Group 7-day waking average?

Well done @Eternal422 on that 5.2. 🙂
4.6 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. Quite nippy out. Had to go out for cat food, KatTheCat point blank refused the Felix. 🙄

6.7 @ 7.46am despite all the rubbish.
Morning all. Quite nippy out. Had to go out for cat food, KatTheCat point blank refused the Felix. 🙄

6.7 @ 7.46am despite all the rubbish.
My two always used to go on hunger strike if I dared give them that!
I know 9.5 is too high, but how should I proceed?
Advise please
Hey, make a thread in general asking where to go from here, this is a busy thread and your questions may get overlooked so a new thread would be better to get more eyeballs on it for advice. Don't forget to post as much info as possible (meds, readings, how long diagnosed, last hba1c if known).
@gll busy and prone to rambling off topic somewhat. No idea why :rofl:
Morning all. Sunny with blue skies right now, but forecast to cloud over soon and be that lovely ever popular GREY!

4.3 at 8:15. I inadvisedly had a Dextrose and a stem ginger cookie, so it's now 9.8. There is definitely something wrong. Last night I couldn't face dinner, but had about half a mug of Broccoli and Stilton soup and a small slice of buttered bread with no insulin at all. I then struggled to stay out of hypo territory, despite having reduced basal to next to nothing from 8pm. If this continues I'm going to have to ask to see the DSN who I don't have an appointment with until August.

Friend coming over and we'll either have a pub lunch and a walk or I can offer some soup and fruit.

Congratulations to @Eternal422 !

Have a good Friday all.
Good morning. I got my first monitor yesterday and did my first finger prick last night.
After 5 errors I managed my first reading, which was 10. Not thrilled!
I woke this morning and it’s a 9.5. I’m not taking meds, trying hard to do this with diet and excercise. I ate out yesterday lunchtime, so I had difficulty measuring carbs, but I thought I had made good choices. Just had a small lump of cheese and a Ryvita last night.
I’m feeling worried about how to manage this. I’m hungry now, but worried about eating anything.
I know 9.5 is too high, but how should I proceed?
Advise please
Early days with your monitor, keep some good records of when you test, the result, what you have eaten. Morning readings are often the last to show a reduction. Tackling your meals is a good start, test before you eat and after 2 hours, you are aiming for an increase of no more than 2-3mmol/l, if more then your meal is too carb heavy so look to reducing the portion of anything high carb and have extra veg or salad. If there is still a bigger increase you may have to give that food a miss.
Eating out can be tricky as you don't know what has been added that is not obvious.
You can really only make a judgement on a meal by testing before and 2 hours after.
And it was a 5.4 for me at 8.15 this morning.

Picked up my new specs yesterday and wow, I can now see properly again.....
Morning, just

7.4 when I woke up, only my 2nd full week back at work, and feel like crying today, but I am not going to let them drag me back down, if other people can’t do their work correctly, I am not going to be picking up the slack.

@Eternal422 - congratulations on your HS, and [USER=3410]@eggyg on yesterday’s.

I’ll be back to read all your posts later including CCC, just needed to distract myself for a couple of minutes before I ended up sending an email with swearing in it. At least it is almost the weekend and hubby’s weekend off.
Morning all. 6.2 for me this morning. Dropped my bolus from 34 to 33 on Wednesday. Wait for it to kick in See if I can stop the night time hypos Hope everyone is doing well ❤️‍
Snap! It was a 6.2 for me this morning too. Needed a 1 unit correction at bedtime on top of another an hour earlier and 2 units of Levemir but that seems to have produced an ideal result overnight.

Congrats to @Eternal422 on another House Special. Well done!
Good morning. I got my first monitor yesterday and did my first finger prick last night.
After 5 errors I managed my first reading, which was 10. Not thrilled!
I woke this morning and it’s a 9.5. I’m not taking meds, trying hard to do this with diet and excercise. I ate out yesterday lunchtime, so I had difficulty measuring carbs, but I thought I had made good choices. Just had a small lump of cheese and a Ryvita last night.
I’m feeling worried about how to manage this. I’m hungry now, but worried about eating anything.
I know 9.5 is too high, but how should I proceed?
Advise please
Welcome to the thread and the world of BG testing! Try not to be too concerned or disheartened about your first readings. You are diabetic after all, so you can't expect normal results.... at least at this stage. I am guessing that your HbA1c was quite high, so it will take time to bring levels down and waking readings are usually the last to show progress.
Don't be frightened of food. You need it to live! Diabetes is all about finding balance and it takes time to find a balance that works for every individual because we are all different. So pleased you have invested in a G meter as that will help you to find the balance for your body, but it is a question of trial and improvement via the testing regime @Leadinglights has mentioned. Gradually you will find which foods are your nemesis and which you can get away with and in what portion size but diabetes is fickle and sometimes it takes 2 or 3 readings on the same meal to form a clear opinion because many other factors affect BG levels than just food, including stress, how well or poorly you slept, exercise and even time of the year and ambient temperature and of course hormones.
When did you do your test this morning? Was it whilst you were still in bed or after you had got up and been to the loo and got washed and dressed etc? If the latter, then try testing before you get out of bed tomorrow and you may well find you get a better reading. My levels can rise by as much as 4-6mmols in that half hour after getting up and before I have breakfast due to the release of glucose by my liver. This is to give me energy to start the day, but as a diabetic, my body doesn't produce enough insulin to deal with it so my BG rises. Some people find that the liver starts releasing glucose before they wake up.... sometimes as early as 3am which is referred to as Dawn Phenomenon (DP) or the later release when you get out of bed is known as Foot on the Floor (FOTF). Do some experimenting with when you test on a morning and see what your body is doing. Sometimes eating a small low carb snack like a piece of cheese or some nuts when you wake up will help to stop this rise in BG because eating is supposed to switch off the liver from releasing glucose, but with diabetes, particularly if you have visceral fat in and around your liver and pancreas, the signaling mechanisms get a bit slow or confused and don't work so well, but hopefully losing some weight and improving your diet will slowly enable those functions to return to normal... but you can't expect it to happen overnight. Slow steady improvement over weeks and months is what you are aiming for.
if other people can’t do their work correctly, I am not going to be picking up the slack.
I have the same problem with my work and have finally decided to take this approach as trying to pick up the slack was making me stress and feel bad about it all. It’s definitely not worth making yourself ill over other people’s lack of commitment, etc.
Second session with the new therapist this morning.
We’re still on the very preliminary stages and haven’t actually started the Therapy yet. It’s still tough. There were tears. It’ll get tougher.

The main issue for me isn’t the tears etc but it’s the tendency to comfort eat after stressful experiences. I must resist!

Oh and I heard back from work yesterday asking for their Chromebook back. So that’s that.
Not even a hint of admission that they dropped the ball on communication with me which peeved me a little.

They’ve said not to travel to the office in order to drop off the lappie but rather suggesting I should contact Ben, the ex-MD who was a friend but who’s been maintaining radio silence since late September, and arrange a time to meet up, hang out, give it back.

I’ve requested that he’s asked to contact me. I doubt he will.

It did leave me a bit with a bruised ego yesterday even though I was pushing for this answer and it doesn’t impact me financially at all. Still feels like a slap though.

And to compensate a bag of giant chocolate buttons found their way into my gob last night.

C’est la vie!