Group 7-day waking average?

I would definitely keep them, I have a spare pen ( full units) which I was given by the hospital which fortunately I’ve never had to use. Funnily enough my blue ( for basal) pen has been sticking lately after injecting. Just by chance I’ve noticed it’s left a unit or two in every now and again. Definitely on its last legs. Just hope getting new ones isn’t a pain in the butt!
Getting my replacement pens was fairly easy - I got a phone appointment with a GP when my old pens gave up the ghost (Novopen 4 - broken cartridge holder which had been repaired with superglue a couple of times already!). He just wrote a new prescription - other than the issue with pen colours it was plain sailing.
This is not a rant but a desperate plea for clarity, accuracy, consistency...

I have spent a huge amount of time studying foods, vitamins, minerals, RDAs, upper limits, you name it. It is a fascinating, bewildering, confusing, complicated area....

The overall impression that I get is that confusion abounds because the guidelines constantly change and general awareness of 'correct' information is low AND there seems to be a plethora of old web sites with old, outdated information. Add to that the quacks, some bad blogs, the great misleading food labelling (eg traffic lights). Then we have the scare mongerers and multivitamin, supplementt fitness businesses. Result? Chaos at worst, confusion at best.

But there is no easy way for anyone to either plan things to get it right or to monitor things to see if they got it right (or how their particular body responds). Do you know how much calcium you are consuming today? Do you know if your calcium absorption is affected by any medications you might be taking - and what the exact effect of those medications are?

Not to mention that no one has the time or mental space to study what they eat, due to their busy, stressed lives they seem to live leaving very little time to study our nutrition even if we wanted to.

I have mangaed to pull put the best truths that I can over the last 2 years but I an still surprised regularly by stuff I don't know or think I know but am wrong.

At the start of my diabetic journey I knew very little and took a daily multivitamin and several supplements. It was quite random and I thought that that could only make things better. The actual result was that I discoved that I was wildly overdosing on iron and other stuff was out of kilter!

Hence my App. I hate flying blind. And the results from my blood tests have bern good. But who cares about that. I feel so much better too. That's the important bit.

More recently I have discovered that quite a few vitamins and minerals are important to blood glucose control. I had thought that just one or two were important previously. I won't list them here as I am stikl looking into it.

There are some vitamins and minerals that have no upper limits defined too and today I discovered 2 that have no RDA (recommended daily amount) - that of vitamin B7 and Boron. So no one knows how much we should be getting from the food we eat each day. Agghhhh!!

It all leads me to ponder how mere mortals are supposed to 'get it right' or is the ethos 'wait till you're ill, find out then what's wrong, and then correct it, and manage any long term damage'. Seems to me to be a very bad way of managing things.

I came across this new eat well plate from the NHS. It might be good, it might be bad, but I ponder 'what for all those that followed the previous 'not so good' version'.

There's a lot more going around in my head... so, where do we get definitive, clear, accurate, correct, simple, easy to understand and do, information

And I ponder, if these RDAs are so important but most peoples diets are not so good, why are most people healthy, er, or ok, or are they. Do we ignore or just not know or not realise just how unhealthy or unfit, or ill we all may be. Of course this leads nicely into my personal irritation... this is exactly where the NHS should be - proactively promoting good health throughout life and not just sweeping up the resultant mess of living our lives the way that we do.

There's a lot of 'information' out there but It seems all sources are a blessing and a curse.

I will go and have a lie down now
Morning all and it was a wayward 8.5 for me. My nemesis was a stir fry it would appear. Loads of veg and some pork with a few noodles. BS refused to shift until the early hours.

Hey ho, such is life.

Studio this aft.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - grey again and very cold.

7.2 at 8 am when I had to get up for an early Chiropractor appointment. Rotten night. Went to bed at 11pm on 5.6 which had been steady mid-5s since 20:36. Screeching alarms went off at 00:09, 00:47, and 01:37. I was not hypo but in the low 4s. I did all manner of corrective things, a biscuit, several JBs and Dextrose + temp basals to no avail. Eventually I got to sleep properly at around 2:10. At 05:21 I was woken yet again by an alarm, but this time I was 14.1... so did a correction. You know they used to keep waking prisoners as a form of torture so I was not at all amused, particularly as I had no chance of a lie-in. I need to sort this, but since there is no pattern it's difficult. What happened to the times I used to have really strict control seemingly effortlessly? End of moan!

@MrPixels congratulations on your HS... completely unsure about that house which seems to be inhabited by people with no taste! Just look at those curtains!

@TinaD use a brolly when you walk under those birds!

@ColinUK yet again a CCC winner that had me laughing out loud!

@Gwynn my advice would be to ignore that NHS plate.... it's no improvement on their last dire one.

Off to meet friends this afternoon.... so have a lovely day everyone!
@Pattidevans Thanks, Oh yes I ignore such things but do take a mental note.

I find it all fascinating and difficult and no one has any really useful answers to it all really
@MrPixels congrats on the HS.

@eggyg i use a Novopen Echo for my basal. I rang the surgery and spoke to the Prescription Clerk about having a spare pen in case it broke. She sorted it for me with no problems.

@ColinUK your CCCs really make me laugh. I love reading them.

Late posting today but i was 9.3 this morning. However, by 10.30 at work i was being needed by three different people urgently and having a hypo! Sometimes work and diabetes just do not go together.

World Book Day tomorrow and we have to dress up as book characters. I'd better get my costume ready tonight.
Good morning - 6.5
11.6 on this bew sensor. Will check with finger prick in a minute. Happy to say my alarms are now back working on my phone though i must have turned it off overnight and gone straight back to sleep. High was probably because of the couple of cheese straws i had last night to stop me going low about 9am. Oh well, correction and running round at work should do the trick.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 so close again.

Gotta get the bins out in a mo

Today going to lytham to try to get some fish

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning 8.4.

Have a good day

And on a whim I’ve booked something for tonight which means tomorrow sees another visit to the Corner.
This one is very different to the normal ones for me. All I’ll say is be prepared to rock out!