Group 7-day waking average?

And here’s another CCC!

Dogs: Portraits from Gainsborough to Hockney

Wallace Collection 29/3/23

Utterly charming and enlightening exhibition starting off with 2nd Century sculptures of greyhounds and segueing through Da Vinci’s study of paws before going on to Gainsborough, Stubbs, Hogarth, Freud and Hockney to name a few.

There are also sketches by Albert and by Victoria, a tiny stunning figure of Albert’s dog Cesar by Faberge and an assortment of stuffed dogs, including the first Pekingese taken from the Forbidden City in Peking and whisked away to London.

Photos are here! Woof!
Love "study of a seated dog". Don't have an apple ID so couldn't make out name of artist.
Love "study of a seated dog". Don't have an apple ID so couldn't make out name of artist.
That’s Simon Vouet and dates from around 1632.
He was Louis XIII’s chief painter and this was found in a notebook of sketches of various courtiers.
It might be that the dog belongs to one of them however it’s also possible that it was one of his own as it bares a strong resemblance to a drawing known to be of one of his dogs.
And here’s another CCC!

Dogs: Portraits from Gainsborough to Hockney

Wallace Collection 29/3/23

Utterly charming and enlightening exhibition starting off with 2nd Century sculptures of greyhounds and segueing through Da Vinci’s study of paws before going on to Gainsborough, Stubbs, Hogarth, Freud and Hockney to name a few.

There are also sketches by Albert and by Victoria, a tiny stunning figure of Albert’s dog Cesar by Faberge and an assortment of stuffed dogs, including the first Pekingese taken from the Forbidden City in Peking and whisked away to London.

Photos are here! Woof!
Hmmm….now I love dogs, but portraits of dogs do nothing for me at all. I don’t care for portraits of people on the whole either. And don’t get me started on battle scenes! Anyone who has visited The Palace of Versailles will know what I mean. Or is it just me?
Think I’ll bypass that exhibition Colin.
Hmmm….now I love dogs, but portraits of dogs do nothing for me at all. I don’t care for portraits of people on the whole either. And don’t get me started on battle scenes! Anyone who has visited The Palace of Versailles will know what I mean. Or is it just me?
Think I’ll bypass that exhibition Colin.
I wasn’t sure about whether I’d like it or not but found it fascinating. Especially so was deciphering the messages conveyed by objects in the paintings besides the dogs.
Some were clearly allegorical, like Alexander meeting Diogenes for example and I always find I can examine Da Vinci sketches for hours and marvel at his astonishing talent.

But I’m definitely not a dog person.
That’s Simon Vouet and dates from around 1632.
He was Louis XIII’s chief painter and this was found in a notebook of sketches of various courtiers.
It might be that the dog belongs to one of them however it’s also possible that it was one of his own as it bares a strong resemblance to a drawing known to be of one of his dogs.
Thanks very much Colin. I'll have a web search about for his other works - looks as if I might enjoy them.
Good morning everyone.

Very dark out there, but it is 4am !!! 🙂

BG 5.5 ok fine with that
BP 115/73 ok fine with that
Pulse 55 ok fine with that

Today continue to dismantle the room with a damp problem. So much fun...not

Just for fun, here's a picture I created a while back called 'Mmmm, Vegetarians'

Mmm Vegatarians.jpg

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - 7.5

At school yesterday I was low 4s and stable during maths but I kept checking every so often in case it did start falling. I would have hoped the teacher would have managed to think “she’s scanning her arm, those beeps must be something to do with her diabetes”. When the alarm did go off she stopped her explanation of what we were doing and just stared at me! It took me ages to have the confidence to have the alarm on and then that happened.

Sorry rant over
Good morning! 5'8.

Yesterday at work I had a couple of conversations about my diabetes, prompted by people seeing me using my Libre reader. First my manager who is type 2 himself and knows about Libre, asking if I am type 1 or 2, on tablets or injections, and if I have to pay for the sensors. I feel we've had this same conversation a dozen of times, either his memory is short or my answers come in one ear and go out from the other :D

Later I "came out" as diabetic to an agency lady... which I regretted very soon. Not only she tried to explain diabetes to me (some info was quite correct but I already knew it), she started talking about Bad Big Pharma and how it would be better for me to take natural remedies instead of the tablets. She says I have to be type 2 because type 1 only appears in children, so she obviously knows what she's talking about 🙄 it was late, we had cutlery to finish and I didn't have the time, nor the motivation, to argue about this. I didn't even mention I'm on injections instead of tablets, felt it would get worse. So I was nodding and trying to get my job done as quickly as possible, and wishing she would shut up and help a bit more.

Now you know it guys, drop your insulin and take nettle tea instead!!

(Pls no one take this seriously)
Good morning - 7.5

At school yesterday I was low 4s and stable during maths but I kept checking every so often in case it did start falling. I would have hoped the teacher would have managed to think “she’s scanning her arm, those beeps must be something to do with her diabetes”. When the alarm did go off she stopped her explanation of what we were doing and just stared at me! It took me ages to have the confidence to have the alarm on and then that happened.

Sorry rant over
I'm sorry you had this uncomfortable moment at school. They shouldn't have a problem with your alarms. Just as an idea, do you have the option of keep them in vibration? I find that more discreet and still hear/feel it when I have the reader in my pocket. It even wakes me up at night but maybe is better to keep the sound on while you sleep. If you are using your phone instead there might be inconvenients to that, I can't tell as I only have the reader.

To be clear I'm not trying to say you shouldn't have the sound on, by any means. It's a device for your diabetes management and you should be able to use it in the way that makes you more safe. I prefer the silent option not so much for the alarm, but for the scanning. Don't like the beeps!
I'm sorry you had this uncomfortable moment at school. They shouldn't have a problem with your alarms. Just as an idea, do you have the option of keep them in vibration? I find that more discreet and still hear/feel it when I have the reader in my pocket. It even wakes me up at night but maybe is better to keep the sound on while you sleep. If you are using your phone instead there might be inconvenients to that, I can't tell as I only have the reader.

To be clear I'm not trying to say you shouldn't have the sound on, by any means. It's a device for your diabetes management and you should be able to use it in the way that makes you more safe. I prefer the silent option not so much for the alarm, but for the scanning. Don't like the beeps!
Thanks for your suggestions
I use the reader. I need sound turned on as I’ve tried the vibrate setting and couldn’t tell the alarm was going off
Morning all, 6.4 here. Was in double figures yesterday after 4 units and a low carb breakfast. Changed the cartridge, did a 2 unit correction and gently came back into the 5s. So definitely an insulin problem. Wonder what I did to it, it started off fine, and the replacement is from the same pack.
Morning folks. Joining @Robin on the 6.4 step.

Busy day today. Firstly, my second lunch out of the week. Three of my oldest friends, we worked together in the 80s and into the 90s in our local leisure centre cum theatre. Tonight Mr Eggy and I are going to the aforementioned leisure centre cum theatre to see Tim Peake! I know, I know, not really my cup of tea but I know @Gwynn would probably love it. The girls bought us the tickets for Christmas, mostly for their dad I suspect, but he did trail along with me to see Strictly when they bought us tickets for that a few years ago. I will go with an open mind and hope I don’t nod off. 🙄

Have a good day all. It’s raining here, just for a change. NOT! :(
4.3 for me today. 🙂

I've taken a few days off (Holiday from last year that needs to be taken before the end of March) but appear to have come down with a cold, so I woke up last night coughing and struggled to get back to sleep. I was expected a high reading, but it was a perfectly normal 5.4 after I got up (Having slept through the wife's alarm.) feeling a bit rough.
5.0 today for me, not bad given a case of the munchies last night and a Lindt chocolate bunny from Valentines that was just sitting asking me to eat it! :rofl: Must have done the bolus right as the overnight graph shows no highs above range and a steady drop down to this morning’s 5.

Another day off work today using up my annual leave before the end of the month and a chance to rest the shoulder some more. It has been ok Monday and yesterday working all day and not aching even after a day of work. I do still take plenty of breaks to do stretching exercises that the physio gave me, so along with the naproxen things are starting to work!

@Lily123 - sorry to read of your experience in class, you would have hoped that the teacher would be more understanding and not draw attention or make anything of it. I’ve only had T1 as an adult so I can only imagine what it must be like at a younger age. All I can say is that it does get better and you definitely reach a point when you stop caring what others think and ignore them. Do what you need for your own health - take care.

@Elenka_HM - so, nettle tea instead of insulin then! :rofl: It’s frightening how much ignorance and misinformation is out there! I’ve had the “take insulin if you are hypo” one - unbelievable!

Have a good Thursday everyone, whatever you are doing.
Morning all - slight improvement today - it's not actually raining.

4.7 this morning with a flat line. Fingers crossed - hopefully the basal tweaking I did is working.

@Lily123 did the teacher actually say anything? I'd be inclined to have a private word with her and ask her if she prefers the alarm or would prefer you to pass out, which would disrupt the class a lot more. Then again, that might not be easy for you, but she does need to be put right.

@Elenka_HM it's insulting when people who do not have diabetes start telling you how it works. My come back these days is to smile, say "are you diabetic too?" and when you get the answer just ask politely "so how come you know more about it than I do?" Mind you, I've had it from so called HCPs who should know better in the past...

Out for lunch today, then on to the cinema to see "Halleluja" which I believe is very funny.

Have a nice day all..