Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.1 on this March morning. That makes me happy, spring is on its way. Although it is only 3 degrees! 🙄

I visited a new theme park yesterday, Libre Land. Lots of swings and roundabouts, but mostly roller coasters! Don’t quite know what happened at lunch time, perhaps didn’t bolus early enough? Tea time I may or may not have forgotten to take any insulin. I remember the Libre said 4.9, I fingerpricked because it’s still a new sensor, and the meter said 4.1, I think I must have decided to bolus a bit nearer to eating but forgot. And it was pasta! Went to check my NovaPen Echo, which I rarely do, I think the battery must have gone as all it said was END! Checked basal pen and that said the same, it’s five years next month since I was given them. Can the batteries be replaced, or are new pens required?

No plans today, savouring the peace after the half term, no appointments and no birthday parties to bake for this week. Then come Friday and it all starts again, next week my feet won’t touch the ground. Sunday, family visiting from Leeds need fed and entertained, child care Monday and Friday, a certain routine “ lady” examination on Wednesday, all being well, my very last one. Thursday, hair cut and lunch with friends. Just realised I have Tuesday free! Woopee! I shouldn’t grumble, it all keeps me out of mischief. 😉

Have a fab day everyone. The days are getting longer, the daffs are showing their golden heads, and before we know it there’ll be complaints of water shortages, and we’re too hot! 😛


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Can the batteries be replaced, or are new pens required?
New pens, I'm afraid. It just happened to mine, proclaiming the end was nigh, also after about 5 years, and I now have the all singing all dancing Echo Plus, which apparently I can hold over my phone and the info will miraculously appear on the Libre App (if I'd got the App, which I haven’t because I use the reader)
I visited a new theme park yesterday, Libre Land. Lots of swings and roundabouts, but mostly roller coasters! so funny. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 5.4, no, no, I should’ve had DP cos I didn’t do my afternoon lap of the beach. Welcome to another new theme park - LaLaLand. 😉

Quite a few people have posted about the Dex1 @Bexlee. Have a look in the Pumping and Tech section.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus / happy St David’s Day folks. 🙂
New pens, I'm afraid. It just happened to mine, proclaiming the end was nigh, also after about 5 years, and I now have the all singing all dancing Echo Plus, which apparently I can hold over my phone and the info will miraculously appear on the Libre App (if I'd got the App, which I haven’t because I use the reader)
Did you get them from GP surgery or hospital? Is the Echo no more? Do they have half units? so funny. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 5.4, no, no, I should’ve had DP cos I didn’t do my afternoon lap of the beach. Welcome to another new theme park - LaLaLand. 😉

Quite a few people have posted about the Dex1 @Bexlee. Have a look in the Pumping and Tech section.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus / happy St David’s Day folks. 🙂
Happy St David’s Day to you too. I’ve got a season ticket to LaLa Land! 😉
Did you get them from GP surgery or hospital? Is the Echo no more? Do they have half units?
I just tacked a note on to my online repeat prescription request for the GP surgery.(also specifying the colour) then picked it up from the pharmacy in with the rest of my prescription. I asked for an Echo each time, but got an Echo plus dispensed. They’re exactly the same as the old Echo half unit, only the display is a bit clearer, it counts down the time since injecting in actual figures, not dashes on a circle. (Oh, the knob at the end is a bit bulkier, presumably to hold the new wizardry)
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 tease tease tease
My pulse monitor read 41 !! Until I gave it a kick....62. Strange

Got some raspberries and strawberries from Sainsburys yesterday. M & S were out of them. I have to sat that they were the worst, nastiest, toughest, bitterest ones I have ever eaten. Horrible. Ugh !!!

never again!!!

Today nothing planned

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 6.1 after a lovely carby supper and 7 hours uninterrupted sleep.

Miserable drizzle, grey overcast, met office promises improvement later.

Birds of ill omen are haunting my air space. Raven and kite, who are, I hope, simply looking for more nest space, hover or drift overhead - am I being considered for lunch?

Hope everyone doing well.
6.5 for me this morning but a total of 3.5 units of stacked insulin corrections before bed when I topped out at 12.6 and whilst that brought me down into range a bit, I went back up again and woke up at 5.25am with the high alarm going off and Libre reading 9.1 so I hit it with another 2u and went back to sleep. Very fitful sleep again.
What a difference a day makes!!

@MrPixels. Congrats on your House Special.

@eggyg For me, I would need to make a "custom request" to my GP surgery, but I have spares which I would use first. I suggest you keep those "dead" pens as emergency spares, in case one of your new ones was to get broken etc when you do get replacements. I believe the new ones will still do half units but they have the "smart" option to link with your Libre App.

@Robin The last time I downloaded data to my PC from my reader, it said that an update was available and did i want to install it. I declined because I don't trust updates but I suspect the update may allow the reader to pick up the new pen signals, so perhaps the reader will allow it if you do the update..... but I could be wrong. The problem with the smart pens is that it can't differentiate between air shots and injections so it transfers both and I believe you have to manually delete the air shot data, which to me negates any benefit. Again I may be wrong or they may have somehow fixed that issue although I am not sure how they can. Personally I am happy just inputting the info into my reader manually. It isn't an onerous task.
Congrats to @MrPixels on the HS. 5.5 for me today. 🙂

Good morning! A 9.8 after a nasty spike yesterday evening. Doubt it was the food more the mood. I had calmed down after the day's shenanigans but a phone call triggered the annoyance off again. Think everything also kicked off a bad long lasting bout of phantom pain! :(
Good morning. 6.1 after a lovely carby supper and 7 hours uninterrupted sleep.

Miserable drizzle, grey overcast, met office promises improvement later.

Birds of ill omen are haunting my air space. Raven and kite, who are, I hope, simply looking for more nest space, hover or drift overhead - am I being considered for lunch?

Hope everyone doing well.

Start worrying when you see vultures! 🙂
And it’s a 5.4 for me this wet morning.

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS.
The problem with the smart pens is that it can't differentiate between air shots and injections so it transfers both and I believe you have to manually delete the air shot data
I use the Novopen 6 (whole unit version of the Echo Plus) which can be scanned by the Librelink app to record the insulin shots. The air shot is also recorded but you have an option to select “prime”, but it is a manual action and leaves your logbook like this :

@eggyg - I asked my doctor for a couple of new pens but he used the same code on the prescription with a comment to supply a blue and silver one. However, the pharmacist would only supply two of the code entered which was the blue one so I ended up with two blue pens. I solved this by buying a pen sticker / wrap from Type One Style so that I can distinguish between the Levemir and Novorapid pens!
Pinch and a Punch, First of the Month! 5.1 when I woke up in Spring 🙂

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS today, nearly got there myself!

Pleased to report that my shoulder is definitely getting better. It does ache at times but nowhere near as bad as a week ago, so I’ll go with that! Definitely think staying away from the computer screens is a good plan this week to rest it properly. Been doing a lot of reading this week which is something that helps me relax and doesn’t place any strain on the shoulder. Even splashed out on a new cover for the kindle which should arrive today. Bit of a pre-birthday treat to myself.😉

Hope everyone has a good day!


Colin’s Cultural Corner

The Barber of Seville

28th Feb 2023 - Royal Opera House, Covent Garden

This is obviously a biggie and it had to feature somewhere on my must see list. Also pretty obviously I was aware of the vague outline of the plot and some of the songs beforehand but I’d never seen this before so I was going in, perhaps not cold but at most lukewarm.

A quick plot summary would be to say boy (actually a Count) spies girl from afar. Boy tracks down whereabouts of girl and basically stalks her whilst falling in love with her and doing various equivalent of holding a flash mob to demonstrate his love.

He’s of course never spoken to her but this doesn’t cool his ardour.

Meanwhile, Girl is underage and is lodging with her guardian an aged doctor who is determined to keep her under lock and key until she’s of age and he can marry her and get his hands on her mighty assets. Oi! Minds out of the gutter you lot! She’s got money that’s all!

Enter the titular tonsorialist dressed as a combination of Where’s Wally and with a very passing nod to 1980’s kids TV presenters and Malvolio (albeit without stockings).

He is persuaded/paid to help Boy/Count get inside the doctors house and declare love for Girl/prisoner.

Much hilarity ensues with Boy/Count adopting various disguises to get into the house and to pass a message to Girl.

I say hilarity in the way that I would if perhaps King Lear had been described as a comedy. Apart from some sight gags and some admittedly quite clever running jokes about what a “modern” opera would do (what springs to mind is Monty Python and “Song That Goes Like This” from Spamalot
) it struck me as being perhaps a trifle thin.

There was nothing wrong with any of the performances really but Boy/Count just didn’t do it for me. Perfectly ok voice but it was the physicality which let him down as he just didn’t have the presence really to carry the audience with him.

It wasn’t helped by the staging. Basically the set was a huge box which featured sliding panels to reveal doors, windows, other characters etc. There’s nothing wrong with that as a design but Avenue Q did it better. And perhaps unfairly I expect more from the Royal Opera.

Costumes were a bit muddled with Girl/Prisoner seemingly wearing something out of the 1950s and half the cast similarly dressed with the remainder wearing things more suited to the 1750s, gentlemen in frock coats for example.

When the box set was hoisted up and started to move around the stage to an accompaniment of strobe lighting and moving the back wall of the box to give the illusion of more movement - all designed to illustrate how the characters were feeling overwhelmed at the time - I felt positively vertiginous and found myself gazing up at the ceiling and/or closing my eyes. Admittedly the fact that I was in my least favourite seat in the gods didn’t help as there’s a weird thing going on there for me with a wall in front of half the seat and the other half having a clear line of sight all the way down to the conductor. I won’t be sitting in that seat again. In fact I’ve cancelled my ticket for Turandot which was in that seat and I’ve rebooked a better one. I don’t think it’s too much to ask that I can sit in a seat and not feel sick.

So perhaps I’m not in a position to fairly comment on Barber of Seville but it’s got a lot of work to do to persuade me to see it again. That will likely happen when it’s a different production, perhaps a more intimate production perhaps. Perhaps I should accept that I’m learning what type of opera I enjoy and that opera buffa just doesn’t grab me as much as the more lyrical ones.

I forgot I’d not finished the plot! Count marries Girl eventually.

(But if you know Marriage of Figaro then you know that they don’t all live happily ever after because would you believe it, but a man who falls head over heels in lust with someone he spots in the street can’t be trusted to be exactly faithful.)
For me, I would need to make a "custom request" to my GP surgery, but I have spares which I would use first. I suggest you keep those "dead" pens as emergency spares, in case one of your new ones was to get broken etc when you do get replacements. I believe the new ones will still do half units but they have the "smart" option to link with your Libre App
I would definitely keep them, I have a spare pen ( full units) which I was given by the hospital which fortunately I’ve never had to use. Funnily enough my blue ( for basal) pen has been sticking lately after injecting. Just by chance I’ve noticed it’s left a unit or two in every now and again. Definitely on its last legs. Just hope getting new ones isn’t a pain in the butt!