Group 7-day waking average?

6.3 for me this morning and a nice straight horizontal line in the 5s all night after one JB required just as I was going to sleep. Thought I would be OK to go to bed in the 5s with no evening Levemir on board (a -3.5unit adjustment for exercise) but Libre low alarm said not. Clearly the 1 JB was a perfect decision though and I am sure I could have been joining our other HS achievers this morning if Dawn hadn't made an appearance to scupper it. 🙄 I also had a Unicorn day yesterday. They seem to be common as muck these days as we all get better at keeping our levels between the lines. Maybe we need to rename it. Unfortunately mine has a gaping hole in it due to my sensor change over but I can assure you I didn't cheat during the down time. 😉 IMG_20230403_104912661.jpg

Congrats to @freesia and @MeeTooTeeTwo on your House Specials this morning.
Morning a 6.3 for me today.

Easter holiday and I’m enjoying my book, a pot of coffee and peace and quiet.

Have a good day all
I found a better house as the other one I found was in a bit of disrepair. This one is much better with 360 degrees ocean view. @freesia I hope you like it.

Been a busy day, but I did find time to get a reading this morning of 6.4. A little higher than I would prefer, probably due to having 3 days in a row of more carbs than usual.

In my absence the last few days I have not got around to telling my little cultural jaunt on Friday. My car was in for repairs so I was left with a few hours to hang out, and I went to see a morning showing of A Good Person at the cinema (first film I've seen at the cinema for a couple of years) which was really good (I did have tears in my eyes a couple of times). I really liked as well that it was a film where several of the main characters were black, but that was almost incidental and not a plot point. It's nice to see more exploration of telling general stories which can happen to anyone with non-white actors. Maybe there might have been a couple of cultural references which as a white non-American I missed but black Americans would have seen as speaking to them though.

I then went and had lunch out by myself at Chiquito. Reasonably low carb as I knew I would be having cake in the evening since my friend was coming for dinner. Which meant that I ordered something different than what I would have ordered if anticipating a low carb tea, and I was really pleased with my choices.
Good morning everyone.

Unpleasant nightmare before I woke this morning. Very very rare for me. I dreamed I was back at work at appraisal time and I was appraised by the one really bad, bad tempered, illogical, unreasonable, rather stupid, but very bad tempered manager that I had suffered many many years ago. I felt awful when I woke up. And oddly remembered the whole nightmare.

And not a place I want to be...

The interrogation (er, appraisal)...

The rest room...

The exercise yard...

Still...BG an excellent 4.7
BP elevated (not surprised)
Pulse 58

Today a tricky bit of an algorithm to sort out and a nice walk

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning folks. 7.4 here. 🙂

It’s day two of this year’s Cwrs Pasg / Easter Course for Welsh learners. We revised some useful stuff yesterday. A bit of a brain gym at times, eg the fourth century on fifteen (y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg) is how you say the nineteenth century LOL. I love a challenge!

More sunshine. Watch out weeds, I’m coming for you later!
Morning all. 5.7 on this cold, frosty but beautiful morning.

Had a lovely day yesterday with Zara, as it was such a gorgeous day ( sunny but with a chill) we borrowed daughter’s car and we had a trip out to a local tarn. There’s ducks, a tearoom, play area, a lovely path all the way round and a bird lookout. It was very busy as it’s the school hols but plenty of space. The only hiccup was the clouds of black flies. It was horrendous, they were in our hair, up our noses, in our eyes and mouths. Zara was shouting “ get away flies” at the top of her voice! 😳Everyone was covered in them, all you could see was people flapping their arms about. Anyhoo, we managed, had a cuppa and cake, ice cream for the little one and took lots of photos. What with all the Bank Holidays and our two week holiday, yesterday was our last Zara childcare day until 5th May. Of course we’ll see her between now and then, but we thought we’d go out with a bang. Still got the farmers’ children on Friday for a few hours and everyone for Easter Sunday dinner, then we’re free! Woohoo! 😛

Domestic stuff today. Well, it can’t always be tea rooms and playgrounds.

Congratulations the HSers yesterday. @freesia and @MeeTooTeeTwo, good work.

Have a fab day everyone. 🙂

Photo of Zara below. Cute as a button even when she’s covered in ice cream and back flies.


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Morning all, 4.7 here, but no dips into the red all night. Was expecting to be low overnight, after I did some heavy pruning yesterday afternoon and had to stop for the inevitable hypo, so had a bit of cheese and a cracker at bedtime, which seems to have done the trick.
Morning all. 4.9 this morning. No HS but i did manage a unicorn day yesterday.
1680591478069.png. No plans for today apart from meeting a friend for coffee later this afternoon, so a relaxing morning with my book it is.

@eggyg Zara is very cute, she's growing up so fast.
@42istheanswer i went to see A Good Person last week and enjoyed it, though it is a sad film.

Have a good day everyone. The sun is shining here, long may it continue.
Good morning. 4.9 and sunshine.🙂

Working on de-tufting Wolf yesterday.🙂 40kgs of miserably protesting dog is not good for the back so took a long time to get to sleep but surprisingly mobile this morning. No local dog groomer can do him until July so nothing for it but to sort out his coat myself. May go bankrupt from expenditure on gravy bones.

Have a good day everyone.
And it’s a happy 4.6 for me this gloriously sunny but frosty morning.
4.8 for me but 1 JB required around 2am I believe, when the Libre Alarm went off at 4.1. No evening Levemir again, so was reasonably confident 1 JB was enough. Oddly I too had lots of stressful and very weird dreams last night. I usually sleep really soundly when my levels are nice and low. Anyway, I too managed another Unicorn day yesterdayIMG_20230404_082203881.jpg
A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂
