Group 7-day waking average?

Hey all 10.3 and rising. Went to bed with active insulin and expected a wee bit more of an effect than I got. Corrections already in and will get it back into the green 🙂

Hope you all have a fantastic Friday x

@Gwynn if you’re hovering around the magic number for so long without getting a house I’m sure we can give you a yurt or something for shelter. Wouldn’t do to see you homeless!
Good morning - 5.4
You’ve been wondering after yesterday when I mentioned I’d be rocking out in my corner…

Wonder no more!

Colin’s Cultural Corner
Bat Out of Hell - Peacock Theatre 2/3/23

So first things first I’ve owned many a Meat Loaf cd over the years and my iTunes still throws up the odd bit of rock every now and then. I’ve also seen many things with wafer thin plots. This makes the thinnest of those seem like Proust.

But this isn’t about the plot, this is about the Rock! Or so I’d assume.

Anyway I’ll start at the beginning with a plot summary for your enjoyment. Boy meets Girl whilst Boy and friends are rioting against the tyrannical rule of Girl’s dad. They are also singing.

Boy happens to have had his DNA frozen at age 18 so he doesn’t age anymore. Like Peter Pan he won’t grow up.

Boy and friends are in a gang called “The Lost”. One is named Tink. Others are named irrelevant things.

Girl is 17 and doesn’t dream because her parents give her pills to stop dreams (no idea why as that’s never explained).

Girl’s mum explains (through song) that there was a chemical war and an earthquake 25 years ago which caused the DNA freezing thing to occur and forced the underclass to live in tunnels under the city.

Next day Tink falls off his bike and tries to kiss Boy. But Boy is in love with Girl already so rebuffs those advances. They sing.

Also worth noting Tink’s DNA has frozen at about age 14 rather than the usual 18. Again I’ve no idea why as it’s not explained. Not much really is to be honest.

Next day it’s Girl’s birthday! Woop! There’s gifts and cake and a song which I can’t distinguish from any of the others really.

Girl declares love for Boy and tells tyrannical Dad and Mum that she’s going to find The Lost and marry Boy.

Mum and tyrannical Dad sing Paradise by the Dashboard Light on a car which was previously the table they were holding birthday celebrations at.

Their performance disgusts Girl who goes back to her room. Their performance wasn’t that bad and I’m happy saying that this is a complete overreaction by Girl.

Boy sneaks into home of Evil Ruler to seduce underage Girl who responds enthusiastically which is very odd as he tries chatting her up by asking her if on a hot summer night she would offer her throat to the wolf with the red roses.

Girl agrees to go with Boy. Tyrannical dad comes home (after sending private militia to raid Boy’s home).
They escape.
On a motorbike.

Boy rides like a bat out of hell but girl changes her mind and jumps off to return to home.

Boy continues going like a bat out of hell but crashes his bike. Tink discovers his body…

Girl, upon finding Tyrannical Dad holding Boy’s bloodied shirt sings a really rather good ballad before being taken by a Lost, who’s secretly working as her maid, to The Safe Space to be reunited with Boy.

According to the notes I’ve seen the script actually says the Safe Space is the attic of the Natural History Museum. The set design features broken roads, lots of rocks, a sewage outflow pipe so not exactly what kind of museum they settled on.

Ooh! Key plot point! Tink was hiding in the room where Girl sings ballad and after she’s left goes insane with rage and stabs her bed. This can’t end well…

Anyway Boy and Girl get married. Tink tells Tyrannical Dad where they are. TD attacks them but for some reason ends up singing with them and they all live happily ever after.

Apart from Tink who dies.

Between the Wedding and Tink dying there’s other things going on as that takes place over six months. I’ve no real idea what was going on as all the songs sound the same.

Most of the costumes are that 80s idea of dystopian so are a combination of American football shoulder pads over leather jackets with leather fetish harness underneath for the Lost Boys and for the Lost Girls a combo of very high heeled boots, stockings, short skirts, skimpy tops.
The costume choices and over amplified songs clearly appealed to the majority of the audience who were on their feet during the sung curtain call and were whooping from enjoyment. I applauded the energy of the cast but it wasn’t for me.

It’s my first ever juke box musical. Honestly I couldn’t really see the attraction. Seats were very comfortable though.
Good morning 6.6 today
looks like I’ve missed a few days postings,oops
now there’s pages loads of pages to look through on here
hope everybody’s ok,

I’ve just been busy with work with the end of month,

have a great day everyone 😎
Morning 6.8. Friday or thankgod day.

Have a good day I am soooooooo tired. Just 4 more weeks to the Easter break. I think I live my life by the next break !
Morning all. 5.3, dash! But did achieve a unicorn day.🙂

Zara day today, it’s nice to be back to normal with the child care routine. Lots of free time this week, we actually ended up walking 6.5 miles yesterday. Ankle throbbed a bit through the night, painkillers taken at 2.30, but seems fine now. Another decent walk today, chemist, park, Aldi. Got to take the opportunity to go to Aldi when we’ve got the buggy, we can put the heavy things in the bottom.

@ColinUK hmmm…not sure that would be my type of show, TBF I’m not a musicals fan. So please don’t ever invite me to one. I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that! 😛

Have a fab Friday folks. 🙂
Better safe than sorry @Elenka_HM IMHO - you deserve a break! It’d be a shame to ruin a perfect weekend away. 🙂
You are probably right. I'm sure I won't need the spare, but knowing myself, if I don't take it I'd be worried about it and there is no need for that!
@eggyg it was a comp ticket. That’s the only reason I went.

I’m not sure if I got value for money.
Good morning! 5'8 today still in bed, 6'5 when I was dressed and ready for breakfast.

Plans for today: work, pack my bag for tomorrow, more work, wash my hair and try to get a decent sleep 🙂

I have a pack of M&S cheesy hot cross buns. Well...there is one left now. Tried them last year and really enjoy them, they are not keto but around half the carbs of the traditional sweet ones and more to my taste. Work well filled with cold meats or more cheese, and even better toasted and buttered!
Good morning. I got my first monitor yesterday and did my first finger prick last night.
After 5 errors I managed my first reading, which was 10. Not thrilled!
I woke this morning and it’s a 9.5. I’m not taking meds, trying hard to do this with diet and excercise. I ate out yesterday lunchtime, so I had difficulty measuring carbs, but I thought I had made good choices. Just had a small lump of cheese and a Ryvita last night.
I’m feeling worried about how to manage this. I’m hungry now, but worried about eating anything.
I know 9.5 is too high, but how should I proceed?
Advise please
There are lots of threads about what to eat @Ukkate1 so have a look around the forum, using the search facility. Or, even better, start your own thread - on the General Message board. That way you can get answers tailored to your specific questions. 🙂
Lots of 5.1s and 5.3s and 4s around lately and as the weather’s about to get a bit colder and I’m feeling generous I’ve got a few of these to dole out…

Happy Friday! 5.2 !!


M&S cheesy hot cross buns
Just no. :rofl: Sorry, for me hot cross buns have to be the traditional fruit and cinnamon ones. I would accept toasted with butter, but cold meats?!:rofl:

@ColinUK - another brilliant CCC! Read it whilst having breakfast and had a good chuckle. Reminded me a bit of “We Will Rock You” in terms of how a plot is patched together to incorporate the songs. Enjoyed the music to that but it’s not really a coherent plot.

More resting planned for today, I’m planning to be back at work on Monday so I want to get the shoulder in as good a state as I can before then. Chiropractor this afternoon for some more laser on the joint to ease things a bit. Pleased to say that I’m now off all pain killers and just on the naproxen, so it is definitely healing a bit.

Have a great Friday everyone!