Group 7-day waking average?

@Robin That’s interesting.

I’ve been listening to a series of “lectures” on Apple Music Classical which charts the progression of classical musical from the baroque through to the present day. There’s also a couple out of sequence on medieval mice and something else I’ll get to when I get to it but it’s fascinating.
The host, who is editor/curator of Apple Music Classical, is passionate and has a very accessible way of communicating his passion and knowledge to the listener.
He takes key pieces by key composers and weaves stories around them which set them in context and allows you to hear the influence of one composer on another.
Today he even managed to whet my appetite about John Cage!
Good moaning! A grim 17.0 (average of 3 as meter iffy at these levels). Shot 10u and drinking tea at Olympic speed! :(

Looked OK at bedtime but effects of blowback hit in my sleep (good night for a change)! :(

Was a far better 8.7 before lunch! :( O ly had a very small potion of porridge for breakfast to line my stomach for pill popping! :rofl:
Don't tell me about it @Gwynn!!! My solution to the appointment, cancel appointment, reappointment shambles (all the letters come from Coventry even though the hospitals are in Lancashire) is a piece of paper in the front of my recipes file and a couple of coloured pens. Neither my brain nor my computer can keep up.
My other half sometimes has a guessing game as to whether the appointment is for gastro or urology consultant as it doesn't say and dates changed.

Awful day yesterday. Therapy was intense. 2 1/2 hours. I felt like I’d been through the wringer afterwards. The therapist is excellent though and I’m grateful that our paths have crossed because he’s helping me make sense of things.

I was so exhausted that I went to bed at stupid o’clock and couldn’t sleep so I’ve spent the night tossing and turning more than usual.

I’ll see if I feel like going to the gym later but other than that and another cultural excursion later today I might just watch mindless telly and veg out.
6.2 for me this morning.
Looks like it might be marginally brighter than yesterday, so will take that as a positive.

@ColinUK Sending (((HUGS))) because it is really all I can offer and you definitely sound like you need them.

Hope everyone has as good a weekend as they possibly can. More manure delivery for me as my text inbox is full of gardeners wanting it "yesterday"! Must be spring!
Good morning. I've had a unicorn day yesterday, a night in target and woke to a 5.5 🙂. A good start to the holidays. Housework to do today but first, maybe a little snooze seeing as i have not got nowhere to go. Have a good Saturday.
Can someone please get a HS as I’ve got loads of properties to get rid of!
And thank you for the hugs you wonderful people. It’s what is needed today.
As it’s a Saturday @Robin you can have a staircase for that one!

@ColinUK Didn't you already give that staircase to @eggyg .... or maybe it was @Robin who has previously been gifted it...
@ColinUK Didn't you already give that staircase to @eggyg .... or maybe it was @Robin who has previously been gifted it...
Similar maybe but not the same.

I’ve got others stored in a special case. It’s my stair case obviously.
Morning all. 5.9 and a fabulous straight line.

Looks a decent morning, cool but bright and it’s April! Woohoo! That means I can now say we’re going on holiday this month and it’s my birthday. Not sure that’s a good thing or not but it’s better then not having a birthday. At least we’ll be away in the beautiful Highlands to celebrate it so it won’t feel too bad.

The Farmers’ Children are coming today. Sleepover as mum and dad are going out for a meal to celebrate their birthdays. 29th March and 3rd April. They’re usually busy lambing this time of year so never get to do anything, but lambing for them isn’t starting until about the 10th of this month. Cupboards and fridges fully stocked up!

@ColinUK think a day of vegging out is in order. Hang on to those houses as I’m certain I’ll need a one shortly. 🙂

Have a good day all.
4.8 this morning.

Hoping for a better day, yesterday had loads of lows. Probably due to bits of activity I don’t normally have, plus starting the day low. Loads of rain yesterday afternoon and ended up having to run off some water from the pond which had flooded a bit on a couple of its sides. That involved diverting the pump to waste into a bucket then a trip from the bottom of the garden to the front driveway where there is a drain. Lost track of the number of bucket runs I did, but doing it quickly I guess amounted to a reasonable amount of exercise!

@ColinUK - sending hugs too! Take care of yourself today.

Not doing much this morning, friends around this afternoon which will be nice, although looking at the weather I think we’ll be driving to the pub rather than walking.

Have a good day everyone!