Group 7-day waking average?

A disappointing 8.1 for me this morning. Went to bed on 6.8 and apparently had slowly drifted down to 4.1 at 4.17am when the Libre low alarm went off. Had just one JB since it was a very slow steady descent and headed back to sleep to then find my levels much higher than I would have expected when I woke up and that was despite a 1.5 Levemir increase last night. 🙄
I hit it with 7 units of insulin which is a lot for me I was going to go with 6 but decided to get heavy handed), but I am still in the 7s well over an hour later and still waiting to eat my breakfast. 😡 I am clearly having a significant visit from dawn and her sibling this morning for some unknown reason.
Pleased to report a brighter day here too and was also thinking about maybe getting some grass cut, but have manure to shift first and Ian wants a hand to drive a pair of horses out later, so may struggle to find time.
Morning all. 6.8. Its dull and grey here though i'm hoping the sun comes out as i set up a load of washing to do overnight ready to hang out as it said it was going to be sunny. That may be my level of activity today unless we go out for a walk later. Have a good day everyone.
6.1 today after amazingly winning at “Guess The Carbs” when out at our local Indian Restaurant with friends last night. Stayed around 6 overnight and back to a more reasonable 87% TIR in the last 24 hours, so pleased with that!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS, and a very appropriate converted church from @ColinUK on this Palm Sunday!

@TinaD - I know what you mean about plant nurseries and coming out with more than intended! Good luck with planting the trees, sounds lovely! Looking forward to the warmer weather when we can start replacing the plants we lost this winter thanks to the nasty week of -10s!

Have a good day everyone!
6.1 today after amazingly winning at “Guess The Carbs” when out at our local Indian Restaurant with friends last night
Well done! I never seem to get it right with indian or chinese food, always getting a large spike later. I hope you had a lovely night.
Well done! I never seem to get it right with indian or chinese food, always getting a large spike later. I hope you had a lovely night.
Thank you, had a lovely night with our friends! I’m amazed I got it right, just had some naan and no rice with the curry, guessed at 8U (which for me covers 64g carbs) and with the Cobra and fat it all seemed to balance out. I was really expecting to see a steady rise overnight but it was lovely and flat around 6 all night! Of course, if I do the same on another week I’m sure it won’t work out the same as per rule #1 of D :rofl:
Morning all. 9.0 at 5:30, but that's fine, as I was going for a bike ride. Now back warming up, it wasn't supposed to rain, but it did, and there was a cold northerly, still, great to be out.

This was the Warwickshire countryside in the drizzle

Normally you can see all the way to the Malverns from here, about 25 miles away.

Of course, as soon as I got home, the sun came out.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
Morning all and a 6.2 on a bright but chilly morning.

All excitement here. New sensor day but more importantly those lovely people at Chapter 22 records have put our new album online for pre order.

Have a good day everyone.
Around 8.45 this morning my reading was 4.8 after a late wake-up just for a change, but after a restless night finally getting to sleep about 4.30ish this morning.
Still got very grey skies here but very little wind just for a change and hopefully it will stay that way.
Anyway I don't plan to drink alcohol or stay too long. My legs and feet have enough!
Oops I did it again... Didn't stay long, that's true, but did have one drink. Still got a mild hypo at 9 am and have a light headache despite sleeping for 9ish hours. Sigh...

Waking reading 4'6. Going for a shower and some breakfast, maybe that's all I need to feel better.

Today is Palm Sunday and in Spain (at least in my region) is tradition to wear something new. Some years I had some nice clothes reserved for this day, some years just wore a new pair of socks! This year I totally forgot, just read it in my family chat group. I think the only new thing I have in the house is a Primark bra...that will do! 😛
Oops I did it again... Didn't stay long, that's true, but did have one drink. Still got a mild hypo at 9 am and have a light headache despite sleeping for 9ish hours. Sigh...

Waking reading 4'6. Going for a shower and some breakfast, maybe that's all I need to feel better.

Today is Palm Sunday and in Spain (at least in my region) is tradition to wear something new. Some years I had some nice clothes reserved for this day, some years just wore a new pair of socks! This year I totally forgot, just read it in my family chat group. I think the only new thing I have in the house is a Primark bra...that will do! 😛
We used to take olive branches with boiled sweets hanging from the twigs when going to the church. After the mass, the priest would also give sweets to the children.
Weird dream last night! I went to a party at a friend's house (Which seemed to have a big stream running through it) and at one one all these tablets came out and everyone started taking them - they were Metformin! I was running around telling people you don't need it.

Had the longest lie in I've had for over a year and woke up at 8:30 to find BG at 5.4.

Then I promptly forgot to take my minuscule dose of Metformin despite dreaming about!

Maybe my dream is trying to tell me that I should go with the GPs advice and stop it to 'see what happens'. Except I quite like seeing good fasting levels (By tea, it's usually good, better than morning levels) and have no idea how much of that is down to the Metformin.
6.1 today after amazingly winning at “Guess The Carbs” when out at our local Indian Restaurant with friends last night. Stayed around 6 overnight and back to a more reasonable 87% TIR in the last 24 hours, so pleased with that!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS, and a very appropriate converted church from @ColinUK on this Palm Sunday!

@TinaD - I know what you mean about plant nurseries and coming out with more than intended! Good luck with planting the trees, sounds lovely! Looking forward to the warmer weather when we can start replacing the plants we lost this winter thanks to the nasty week of -10s!

Have a good day everyone!
I came out with just what I intended which filled the boot. The problem is the things I spotted which, now the boot is emptied by my good neighbour, obviously necessitate a return visit or they will certainly haunt me and prevent sleep....

However today is a good day for skipping about (if the body would oblige) - I have found a part-time gardener!!! Struck me as a good bloke, asked my best chum who knows him well and had confirmation that he is a diamond. On his own admission may need a tad of help identifying weeds from plants but I have always fancied a supervisory role!
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Colin’s Cultural Corner!

Spain and the Hispanic World - Royal Academy


This exhibition is part of the collection of the Hispanic Society in New York.
Their home is undergoing renovation work so the contents are on a global tour.

Basically this is the collection of one man who decided he’d like to have a museum and thought Spain was an interesting subject to build one on. So he amassed vast amounts of material from mainland Spain as well as lots from areas that they colonised; both pre and post colonisation.

The exhibition doesn’t shy away from the violence inflicted upon the indigenous peoples by the invading forces whether they were conquistadors or Jesuits.

Some of the pieces are remarkable. This belt buckle stopped me in my tracks. IMG_0228.jpeg

And there’s a huge number of Goya and El Greco paintings some of which are breathtaking when seen in the flesh.


But my personal favourite items were the map of the Amazon created by indigenous folks and illustrated with fantastical beasts as well as naturalistic representations of various tribes people, the set of huge and hugely intricate door knockers, a series of four sculptures showing the soul after death and some stunning heads of Mary and Jesus.


Quite a lot of the paintings didn’t move me and I wonder if that’s a result of them being painted on copper or cardboard rather than canvas.

Also of note were the illustrated manuscripts. Some are Letters Patent but there were two Jewish bibles which were stunning.

In addition to the photos in this thread there are more in this album.