Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. The magic 5.2 for me this morning. Strange day yesterday from mid afternoon till 2 am glucose levels shot up 14 at one stage after 3 correction doses. Started to come down very slowly. Hadn't eaten anything that would have affected it . See what today brings. Have a good day folks
Morning all. The magic 5.2 for me this morning. Strange day yesterday from mid afternoon till 2 am glucose levels shot up 14 at one stage after 3 correction doses. Started to come down very slowly. Hadn't eaten anything that would have affected it . See what today brings. Have a good day folks
Many congratulations on the HS.
I have had that happen a couple of times recently after lunch. Low carb meal with a generous bolus but levels have just headed upwards and stayed there and needed 3 stacked corrections to bring it down and even then, it hasn't crashed but just slowly drifted back down. Diabetes is weird.... and contrary!
Morning all - odd day, cold with some blue and quite a lot of thin white cloud. Met office forecasts 9C tops, which is not bad - it was blooming freezing yesterday and I got well chilled waiting 15 minutes for the bus that was 10 mins late, as there was a nasty wind whipping round the bus stop.

CONGRATULATIONS @eggyg @Bloden and @Colin g on your HSs. Some super houses today, I particularly like the French house on what's left of a bridge! Though I'd have any of the Chateaux, even if they are likely to have stone floors and be draughty.

6.3 this morning and thankfully no alarms waking me at all.

Not a lot on today except a quick trip to Tesco to top up veg and I think I will make some broccoli and stilton soup for lunch tomorrow. Pork Hock for dinner (thanks to Lidl Alpine week) with leftover gratin spuds and some sauteed courgettes maybe.

Have a lovely Thursday!
Congratulations @eggyg @Bloden and @Colin g on those beautiful house specials.

Paperwork and meeting day for me today. One of my least favourite forms of paperwork mostly (Review Health Assessment for a child in care) , taking a break to check here halfway through! At least the one today is a fairly straight forward one. Best get on and finish it then I can concentrate on all the rest of the paperwork with a clear conscience :rofl:
Congrats to @Bloden @eggyg and @Colin g on the HS.

@Bloden sorry, you really don't want a photo :rofl: . Just picture a short, round woman with a curly grey wig, eye mask, pearls, stripey tee shirt and a swag bag (carrying my diabetes stuff). I've been asked if its my real hair by some kids!! Do they really think i wear a brown straight wig every day?:rofl:
Good afternoon everyone! Had another 6 to start the day.

I'm going away for the weekend and trying to decide if I need to bring a spare Levemir pen. It's only a couple of hours away from home so don't know if I should apply the "travel" rules. My current one is half full and don't want to take another one out of the fridge and maybe have it going to waste, because I'm sure I won't finish both pens in one month with the dose I take. I already have to put in the bin a handful of Novorapid cartridges that are past the use by date, and don't want to waste even more insulin!
Afternoon all. 🙂 7.01 @ 8.23am after an unexplicable throwback piggy day yesterday. I have no idea why. Lost control totally. Made myself feel quite ill. 6.4 @ 9.10am yesterday pre-pigout.

Have a good day all 🙂
Good afternoon everyone! Had another 6 to start the day.

I'm going away for the weekend and trying to decide if I need to bring a spare Levemir pen. It's only a couple of hours away from home so don't know if I should apply the "travel" rules. My current one is half full and don't want to take another one out of the fridge and maybe have it going to waste, because I'm sure I won't finish both pens in one month with the dose I take. I already have to put in the bin a handful of Novorapid cartridges that are past the use by date, and don't want to waste even more insulin!
Levemir lasts six weeks out of the fridge. I take double of everything wherever I go even if it’s only an hour down the road.
Ah, I thought you had a horse! 🙂
@Robin is the horse rider. I have never ridden a horse, as far as I can tell.

It is interesting our perception of words. If I hear someone talk about riding my first thought is of a bicycle ride, but I guess that's just because I ride a bicycle often.

The day stayed reasonably nice, if a bit cool. I did manage a ride, 13.5 miles along the lanes south of Worcester, past Croome Court, the radiotelescope antenna at Defford and back. Ready for the afternoon meetings.
Good afternoon everyone! Had another 6 to start the day.

I'm going away for the weekend and trying to decide if I need to bring a spare Levemir pen. It's only a couple of hours away from home so don't know if I should apply the "travel" rules. My current one is half full and don't want to take another one out of the fridge and maybe have it going to waste, because I'm sure I won't finish both pens in one month with the dose I take. I already have to put in the bin a handful of Novorapid cartridges that are past the use by date, and don't want to waste even more insulin!
Can you not put the spare Levemir pen in the fridge when you get there so that it isn't spoiling and then return it to your fridge when you get home. Short periods unrefrigerated will not do it any harm. Oh and don't forget and leave it in the minibar when you leave!! Or you could just keep it in a Frio pouch for a couple of days.
Personally I would continue to use the NR past the 4 week stated period of use. The worst that will happen is that it starts to become a bit less effective and you may need a little bit more than normal beyond the 4 weeks and you would have to remember to go back to normal amounts/ratios when you start the next cartridge/pen or you might hypo. I probably wouldn't use it past maybe 8 weeks out of the fridge, but I can't envisage a situation when I could make it last that long. That is just my take on it though. You do what you feel comfortable with.
Can you not put the spare Levemir pen in the fridge when you get there so that it isn't spoiling and then return it to your fridge when you get home. Short periods unrefrigerated will not do it any harm. Oh and don't forget and leave it in the minibar when you leave!! Or you could just keep it in a Frio pouch for a couple of days.
Personally I would continue to use the NR past the 4 week stated period of use. The worst that will happen is that it starts to become a bit less effective and you may need a little bit more than normal beyond the 4 weeks and you would have to remember to go back to normal amounts/ratios when you start the next cartridge/pen or you might hypo. I probably wouldn't use it past maybe 8 weeks out of the fridge, but I can't envisage a situation when I could make it last that long. That is just my take on it though. You do what you feel comfortable with.
I was thinking about the fridge and the Frio Wallet: take it in the Frio for the trip and put it in the fridge when I arrive, if there is a fridge available.

About the Novorapid, I didn't mean the cartridges are more than 4 weeks out of the fridge, I mean it's past the expiration date stated in the box. I wouldn't feel comfortable using them after this date and is not likely I'll use them up shortly. Is the issue with using fast acting only once in a blue moon.
I swear sometimes I think I'm not type 1. This honeymoon thing seems to be lasting very long, not complaining tho, it makes my life easier. I'm tempted to try and skip my basal one day and see what happens (might not be a sensible idea). Then I remember in my holiday in Spain eating more carbs and moving less I had bigger spikes and stayed over 10 for hours, so it doesn't look like I'm miraculously cured. Maybe the amount of walking I'm doing in my daily life here has a huge impact on levels...
Good morning everyone. Been up since 3am!! Bright and breezy. Always been an early riser.

Seems a tad cooler this morning.

BG 5.1 dancing around that illusive number. I will be homeless if I don't get an HS soon.
Pulse 53 nice and low
BP 122/78 ok

A surprise shopping delivery this evening. Should please my wife. 🙂

A walk with my friend on the beach this afternoon.

Sorting out food supplements this early morning.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing