Group 7-day waking average?

Just like your biscuits! 😉

By the way, has everyone using Libre2 seen the email from Abbott about not upgrading to Android 13? They seem to think this is the source of the problems. (I’m using “Android 12 or below” and still can’t get alarms on my mobile, but at least Abbott are doing something to address the issue, s’pose).
Nor I and my Android version is 9.0. My phone will scan the sensor, but then takes 3 - 4 minutes to register a result, which is not great by any means and I do not get alarms. I have reached a compromise by installing JugGluco on my phone, this scans instantly and gives me alarms, but I cannot make head nor tail of the interface. So I scan first with JugGluco and immediately scan again with LibreLink. I can then get the LibreLink interface and it uploads as normal to the internet. It's not ideal, just a work-around.
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Morning all - looks grey out so far. Not normally up this early... but couldn't sleep.

8.3 again this morning. Blooming alarm kept on going off last night. The first couple of times I ate JBs and stem ginger cookies. Hubby said it went off again, twice, at around 2am. He said the first time I shouted at it and did nothing, the second time I "ignored" it. I think I actually slept through it. Must have had a liver dump to get to 8.3. I do not think JBs (pleasant through they are) are very effective for me. I think I shall have to revert to Dextrose tablets for a quick hypo-fix.

Hope you all have a good day. We are going out for a pub lunch with friends. This particular pub burnt down about 4/5 years ago, but the brewery have rebuilt it and it's lovely now + the food is excellent by all accounts.
11.9 but had been awake for ages u got to to 4.1 last night.
Good morning - 5.0.
Half-term now
Morning all. 7.2 today. A bit higher than normal for me but after one of my horrible hypos just about an hour before tea last night, I’m happy.

I started to feel unwell, bloated, nauseous, headache and generally had to lie down right there and then. Took BGs 4.9, nothing to worry about. Thought it was just my usual stomach problems. Then alarm went off 3.7. Mr Eggy insisted I had some fast acting carbs even though I felt so sick at this time I really couldn’t face it. Had Kendal Mint Cake. Yuk! Laid down on the sofa all wrapped up as I was freezing cold. Mr Eggy lit the fire as I couldn’t get warm. Alarm 3.3! Mr Eggy was eating his tea by then, pasta bake, I decided I’d have a small portion. Started to feel better. BGs 5.4 going up. Hurrah. Then got higher. Then dropped. More pasta, cold by now. Then two ginger biscuits. Then I really had the munchies and was eating a Twix at 10pm! All without a single drop of insulin. Spoilt what was going to be a unicorn day.
Just to add, I had the grand total of 1.5 units of bolus for my lunch at 1pm, BG was 8, had 6 Carrs Water biscuits with cheese. 15 grams of carbs. At 3pm I had one tiny ginger biscuit, no insulin, 8/9 grams of carbs. Don’t know what happened, was at home all afternoon. No unexpected exercise, although I never stopped all day and only sat down for lunch. I don’t get hypos like that very often, thank goodness, as they are absolutely awful. I’m fine today.

No plans today, going away tomorrow for a couple of days so will pack. Won’t take long. Waking trousers, walking socks, fleece! Oh and a nice frock or two for dinner in the hotel. Looking forward to it. Just need ankle to behave it self, or I might just be sitting in the bar in my posh frock!

Have a grand day.


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6.2 for me this morning. 🙂
Will have to postpone our planned morning walk as I just realised I wrongly booked our Sainsbo delivery for 2 hours earlier. 🙄😳

Morning. 6.1 for me. Half term here too and I have the whole week off with kids. We're going to do a couple of activities like bowling, I'm planning a sewing session for clothes and soft toy repairs, and maybe rearrange the living room.
I’m on the 6 step today, 6.4. Probably because I went to bed on 9.7 which is higher than normal for me.

Off to Chester this weekend for a one night stay and explore of the city, insulin and new sensor packed (as of course it is due to be changed tomorrow) ready to go.

Have a great weekend everyone whatever you are doing.
Morning all. Yesterday i had trouble keeping levels up. Today i woke to a 3.4 after several JBs overnight. Finger prick shows 2.6! Feeling dreadful, headache and shaking. Waiting for juice to kick in so i can cook breakfast.
Morning all. 4.8 after wine gums a few hours earlier (couldn't face JBs) and fell back asleep.
Caught between a rock and a hard place here with basal. If I have more fluid in my legs than basal needs goes up and when it finally shifts I'm left with it needing to go down immediately (water tablets did their job properly yesterday).

Sensor ends in a few hours, I didn't order another one (just didn't have the spare cash) so will reduce basal tonight and run higher if need be. (I do have a lovely member sending me a couple of spares this week).
Hoping to contact DSN again over the next few weeks with more data (with and without sensor) and try again for libre and ask them why the bloods she was going to get approved didn't get a response back at all.

Todays plans is to go out shopping with some family so I'm on pushing wheeelchair duty. I see it as a bonus workout 😛. Need to get a bottle brush to clean out my coffee machine tank as I have had some pods sitting for a month that I want to use and keep forgetting to pick up cleaning supplies. Water was left in the tank so it was looking a bit yukky and needs a good clean and to be sterilised.

Right moving my butt into the shower after another coffee. Have a fabby day everyone xx
Oh happy days. And yes I know my clock is an hour out


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I didn’t get on yesterday time just escaped me. Anyway 8.1 for me today and out for afternoon tea with the girls as n early birthday celebration. Thankfully I have run 4 times this week, so starting to get my mojo back.

belated congratulations to the trio of HS yesterday.

@Barrowman - congratulations on your HS.
Good morning. BG 5.6 Running a bit late today after a busy Friday and a poor night.
Pretty well organised for the descent of the tribe - just a bit of hoovering and then a run to the feed merchant.

Hope everyone doing well.
Morning all. Every time someone talks about unicorns I picture them clearing off and not getting on the Ark. :rofl: Neil Gaiman is just so funny, David Tennant and Michael Sheen too. "The unicorns... oops too late." :rofl:

5.8 @ 8.02am this no feets on the floor thing is cracking. I like being in the 5s. Have a great Saturday all. I'm going to daughters as usual to catch up with The Crown.