Group 7-day waking average?

Just no. :rofl: Sorry, for me hot cross buns have to be the traditional fruit and cinnamon ones. I would accept toasted with butter, but cold meats?!:rofl:
I mean, I understand...I wouldn't put smoked sausage in a raisin and cinnamon bun either. That been said I've seen stranger combinations, there are twisted minds out there :D
Raisin and cinnamon would probably go well with pork/sausage actually :confused:

My hot cross bun "naughtiness" this past week was gradually eating a giant hot cross boule from Asda - not as sweet as a standard hot cross bun, but a lovely bread, and half an M&S chocolate one at church home group on Monday evening. I was planning to not have any more hot cross bun related things until nearer Easter but now I'm tempted to investigate the cheesy hot cross buns @Elenka_HM ...

Worked a few extra hours today. About to have my tea, then it's baking time to make cakes (including some lower carb ones) for a meet up tomorrow
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Snap! It was a 6.2 for me this morning too. Needed a 1 unit correction at bedtime on top of another an hour earlier and 2 units of Levemir but that seems to have produced an ideal result overnight.

Congrats to @Eternal422 on another House Special. Well done!

Welcome to the thread and the world of BG testing! Try not to be too concerned or disheartened about your first readings. You are diabetic after all, so you can't expect normal results.... at least at this stage. I am guessing that your HbA1c was quite high, so it will take time to bring levels down and waking readings are usually the last to show progress.
Don't be frightened of food. You need it to live! Diabetes is all about finding balance and it takes time to find a balance that works for every individual because we are all different. So pleased you have invested in a G meter as that will help you to find the balance for your body, but it is a question of trial and improvement via the testing regime @Leadinglights has mentioned. Gradually you will find which foods are your nemesis and which you can get away with and in what portion size but diabetes is fickle and sometimes it takes 2 or 3 readings on the same meal to form a clear opinion because many other factors affect BG levels than just food, including stress, how well or poorly you slept, exercise and even time of the year and ambient temperature and of course hormones.
When did you do your test this morning? Was it whilst you were still in bed or after you had got up and been to the loo and got washed and dressed etc? If the latter, then try testing before you get out of bed tomorrow and you may well find you get a better reading. My levels can rise by as much as 4-6mmols in that half hour after getting up and before I have breakfast due to the release of glucose by my liver. This is to give me energy to start the day, but as a diabetic, my body doesn't produce enough insulin to deal with it so my BG rises. Some people find that the liver starts releasing glucose before they wake up.... sometimes as early as 3am which is referred to as Dawn Phenomenon (DP) or the later release when you get out of bed is known as Foot on the Floor (FOTF). Do some experimenting with when you test on a morning and see what your body is doing. Sometimes eating a small low carb snack like a piece of cheese or some nuts when you wake up will help to stop this rise in BG because eating is supposed to switch off the liver from releasing glucose, but with diabetes, particularly if you have visceral fat in and around your liver and pancreas, the signaling mechanisms get a bit slow or confused and don't work so well, but hopefully losing some weight and improving your diet will slowly enable those functions to return to normal... but you can't expect it to happen overnight. Slow steady improvement over weeks and months is what you are aiming for.
Thanks Barbara, that is really helpful. Still lots to learn. I took the reading when I got up. I had porridge and fruit for breakfast and expected a rise, but when I took a reading two hours later, it was down to 7.6.
I will continue with taking regular readings before and after meals to see how different foods affect me. I have lost a few pounds in the last 2 weeks, so that is a positive. Not missing the sugary snacks as much as I expected. i made a sugar free jelly with blueberries for dessert today. Quite a treat! Onwards and upwards. ( or should I say downwards?)
The support and advice on here is invaluable. I am so grateful
My hot cross bun "naughtiness" this past week was gradually reading a giant hot cross boule from Asda
I am guessing they are much lower carb if you just "read" them instead of eating them. That said, a X doesn't take much reading, so probably not very satisfying either!
Morning everyone. 4.9 and a unicorn day yesterday. Hair cut this morning then housework, not much else planned for the weekend. Have a good day.
Good morning everyone

And it's another with a 4.2 Nowhere near a house, maybe a brick or a bag of concrete?

BP nicely in range 117/69
Pulse normal too (for once) 62

I wonder where the hidden trap door is?

Yesterdays surprise bumper food delivery went down well and my wife was very happy with it.

Today a quiet day, just a walk.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 6.5 here.

I was out at a Côr y Dysgwyr (Welsh learners’ choir) event last night. We were singing, the pub-goers were drinking (and eventually singing, we wore them down 😉 ) and money was raised for a cancer support charity run by a lovely lady in honour of her son. For the finale, the whole pub stood up and sang Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (the Welsh National anthem) - so, just a usual Friday night in West Wales. 😉
4.8 for me this morning. 🙂

7.1 this morning.

There was supposed to be a CCC as well but I didn’t go.

It’s the first one I’ve booked and not attended and it feels fine to not feel beholden to the ticket.

Normal service will be resumed tonight though as I’m back at Hackney Empire for a bit of Rossini and Il Viaggio a Reims.
Morning all!
9.7 for me today with an upward sloping arrow, I didn't take any Levemir last night as I got out for a walk/run yesterday but I also had a girly evening in with my friend where we had a good chat and ate olives and my favourite feta stuffed peppadew peppers.....but as my levels were dropping towards home time and I needed them up a bit to drive, she brought out some tortilla chips and dips. I selected 2 because that was all I needed to bring my levels up a bit from 4.7, but of course 2 were absolutely not enough so I ended up injecting 2 units and eating a few more and a few more.... I am so hopeless at moderation! 🙄 Anyway, I was determined that I wasn't going to have a correction before bed when I had done exercise, but just couldn't resist when my last scan before I fell asleep was 11.9 with an upward sloping arrow. It took a lot of discipline to just inject one unit because I really wanted to hit it with at least 2 but I am making a very concerted effort to keep out of the red..... and thankfully I did..... but only just kept it below the top of my range.
Pleased to report my TIR is back up to 93% with 0% below for the last 7 days, so my efforts are paying off.

Hit that 9.7 with a whopping 8 units this morning which has stopped it going into double figures but still waiting for levels to come down into the 5s to eat breakfast.

Many congrats to @freesia on your unicorn yesterday.
And it’s another 5.4 for me again, second day on the trot.