Group 7-day waking average?

Well I made it.

Honestly doubted I would today tbh but I’m here. My bum is firmly in my seat and this is my view….

Well I made it.

Honestly doubted I would today tbh but I’m here. My bum is firmly in my seat and this is my view….

View attachment 25095
No idea what that is. Opera, ballet, play? Either way, enjoy yourself and i look forward to the next installment of CCC.
Rude awakening of 4.1. Lots of alarms through out the night and the last few really (all checked not stupid libre) so I’m shattered. Thankfully it’s the holidays for me.

Not been on forum for a few days and 11 pages to glance through ooops. Must check each day !

Have a good afternoon
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Creature - English National Ballet

Sadlers Wells 1/4/23

Entering the auditorium all we can see is a curtain made of planks of rough hewn wood.


When that curtain went up we see a single dancer, the incomparable guest artist Jeffrey Cirio who is now with Boston Ballet, returned to the ENB to dance the role created for him by Akram Khan, is centre stage. He’s dimly lit as a voiceover starts.

It’s Nixon and his historic phone call to the astronauts on the moon in 1969. Cirio as Creature writhes and contorts himself as the audio clip is manipulated almost beyond recognition.

Creature is often highlighted in a shaft of light whilst we see that he’s in a huge wooden shed/prison/lab type thing.

Creature dances with Nurse.

They’re clearly compassionate with each other.

Doctor conducts experiments on Creature who, from reading the synopsis, is being tested in order to determine if he’s ready to be sent to the moon. The test this by dancing with him and having him pick up imaginary dust from the floor.

I know nothing about astronaut training or testing suitability for becoming an interstellar colonist but I’d wager it’s not often that it includes the ability to dance quite so elegantly as Creature does. More’s the pity I say.

Meanwhile it transpired that the whole experiment isn’t scientific but rather military. That’s indicated by the arrival of the Major.

Everyone kowtows to his brutish manner apart from Doctor, who may or may not be a benign person trapped in an unforgiving environment, and Nurse who displays tenderness towards Creature.

Moving on to act two and Creature is being readied for his mission. Everyone’s dancing to a highly altered version of Bolero. There’s sequential music mixed in with chords out of place all overlaid on the recognisable beat and melody of that famous tune. There’s no Torville and Dean moment though as Major makes a move on Nurse.

He violently sexually assaults her before anyone notices. Once they do notice then Creature goes in to a rage and Doctor comforts Nurse.

For reasons unclear Major then kills Nurse and scraps the entire mission ordering everyone to evacuate the base/lab/shed and get on the rocket to space.

At this point a big issue with the plot happens. If they’re all able to get in the rocket and head off to the stars and they’re not been through the testing that Creature has, then why put him through it?

Anyway Major and everyone else scarper and leave dead Nurse with Creature. He carries her in his arms and dances as the timber structure falls apart, presumably shaken by the rocket launch.

That begs another question. If this building was close enough to be shaken by the rocket launch, and as the building is made of wood, wouldn’t it also burn?

Plot holes aside this was a really powerful piece. The ballet corps are solid, the soloists forceful and Cirio just remarkable.


I should also add that I was close enough to spy a very handsome violinist!

Good night guys! Was 5'3 in the morning.

It's been a long long week at work. 60 hours and the manager had the audacity to ask me to do an extra 6 today, which I politely refused. Last night was pretty bad, nothing big happened but a bunch of little things, tense coworkers and a very unsatisfied customer all piled up in a day where I was too tired for that and I had to take a break and cry. Then all the well meaning colleagues and managers kept coming to check on me, trying to comfort, and not leaving the space I needed to calm down.

Today was much better. Managed to do most of the chores I had planned and also went for lunch with a friend. Worked just over 4 hours in the evening and it was a very easy and smooth shift. And tomorrow I'm finally off. So waiting for the same friend to go for a dance soon. I got a kind chef to make me some gnocchi for dinner so I should have a good carb base, after a full day of lowish BG. Anyway I don't plan to drink alcohol or stay too long. My legs and feet have enough!

@ColinUK I am tempted to go to a ballet next time 😉
Thankyou so much. My first reading of 13.1 this morning was just when I woke but was up and had taken my blood pressure medication with a small amount of no sugar Vimto squash as I cannot drink just plain water. After taking my blood I then took my 1000mg metformin
It looks as if your morning reading is what it is at the moment so you need to work on getting increases from your meals down and the morning readings will gradually start to come down. They are often the last to do so.
Use your monitor to test before you eat and after 2 hours and aim for the increase to be less than 2-3mmol/l, if it is more than that then your meals are too carb heavy.
Check your hands are not contaminated with any of the squash as that could affect the reading.
Good morning everyone

Tired this morning. Church later.

Very unhappy, not even a brick yesterday and I was so close... so this morning BG 5.2 yesss. I would really like a large palace please with a superb garden/forest and lake.

Fighting excel today, if I can be bothered. It seems to be playing up/got corrupted. Sigh.

Got a nasty blister on my foot from suddenly over exercising the other day. I will have to take it easier today. Sigh. I'm really not keen on pain!

Have a nice day today whatever you are doing.
@Gwynn Will something like this do? I know it’s not a palace but rather a converted church but it’s huge.



There are 8 bedrooms, a massive entertainment and leisure space in the basement with music studio, pool, gym, two one bed staff flats and it would be ideal for a retro fitted pipe organ.
6.9 for me this morning and off to the Royal Academy this morning for some Art.
Good morning. 5.1 - happy with that even if I missed a house. Also a few blue patches amongst the clouds.

Neighbour dropping over this morning to help extract 3 large trees from car boot and help me install them in large tubs. Never go to a plant nursery....

Have a lovely peaceful Sunday everyone.
Morning folks. 6.5.

Got up early to get some peace but, alas, the girls have followed me. The boys ( Mr Eggy and grandson) are still in the land of nod. If they’re not up in the next half hour lots of banging and clattering will ensue. We’re starving and need our full English!

Have a super, sunny Sunday. It’s a bit dull here but sunny intervals are forecast. Might get the grass cut all being well. 🙂

@Michael12421 I hope you’d had a lovely sugary breakfast and your numbers are on the rise now.
@TinaD I love playing plant and tree Jenga when you get back to the tiny car you’ve hired for the day and wonder how you can possibly fit those 6ft tall trees in it!
Good morning - 4.4
4.8 for me today. 🙂
