Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 4.6 for me today and that’s after going to bed on a 14.7 last night after eating three slices of homemade banana cake. Who’s a pig then.
Good morning everyone

Unusually for me I am in a state of total confusion... I have got several letters from the NHS that I didn't pay enough attention to. Appointments, rebooked appointments, cancelled appointments, some rebooked to the same day! I have no idea if I have an appointment today or not. My App says that I do, but I have no letter, or lost it. I will ring them up at 9am and hope for some clarity. Worse I forgot to get my bloods taken for todays (possible) appointment. Aghhh!

In the mean time

BG 4.4 very low for me
BP probably through the roof

If I do have an appointment then it will be a whole day to get to it and back. Not looking forward to today at all.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Don't tell me about it @Gwynn!!! My solution to the appointment, cancel appointment, reappointment shambles (all the letters come from Coventry even though the hospitals are in Lancashire) is a piece of paper in the front of my recipes file and a couple of coloured pens. Neither my brain nor my computer can keep up.
5.3 this morning after a much flatter night, thanks to a bedtime correction, which I always find a bit dicey to do as I can overdo it and end up spending the night in hypo, but this one actually worked ok!

Working again today and tomorrow, so back to regular breaks from the computer and stretching exercises for my shoulder.

@ColinUK - loved the CCC double bill today!

Have a good day everyone!
4.8 for me today. 🙂

Good morning all!
7.1 for me with a slight washing line sag on my overnight graph but still very happy with that. Three consecutive readings in the 7s with steady overnight levels is good in my eyes and I have had 2 unicorns on the trot, so things are much more stable, although I am back to needing more basal insulin to achieve it. (24 + 2 at the moment). Looks like another dull but not wet day on the cards. A bit of sun wouldn't go amiss but will settle for no rain.

@freesia I think you would manage so much better on Levemir so that you can adjust day and night separately.

@Lily123 If your levels are anything like mine, they are unstable on a morning and Libre isn't so accurate when levels are changing. I would keep an eye on it and do a comparison test later in the day when levels are nice and steady and see how it compares then. We always assume our finger prick BG is correct but it could have been a duff test strip. Abbott like you to provide 3 readings where the sensor is considerably out, so do collate that info before you ditch it.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Don't tell me about it @Gwynn!!! My solution to the appointment, cancel appointment, reappointment shambles (all the letters come from Coventry even though the hospitals are in Lancashire) is a piece of paper in the front of my recipes file and a couple of coloured pens. Neither my brain nor my computer can keep up.
Good old fashioned diary plus a chalk board in the kitchen. I like to see things in front of me and the very act of physically writing things down, whether it be an appointment or a shopping list, also helps me to remember.
Morning all. A rather tardy 5.7, I have had a lie in. I’ve not had even a half decent night for weeks now and end up getting up early as it’s purgatory just tossing and turning. It’s all caught up with me.

Just a day at home for me, I’m hoping to get some washing out, it’s dry, but like @rebrascora said, a bit of sun wouldn’t go amiss. Mr Eggy at a former colleague’s funeral this afternoon, only 68, no age at all.

@ColinUK I love a look around an art gallery but don’t have the much of a chance unfortunately. Occasionally our local museum has some exhibitions and we like to visit those, but my favourite ever was the Toulouse Lautrec gallery in Albi, France. Three hours we were in. Amazing. You’re very lucky having all that culture on your doorstep.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all.
Just rang the consultants secretary...they have no record of an appointment for today but do have two other appointments for June.

Great I can relax a bit

Except I have to start sorting out a room that has some damp damage. Oh well, onwards and upwards.

I don't know why but I feel incredibly stressed this morning. Never felt so stressed except when I had to go into hospital for a week of investigations for a brain tumour. That was a bit of a nightmare. Maybe its the thought of hospitals....

Thank you all for caring. Essentially, I am on my own and finding it harder and harder to cope (and cope with my wife with her own problems)

Still, it's not all bad, we still have some of my steak and kidney and potato pie for tea 🙂
@eggyg I’m incredibly aware that living within easy distance from some of the greatest art galleries and cultural institutions in the world is a very privileged position.

On the other hand you live within touching distance of some of the most spectacular scenery the world has to offer so it’s swings and roundabouts.

Anytime you fancy swapping for a week or so let me know!
Good morning all. 7.7 @ 8.20am but dunno if it counts as shot up out of bed and rushed out front to put the wheelie bin out as soon as I came awake. Why I remember the bin then and not the night before goodness knows. My nerves are shot now. :rofl:

LOL at the mice. 🙂 Did they have uniforms on?

I didn't know Paul O'Grady died? :( Aw no, I liked him.
@Ditto They were wearing full footman livery!

Forgot to mention that the Ugly’s danced with two men at the ball. One taller than the other. One clearly Wellington, the other Napoleon.
@eggyg I’m incredibly aware that living within easy distance from some of the greatest art galleries and cultural institutions in the world is a very privileged position.

On the other hand you live within touching distance of some of the most spectacular scenery the world has to offer so it’s swings and roundabouts.

Anytime you fancy swapping for a week or so let me know!
Very true.
Morning all - just pure misery as far as the weather is concerned!

12.4 this morning - same performance after dinner as the previous night. Was 5.9 before dinner, I had about 5 serving spoons of puy lentil, cherry tomato and aubergine stew topped with yoghurt and a sausage (2.5g carb). Followed by about 3 serving spoons plums stewed with dark brown sugar and cream. Bolused for 20g carb - 4u.
1 hr 20 mins later I had dropped to 4.1 with Libre alarm kicking off.

I really don't get it, why am I hypoing when I actually just bolus as I start to eat in the evening. Several Dextrose, a cereal bar and -30% temp basal for an hour and I was 6.8 before bed. It just kept going up. Had a restless night and then slept through the alarm by nearly 2 hours.

As @freesia and a couple of others have already said this morning, diabetes is a very confusing thing to deal with! Have now adjusted basals up from about 1am. With my old pump I could achieve flat lines, with this one having to adjust by 0.05u per period a minor tweak can be too much. We'll see.

@colin, a lovely CCC today - why do I always think of Cinderella as a Christmas thing? Probably all those childhood pantos!

Was supposed to head to St Austell to pick up my new specs from ASDA, but too late now...

Have a lovely Wednesday all.
Good afternoon! 6'7 this morning, after drinking a bit of juice for a low alarm at 3:30 am. Not bad. On previous nights I had a biscuit or small chocolate before bed but yesterday was a bit higher and thought I wouldn't need it. Now writing from a cupboard at work, waiting for the hordes to get their buffet lunch and having a little rest now, cause in a few minutes will have plenty of plates to clear. Have a good day 😉
And here’s another CCC!

Dogs: Portraits from Gainsborough to Hockney

Wallace Collection 29/3/23

Utterly charming and enlightening exhibition starting off with 2nd Century sculptures of greyhounds and segueing through Da Vinci’s study of paws before going on to Gainsborough, Stubbs, Hogarth, Freud and Hockney to name a few.

There are also sketches by Albert and by Victoria, a tiny stunning figure of Albert’s dog Cesar by Faberge and an assortment of stuffed dogs, including the first Pekingese taken from the Forbidden City in Peking and whisked away to London.

Photos are here! Woof!
And here’s another CCC!

Dogs: Portraits from Gainsborough to Hockney

Wallace Collection 29/3/23

Utterly charming and enlightening exhibition starting off with 2nd Century sculptures of greyhounds and segueing through Da Vinci’s study of paws before going on to Gainsborough, Stubbs, Hogarth, Freud and Hockney to name a few.

There are also sketches by Albert and by Victoria, a tiny stunning figure of Albert’s dog Cesar by Faberge and an assortment of stuffed dogs, including the first Pekingese taken from the Forbidden City in Peking and whisked away to London.

Photos are here! Woof!
Oh, I sent a review of that, that I saw in the paper, to my daughter this morning, she did 'Dogs and horses in Art' as her dissertation for her Illustration degree. I told her she was ten years ahead of her time!