Group 7-day waking average?

Not the best night for me after a very exertive day yesterday. Got in at 8pm and had a tub of chicken curry no rice or carbs. I was 4.4 and hoped/expected that the physical exercise I had done would deal with the protein release. Woke up at 3.30am hot and restless and needing the loo on 11.3 with an impressively flat line above range for the previous 4 hours. Jabbed 2.5 units Fiasp as no Levemir in my system and woke up 2 hours later with the low alarm going off at 4.1 and dropping, so had 2 JBs and went back to sleep and woke up another hour later with it on 4.1 and dropping again and needed another JB. It seems that my muscles don't want the glucose from protein without insulin but they will happily suck up the glucose from JBs. 🙄
Anyway, 4.2 for me when I eventually decided to get up. I have cut my daytime Levemir by 2 units as well, so I am 4 units total down on yesterday (-2 morning and -2 at night) and we will see how I get on. TIR has taken another big hit though :(
Good morning. BG 6.6 - had a very naughty amount of carbs yesterday.

Hectic morning - change from Sky to BT. Wretched modem thingie refused password after I had replaced all the beastly wires - half of which are behind a 2m x 1m (full) bookcase - managed not to end up under it. Instructions said "call for help if any problem" but of course no phone line either...Much bad language and faffing about until suddenly it decided to work - no idea why. Checked telephone line which thankfully had also decided to play being rather anxious to get call from GP

Just spoken to him - advice basically "keep on keeping on". Sending me a fresh GTN spray.

No joy on gardener yet. I shall have to re-advertise. Weather better than yesterday but still dreary. Going to chuck the GGs out whatever as need to do a 100% muck out rather than "lumps and soggy only". I wish the ruddy winter would end.

Hope everyone OK.
And it’s a happy 5.4 for me on another wet and windy morning.

I had my annual health checkup yesterday and I’m supposedly in quite good shape for my age.

Expecting a call from the doctor in the not to distant future regarding my cold feet problem, that should be interesting.

And finally I’ve got an appointment for my A1c blood test at my surgery instead of the hospital this time, result or what.
@eggyg a what theatre??! 😱
Hmm… not exactly. One minute you’re playing squash then the next minute you’re watching Tim Peake, after you’ve helped pull the rake down! :rofl:
I tell you what though, I worked there for nine years when the girls were young. It was the most diverse and the most interesting and enjoyable job I’ve ever had and I made lifelong friends. At least tonight I won’t be selling ice creams from an usherette’s tray slung round my neck or dishing out plastic cups of beer and G&Ts!
Forgot to post 6.6 this morning.

Off to the old office to return the laptop. Opera this evening. Akhenaten at the ENO. Looking forward to it with a certain amount of trepidation as I’m not too sure what to expect.

Saw the registrar the other day and he’s happy with progress. Next appointment in two months now instead of monthly and he’s encouraged me to go out for little walks without the ankle brace in just to see what that’s like.
Morning all and it was 5.6 for me.

Good rehearsal last night. We went a bit mad on the over dubs in the studio when recording the new album so we've had to resort to technology to play a few parts back live as we simply don't have enough arms and windpipes between us to play everything.

Got some snowdrops dividid which now need replanting.

Studio this evening to tweak some levels.

Have a good day everyone.
@Pattidevans The teacher didn’t say anything but just stared at me while I scanned Libre, I suppose they have to check it’s not a phone but even if it was, all I would be doing is scanning Libre (they’ve tried to confiscate my phone a couple times for scanning Libre but no one has yet tried confiscating the reader). I wouldn’t get away with saying that to a teacher (actually I’m not a troublemaker atall so I might). I had her again today and she said nothing but then Libre didn’t alarm
Still struggling to get over this flu thing, if its not one thing its another. chest still grotty, pleurisy somewhat chilling out though.
Have had more high alarms this week than in the past 6 months total.
Levels all over the place, anywhere from 6 to 18 so I'm wary to increase basal again (its already at +50% of my usual dose). Just a lot of firefighting with fast acting.
Its all a bit of a perfect storm with infection, fluid retention and lack of energy and something needs to give soon.
Afternoon all, late posting today. This morning i was 11.5 and had been out of target all night, probably due to the creamy sauce i made for the pasta last night. The alarm did wake me but i must have turned over and gone straight back to sleep. One more day until the holidays, i can't wait.

@Lily123 that wasn't a nice experience for you. Does the school have a pastoral team or do you have a health care plan? Maybe they could give a gentle reminder to your teachers. That way its not coming from you. I was only diagnosed a few years ago and i'm much older, but i freely scan when i need to at school. If my alarm goes off, the children might ask a question but mostly they carry on as if nothing is happening. I hope you get to the point where you are not made to feel uncomfortable by anyone.
@freesia I do normally just ignore it, like if it’s from someone else in the class being rude then I’m not going to say anything if they won’t listen. It’s the fact that it was from a teacher, an adult who should know better than that, and that’s why I had a problem with it. My health car plan doesn’t even mention Libre at all, it hasn’t been touched since before I joined Year 7.
I had this teacher again today and she was fine.
@freesia I do normally just ignore it, like if it’s from someone else in the class being rude then I’m not going to say anything if they won’t listen. It’s the fact that it was from a teacher, an adult who should know better than that, and that’s why I had a problem with it. My health car plan doesn’t even mention Libre at all, it hasn’t been touched since before I joined Year 7.
I had this teacher again today and she was fine.
I was under the impression that a HC plan needed to be looked at every year to take into account any changes. Is there a school nurse or your DSN who could sort it for you?
@freesia I mentioned it to my parents a few weeks ago and they said as nothing had changed then there was no reason (Libre needs to be on there but isn’t ) . All it says is that I need to be allowed to check BG and take insulin when I need to. Even the schools policy says all HCPs have to be reviewed annually but hasn’t happened
@freesia I mentioned it to my parents a few weeks ago and they said as nothing had changed then there was no reason (Libre needs to be on there but isn’t ) . All it says is that I need to be allowed to check BG and take insulin when I need to. Even the schools policy says all HCPs have to be reviewed annually but hasn’t happened
As a TA in school, we have to be aware, as well as the teachers, of any health issues and how to deal with things if needed. I would have thought that the HCP would also say you are allowed to have a snack or leave class to treat a hypo if needed but i may be wrong. All staff should be aware as well as any supply teachers who come into contact with you.
@freesia I’ll have a reread of it, I do leave class to treat a hypo/insulin (I know this goes against general advice but it’s what I prefer). I don’t think this would have stopped this situation from happening but may be a good thing to update it because of school trips and if I do get my phone confiscated for checking Libre (well the reader but I’m getting dexcom and that’ll be my phone) then I have something, in writing to back me up
@freesia I’ll have a reread of it, I do leave class to treat a hypo/insulin (I know this goes against general advice but it’s what I prefer). I don’t think this would have stopped this situation from happening but may be a good thing to update it because of school trips and if I do get my phone confiscated for checking Libre (well the reader but I’m getting dexcom and that’ll be my phone) then I have something, in writing to back me up
So do you leave the classroom to treat a low that isn't a hypo ie when Libre warns you that your levels are getting low or is your Libre alarm set below 4? Just asking because I have my Libre alarm set at 4.2 so that I can eat a JB or two to stop me going hypo? I am sure eating a JB or whatever your chosen hypo treatment is, is probably less disruptive than you getting up and leaving the room and would probably draw less attention.
Not being critical, but just trying to understand the situation.
I wonder if your teacher was just annoyed at the interruption and didn't realize until after they stared at you what the actual reason for the alarm was, and may then have felt awkward about it themselves and realized that their irritation was not appropriate, but it was just an instinctive response which they later regretted. It is always helpful to put yourself in the other person's shoes for a moment before you draw conclusions from their behaviour. I am sure that being a teacher is extremely stressful and more so in the current climate so a beep repeatedly going off and then an alarm might make you feel frustrated or irritated as you look up, only to realize too late, what it is and why it is going off..... assuming the teacher actually understands what it is.
@rebrascora I have my Libre alarm set at 4.0 when I’m at school - I have no problem leaving the classroom no matter the disruption- a few teachers just say to leave when I need too. I’m normally sat by the door for this reason.

True, looking at it from the teacher’s perspective does change things, it’s still the idea of staring at me until I asked to go to medical that was rude