Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.4
Good morning everyone.

A disappointing 3.6 for me after eating a JB a couple of hours earlier when the alarm went off at 4.1. Obviously one wasn't enough, so I ate another and tried to go back to sleep to wake and start the day on a better number but after tossing and turning for 10 mins I gave up with Libre still saying 3.8. In some respects it was quite nice, because I didn't have to sit and look at my breakfast for 45 mins before I could eat it and to be honest I very much doubt I was actually hypo although I didn't finger prick it. It certainly wasn't a compression low though, just a very slow steady descent into the red overnight. I guess increasing my evening Levemir last night wasn't the right decision. 🙄

Sort of congrats to @Robin Personally I would have been up out of bed like a shot and claiming it, but since you aren't trying to hussle us about it, we will grant you it anyway. We are generous like that! 😉
Good morning 6.9 today for me.

which did kind of surprised me, because I know what I ate yesterday (to much of the things we shouldn’t really eat) whilst I binge watched the new Clarksons Farm series on Amazon Prime.

Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all and 6.5 for me.

So I said I'd got my post tea crashes and spikes sorted. Not true was guzzling dextrose tablets all evening only to be woken up by a high glucose alarm in the early hours. Digestion decided to start working at about midnight and woosh, 15.1. It does at least look like I got the correction right.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all on this bright day, with some blue and some fluffy white clouds.

8.6 or 8.7 whether you believe a much delayed Libre reading or the much quicker JugGluco reading... straight line overnight though. Surprising as I bolussed for some bread and (delicious Colommier) cheese last night then didn't eat all the bread.

The lunch out with friends was lovely. Just about every pub in West Cornwall serves fish and chips, but since the fish on offer was Lemon Sole I decided to have that. OMG the best fish and chips I have had in living memory (or mine anyway)! Proper mushy peas too... not those smashed up frozen jobs that some places pass off as "mushy peas", plus home made tartare sauce. Divine! Four of us had that.. and two had crispy pork bellies with caramellised leek mash which were also pronounced excellent.

@ColinUK is that house a Gaudi building?

Not doing a lot today.... may have a walk, and cooking Gammon in cider for Sunday dinner.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.... @eggyg enjoy your break! @Robin - well done on a HS any time of the night.
And it was a 5.5 for me at 8.35 this morning.
7.1 here. Happy with that as was pizza for tea last night.

Absolutely knackered though, went swimming yesterday but only for 15 minutes max actual swimming. It feels like it destroys my energy levels, hadn't been for 2 weeks because of the fatigue, but i really want to do more swimming not less - can't really win. Going to go 3 times this week but cut down the lengths to something stupidly small, and see if pushing the energy envelope more slowly helps get on top of the energy issues. Also renewing the food efforts to try and support that.
Morning all on this bright day, with some blue and some fluffy white clouds.

8.6 or 8.7 whether you believe a much delayed Libre reading or the much quicker JugGluco reading... straight line overnight though. Surprising as I bolussed for some bread and (delicious Colommier) cheese last night then didn't eat all the bread.

The lunch out with friends was lovely. Just about every pub in West Cornwall serves fish and chips, but since the fish on offer was Lemon Sole I decided to have that. OMG the best fish and chips I have had in living memory (or mine anyway)! Proper mushy peas too... not those smashed up frozen jobs that some places pass off as "mushy peas", plus home made tartare sauce. Divine! Four of us had that.. and two had crispy pork bellies with caramellised leek mash which were also pronounced excellent.

@ColinUK is that house a Gaudi building?

Not doing a lot today.... may have a walk, and cooking Gammon in cider for Sunday dinner.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.... @eggyg enjoy your break! @Robin - well done on a HS any time of the night.
I’m not sure. I think it’s more just a fine example of a Belle Époque building than one of his but I’ve not googled it to check.
You're right I think. I googled Gaudi but couldn't find that one. Talking of Belle Epoque, the inside of Galeries Lafeyette in Angers is a fine example, where you would least expect it i.e. in the middle of a medaeval town. It's really beautiful, but very hard to photograph.


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5.3 this morning for me. Amazing after eating out all day yesterday and last night. Really enjoying Chester, wandered around the shops and the Rows yesterday.

Had a walk around the city walls this morning, coffee and shortly a look around the cathedral.

@eggyg I was interested to see your graph with the spike, at least I feel comforted that I am “normal” (for a T1!). Had to do a middle of the night correction to bring BG down a bit. Here’s the weekend chart so far!


Have a good day everyone!
It was 9 this morning
5.3 this morning for me. Amazing after eating out all day yesterday and last night. Really enjoying Chester, wandered around the shops and the Rows yesterday.

Had a walk around the city walls this morning, coffee and shortly a look around the cathedral.

@eggyg I was interested to see your graph with the spike, at least I feel comforted that I am “normal” (for a T1!). Had to do a middle of the night correction to bring BG down a bit. Here’s the weekend chart so far!

View attachment 24179

Have a good day everyone!
As long as they come down sharpish I don’t mind a spike once in a while. Luckily, it’s quite rare, although yesterday’s did surprise me as the Twix I had the day before hardly made a dent!
Didn't check this morning, and forgot to take BG monitor with me to check before I actually ate anything too (meatballs for lunch at IKEA! I'm not counting the communion wafer at church...) I decided that as I was planning on a good walk after lunch I would treat myself and have the full shebang - mash and lingonberry jam and peas and creamy gravy! I did avoid taking a yummy piece of Daim cake though, I had some chocolate cake for a family birthday yesterday so thought the mash would be enough of a carby treat for lunch today. But as my BG monitor didn't magic itself from home I couldn't do a 2 hour post meal reading either :rofl: . Might go and do a pre-tea one now.
No reading from me, need to take my equipment with me on the w/e and stop making excuses. If I had taken a reading I might not have gone locust. I would not like to see my reading at this present moment in time. Can't worry about it too much though as I'm still freaked out about the sunflare a number of hours ago, I can only take so much. 😳 :D

Felt hideous all day yesterday and that carried over into the night and disturbed sleep.
Spent most of the night meditating or listening to spooky podcasts (mainly anything with Danny Roberts).
Today is a reasonably chill day just waiting for deliveries.