Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 11.1 after yesterday afternoon/evening/night in double figures with corrections not working at all. Tired though i slept through the night.
Good morning Monday 6.1 today

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 5.4.

Now the dilemma. Do I inject my basal now, as in 45 minutes before breakfast, or wait until I go to the hotel dining room? Don’t know whether it’s buffet or made to order, damn, I should have asked last night. Nothing is ever simple when you’re away from home is it?

We have decided we’re going to tackle Ingleborough today, we may be being foolhardy but you can’t regret what you haven’t tried. If you haven’t heard from me tomorrow, we’re still wandering around the Yorkshire Dales trying to get back to the hotel! 😛

Have a great day.
Morning all, 8.3 here. Had a terrible nights sleep, which is most unusual for me. Was awake just about every half hour, though did doze in between times. Never had such a steep fall and rise, either, BG was 4.8 at 3.30am. I must have slept through an HS at some point, maybe I deserve a tunnel, or an orangery, something open at both ends.:rofl:
Back home from a lovely weekend in Chester. The cathedral yesterday was beautiful and fascinating, well worth a look around. Had a nasty hypo back home after misjudging carbs in a snack late tea/supper when I really should have known better. But, woke to this today, kind of like a rainbow promising that the spikes will all be gone and this week is a new week :

Back to work and no doubt a busy week. Enjoy your time away in the Yorkshire Dales @eggyg , something we will be doing lots more of when retired all being well!

Hope everyone is ok, enjoy your day!
Good morning. House like Bedlam. Moved evertything I didn't want interfered with nto study - which immediaely became the favourite room!

BG 5.9 - BP God alone knows as he probably saw it going past.

Happy Monday...
Good morning - 6.2
Well done @Eternal422 on the HS. 🙂
5.9 for me today.

Good morning everyone

Well, can you believe it BG 5.2 yessss. Can I have a castle this morning please

However BP elevated. Rats!!!
Compensated by pulse being low at 55

Today, exercise, eating, resting

Dropping my diet slightly as my focus on gaining a little weight has been a bit too successful !!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, and it’s a 5.0 for me today.
Well, it is my 4 year Diaversary today and I awoke to a 4.9 and an impressively straight horizontal line overnight which was a huge surprise and relief as things were pretty turbulent during the evening.
Had a very mild low just before my evening meal, which only needed 1 JB and then despite being very restrained even though it was my birthday dinner and injecting more than enough insulin, I went up to mid teens and got stuck there, needing stacked corrections to bring me down again. Levels eventually started to come down at 10.30pm but then went back up again and I injected another 2.5u stacked on top of the previous 4 + 2 units and I had a 7.6 with a downward sloping arrow at 11.30pm when we got home but 10 mins later I was back up to 9.2, so I jabbed another 2 units of Fiasp plus just 2.5u of Levemir as oppose to the 4 which hypoed me the night before. Climbed into bed and another 15 mins later the low alarm went off and the reading was 4.1 with a vertical downward arrow 😱, so I stuffed 2 JBs in my mouth and went to sleep and my graph leveled out perfectly on a flat line in the 4s all night. How jammy is that! Went to bed with 4 stacked corrections over the previous 2 hours amounting to a whopping 10.5 units on top of the 2+7units I bolused for pre dinner nibbles, soup with half a slice of bread and roast beef dinner and cheese, (didn't even have any cake or ice cream) and I just needed 2 JBs at bedtime to level it out and even more amazingly I avoided dropping into the red. Those JBs really are hypo heros!

Many congratulations to @Gwynn and @Eternal422 on your optimum waking readings this morning.

@eggyg Hope you have an enjoyable but otherwise uneventful walk. Perfect day for it!
Had to do a massive early evening correction which got me down to about 9 before bed and I was on the fence about correcting again (so didn't).
Cant be mad at holding steady overnight, even if a little high (assuming it was steady - no sensor).