am aware, which is good, a peaceful day.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 Clickety click, 6.6.

I’m having a day out today! I’m off to the little seaside village where my grandparents grew up to have lunch with some friends. It’s a very touristy area nowadays, so I won’t be alone on the roads! Looking forward to seeing the place again - haven’t been there since 2016. Might even get to siarad Cymraeg (speak Welsh) if I’m feeling brave enough. 🙂
Morning all.

Was supposed to go out out and go clubbing last night for the first time in years but decided not to put my ankle through the added pressure so sold my ticket and went to bed instead.

I was amazed how exhausting it was being at mum and dads for a couple of days. They’re both feeling a creeping sense of their own mortality growing stronger and they’re becoming even more demonstrable with affection.

In the morning it was just me and dad in the kitchen for a while and he hugged me tight and welled up. Those are two things he rarely does. So I made sure I hugged him right back of course.

I encouraged him to talk about what he was feeling and what was behind the tears. He eventually said he’s aware of other friends just not being there any more and some of those who are still around are just so old and frail. He went on to say that he thinks their house is too big for them but that mum doesn’t. I think they’re both right.

They cope with the house, but it’s too big for them. There’s a level of cleanliness which has slipped. It’s still subjectively what could be described as being spotless but objectively I notice the differences between Then and Now.

Many’s the time I say nothing but pick up a damp cloth and clean the kettle or the front of kitchen cabinets etc whilst they’re both dozing in front of the telly whilst something they really wanted to watch fills the room with pictures that are slightly blurred to them and sounds they can’t hear unless they’ve got their hearing aids in.

It used to get me down that I felt I had to do that but I don’t feel the same anymore. I do it quietly and don’t tell them. It just gets done. It’s a manifestation of the love I have for them and it’s honestly the least I can do.

6.2 this morning. Opera later. I need to buy one Easter Egg today. I might buy two and eat one myself.
Morning all.

They’re both feeling a creeping sense of their own mortality growing stronger and they’re becoming even more demonstrable with affection.

In the morning it was just me and dad in the kitchen for a while and he hugged me tight and welled up. Those are two things he rarely does. So I made sure I hugged him right back of course.

I encouraged him to talk about what he was feeling and what was behind the tears. He eventually said he’s aware of other friends just not being there any more and some of those who are still around are just so old and frail. He went on to say that he thinks their house is too big for them but that mum doesn’t. I think they’re both right.

They cope with the house, but it’s too big for them. There’s a level of cleanliness which has slipped. It’s still subjectively what could be described as being spotless but objectively I notice the differences between Then and Now.

Many’s the time I say nothing but pick up a damp cloth and clean the kettle or the front of kitchen cabinets etc whilst they’re both dozing in front of the telly whilst something they really wanted to watch fills the room with pictures that are slightly blurred to them and sounds they can’t hear unless they’ve got their hearing aids in.

It used to get me down that I felt I had to do that but I don’t feel the same anymore. I do it quietly and don’t tell them. It just gets done. It’s a manifestation of the love I have for them and it’s honestly the least I can do.
Very profound @ColinUK.

Throw in early but steadily increasing dementia and I found my inability to understand what help was needed and how that help could be provided in an effective way to be challenging and, in truth, depressing. We were 120 miles away so the journeys alone became long periods of contemplation in silence!
Changed my sensor early this time, did it yesterday evening rather than when it would have been - around 10am today (not a particularly convenient time on a typical Saturday). So it’s had a night to get itself sorted and has come up with a very reasonable 5.4 this morning. Meter is downstairs so I’ll have to do some comparison checks later now as I have just had my insulin for breakfast.

@ColinUK - I totally empathise with your comments about your parents. I have exactly the same with mine, even down to noticing how a few things are not quite as spotless in the house that they always used to be. Visiting them yesterday on Dad’s 94th birthday was a little sad in a way, as they are now both really feeling their age and although they manage without any help in their house, everything is much more of an effort for them and they tire quickly. Mum said she has had a rough week, feeling not quite well, but can’t put a finger on anything specifically, just a general feeling. It really must be hard when that sense of an ending approaches. We all know we are mortal, but realisation is a creeping thing and something that shouts louder the older you get.

Sorry, this is quite gloomy for such a lovely Easter Saturday. On a more cheerful note, we are visiting my wife’s nephew and family today in nearby Worcester for some lunch which will be lovely - maybe even a barbeque is on the cards!

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are doing.
Err Morning all! (He says somewhat embarrassed)
I am still alive and wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter
There are some very familiar names still on here, so perhaps one or two might remember me?
It's been an interesting year or two medically...
Prostate Cancer has a lot to answer for...

As far as my Hba1c goes, I am still scraping the bottom of remission although its a struggle trying to handle side effects of other medications!
Anyhoo, off to Spring Harvest at Minehead on Monday for a few days, it's a Christian conference where we take over Butlins in case you hadn't heard of it.
I am really looking forward too...
Oh yes, 6.3 this morning!
Take care everyone,
God bless you all,
4.6 for me this morning. 🙂 I wonder what it'll be tomorrow as I intend to indulge in a "little" Lindt Dark Chocolate tonight. :D

Err Morning all! (He says somewhat embarrassed)
I am still alive and wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter
Great to hear from you again Snowwy and I'm glad to hear you're a survivor. 🙂
And Happy Easter to you too.
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Good morning! 4'7.

Yesterday was reading and reacting to posts but didn't get around to write mine. Quite a few little things I wanted to mention!

The previous night had an actual hypo and treated with jelly chicks and jelly bunnies. Bunnies are from Haribo and I'm not convinced, prefer Maynard's or store brand JB.

Then in the morning got Easter treats from not one, but two customers. A small Cadbury chocolate egg filled Mini Eggs and some strawberry flavoured fudge. Excited about the egg, not so much about the fudge. Do you reckon I can use it as hypo treatment? If not I'd rather give it to someone else, have to be selective about my sweets.

Was lovely and sunny here as many of you reported.

Oh, and there was some trouble at work last night. One was an unexpected table of 9 coming few minutes before closing, there was some miscommunication about their booking and no one in restaurant or kitchen was best pleased. And then a table of 4, which was only 2 in the booking sheet, and managed to be rude to every member of staff except for me (and not because I'm special but I didn't have to go to their table after seating them). They were rude to our 16 year old waitress. They were rude to my Polish colleagues for the fact of being Polish...and they were not even English themselves!

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean English people are discriminating or that it would be justified if they were. But they don't have the bull***t excuse of "you are immigrants in MY country". Anyway they said they came all the way from London and it was the worst dinner they had in 15 years. My manager replied " standards in London are different" which I believe was his way of saying "stay in bloody London and don't come here ruining our night!".
And on a morning when you cannot see a hand in front of you outside I’m coming in at a 5.7 which I’m happy with after having two hot x buns for supper last night.
Good morning - 6.4
Morning all. I’ve had a lie in after waking at 4.15 and laid for almost two hours wide awake thinking about everything and nothing as you do! Then eventually dozed off. New sensor says 7.3 meter 5.9. I noticed yesterday it was reading a bit higher, I’ll give it a few days to sort itself out.

No big Easter weekend plans, I will be ironing the four sets of bedding I’ve washed this week.🙄 We’re going away next Saturday and I like everything washed and ironed, the house cleaned from top to bottom, and the fridges cleaned out. And I’ve to pack, not only clothes, but food. It’s very remote, one small store unless we go over to Mull on the ferry to the Coop! I will be batch cooking this coming week. This is why I can’t sleep!:rofl:

Re elderly parents, mine didn’t get to that stage. 52 and 71 when they died, but Mr Eggy’s mother is 86 this month so I do have an inkling of what you’re talking about. She has everything done for her. Cooking, cleaning, washing etc. she has just totally given up, although she isn’t disabled or has any illnesses, some mild dementia. I would hope if I live to a grand old age, I would be able to say I’d had a good and full life and had no regrets. And that’s exactly why I always say, getting older is better than the alternative. And on the note. Have a fabulous sunny day. 🙂

@Snowwy how lovely to hear from you and glad to hear you’re fighting fit now.