Group 7-day waking average?

@Lumpipdip metformin doesn’t work immediately. My understanding is that it’s a cumulative thing to reach a level in the body where it does what it does. Accordingly most waking numbers are waking numbers and not waking after taking meds. Also some would possibly take meds at other times than just mornings.
Good morning. 6.6.
Fool's Day unneeded by diabetics as our bodies seem to prove us mistaken every day. Was good yesterday, had a good night and the ruddy BG is up.

Weather: windy, wet, grey. Mood similar.

@ColinUK - Hope "vibes" travel well - lots of loving ones coming your way.

Hoping for a good weekend for everyone - "Bring me sunshine"...
Sorry to disappoint you @ColinUK Just missed it by a whisker again with 5.1. 🙂

Good morning - 7.4
Haven’t posted in this thread for a while but now I’ve cured my bgs…

6.3 this morning, though it’s heading upwards as body has sensed I’m awake. Had a headache all week and hoping that might disappear at some point today.

Going to someone’s house for tea tonight. Haven’t told them about the no gluten trial as felt awkward, so going to see how it affects me to have a little, depending what the food is. Have dietician on Thursday so I’ll talk through with her and maybe start to be more officially GF if she thinks worth trying too.

Think meal tonight is chicken based, with cakes for pudding but my contribution is strawberries and cream.
Good morning everyone.

@ColinUK Well, I had a 5.2 yesterday evening and a 5.4 this surely at least a part of a castle or some such minor abode please. 🙂

Just been out for 88 minutes walk on the beach...threatening rain every inch of the way, but it held off.

Yestetday, on my walk, I bumped into a black coated giant schnauzer, a lovely dog.

Today nothing much planned....yet...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good news in today's post. Quote: "Your test results show that you have no diabetic retinopathy" PHEW!! :D
Morning all, and it’s another happy 5.4 for me on another grey but dry day - I want sunshine!!
Good news in today's post. Quote: "Your test results show that you have no diabetic retinopathy" PHEW!! :D
Congratulations! I have just been out to check my post box and I have got one of those letters too! As you say... Phew!
I keep testing my finger bloods all morning hoping it's coming down. I'm just afraid to eat anything this morning. It's down to 10.1 at the moment since waking. Feeling so low at the moment. Have doctors Monday at 8am to check bloods and have a foot check.
Firstly, try testing before you get out of bed on a morning, as soon as you wake up as you may find this reading is appreciably lower. My BG used to rise by 5 or 6mmols on a morning after I got up, by the time I had got washed and dressed and having a coffee. Our liver starts pumping out glucose on a morning to give us energy to start the day. Sometimes it starts before we wake up but often it happens when you swing your legs out of bed and stand up. Eating something should signal to the liver to stop this process as you now have food to digest and release glucose, so with some people it can help to eat a low carb breakfast as soon as possible, or even just a snack like a few nuts or some cheese or cooked meat. Food hitting the stomach signals to the pancreas to release insulin and also messages to the liver to stop releasing that glucose as mentioned, so it can be counter productive for some people to skip breakfast. I would experiment with testing as soon as you wake up and also eating breakfast as soon as possible after getting up and see if you get better results.
Firstly, try testing before you get out of bed on a morning, as soon as you wake up as you may find this reading is appreciably lower. My BG used to rise by 5 or 6mmols on a morning after I got up, by the time I had got washed and dressed and having a coffee. Our liver starts pumping out glucose on a morning to give us energy to start the day. Sometimes it starts before we wake up but often it happens when you swing your legs out of bed and stand up. Eating something should signal to the liver to stop this process as you now have food to digest and release glucose, so with some people it can help to eat a low carb breakfast as soon as possible, or even just a snack like a few nuts or some cheese or cooked meat. Food hitting the stomach signals to the pancreas to release insulin and also messages to the liver to stop releasing that glucose as mentioned, so it can be counter productive for some people to skip breakfast. I would experiment with testing as soon as you wake up and also eating breakfast as soon as possible after getting up and see if you get better results.
Thankyou so much. My first reading of 13.1 this morning was just when I woke but was up and had taken my blood pressure medication with a small amount of no sugar Vimto squash as I cannot drink just plain water. After taking my blood I then took my 1000mg metformin
Morning all. 5.7 for me this morning. Postman just brought a letter from surgery. Must have stopped the phone calls now along with the face to face . It says hbA1c 45 kidney function is acceptable with a creatine of 108 umol/l and a eGFRvof 65 (got me beat )urine microalbumin 3.2; cholesterol level 3.6 .Good cholesterol HDL levels 1.6 now gonna have to find out what this medical talk means Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks