Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.9 today (yesterday was a Len Goodman)

as some of you know on Thursday I had surveyor complete a survey on the bungalow, that should’ve exchanged contacts on last month,
all didn’t go quite as well as expected. but so glad I had a survey (even though it was obviously an additional cost)
having recieved Surveyors initial comments on an emai, I’m in contact with vendor & auction co (through my solicitor & the other solicitor)
Because, following the damage that occurred (in my mind due to the current owners negligenc)
it is now in need of more than decorating as it did before, it now needs renovation
In comparison to when I viewed it and submitted my bid,
so have been advised to re-negotiate with current owner, we will see.

I haven’t read through all the posts, on here but see on Thursday multiple House Specials.
hope everybody has a wonderful weekend 😎
Wow, good thing you got a surveyor in @goodybags. There’s a big difference between re-decorate and renovate - are you obliged to continue with the purchase? Good luck with the negotiations. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 8.1 here.

I’m meant to be on a Welsh course today, but had to cancel cos this pesky cold’s got me sneezing all over the shop! I didn’t want to be sat in a classroom all day, splatting everyone with germs. I feel awful pulling out at the last minute cos these Sat courses are really popular, and numbers are limited. At least I’ve learned ‘to sneeze’ in Welsh - tisian (pronounced tishan) - onomatopoeic or what? 🙂
Wow, good thing you got a surveyor in @goodybags. There’s a big difference between re-decorate and renovate - are you obliged to continue with the purchase? Good luck with the negotiations. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 8.1 here.

I’m meant to be on a Welsh course today, but had to cancel cos this pesky cold’s got me sneezing all over the shop! I didn’t want to be sat in a classroom all day, splatting everyone with germs. I feel awful pulling out at the last minute cos these Sat courses are really popular, and numbers are limited. At least I’ve learned ‘to sneeze’ in Welsh - tisian (pronounced tishan) - onomatopoeic or what? 🙂
@Bloden your right there..
however I wasn’t going to proceed without seeing with my own eyes, the property following the sellers contractor having carried out remedial repairs.
if either I or the seller decide to not go through, it’s a grey area regarding the auction fees I’ve already paid
but my next step it to re-negotiate a reduced offer
@goodybags - sorry to hear of your problems with the bungalow, I just hope you can negotiate a lower price and/or get the renovations done. How frustrating! I’ll have to lend you my wife, she is absolutely brilliant at negotiating and getting prices reduced on everything, after a few phone calls to our builders for a new home we got an extra £5k knocked off and then a lawn and large patio thrown in as they had been really slow at fixing stuff off our snagging list :rofl:
Yay. (Not really). 11

And really feeling it.

No obvious reason although the aero buttons might well be to blame. Or it could have been the ridiculously delicious unplanned pizza with a friend. Or the tiramisu. Or even the wine. I’m just blaming the DF!
Morning all. 5.4.

Up early, starving and excited about our little break away. Someone else to pick up the soggy towels, make my bed and feed me. Pure and utter bliss. Two days is enough though, I get bored any longer than that! We’re not going far, Clapham, no, not that one, the one in Cumbria/ Lancashire/ Yorkshire Dales. Only a few miles between all three counties. It’s a Yorkshire Three Peak village, think the peaks are out of the question though. But walking is definitely on the cards, even if it is on the flat. Forecast is good, sunny, dry and a bit on the cold side. Absolutely perfect walking conditions.

Have a super Sunday. 🙂

@ColinUK if it makes you feel any better, this is a Twix spike! I don’t regret it one iota. My excuse was I was trying to avoid a hypo like I’d had the day previous. Whatevs! 😛


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Good morning everyone.

Been fighting Excel sibce 5am. It has some great oddities. My App is fine but Excel itsellf has some weird oddities and each version of Excel has its own unique set.

BG 5.1 again. I want a house !!! 😡

BP nice at 116/67
Pulse nice at 62

Today church, exercise, food

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 🙂 7.0 here.

Not much planned today, except lesson planning and getting rid of this cold. The weather suits staying indoors and taking it easy, so I’m not complaining. We’re off on a little jolly next week to celebrate someone’s birthday and I suddenly got excited! Too soon to start packing...😉
Morning. 6.1 for me. Half term here too and I have the whole week off with kids. We're going to do a couple of activities like bowling, I'm planning a sewing session for clothes and soft toy repairs, and maybe rearrange the living room.

Good morning everyone.

Been fighting Excel sibce 5am. It has some great oddities. My App is fine but Excel itsellf has some weird oddities and each version of Excel has its own unique set.

BG 5.1 again. I want a house !!! 😡

BP nice at 116/67
Pulse nice at 62

Today church, exercise, food

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Since getting a new Windows 11 PC nine months ago I have not been able to install Excel as MicroCarp say I am not me! :( Anyway I have been using Libre Calc and that is quite inferior to Excel but I can't ask for my money back as it is free! :rofl :
Morning all, Dawn rise in action here. 5.2 at 5am, (can’t count that as a HS, it’s the middle of the night for me.) 6.1 at 7.30am, that counts as morning, but as it’s Sunday I had another doze. No rest for the wicked, though, half an hour later I'm 8.3 and reaching for the insulin.

7.3 this morning, so I had the most sugar I have eaten for ages at afternoon tea, didn’t anything else for the rest of the day and the best number in a few days, although I dread to think but my numbers straight after the wonderful food.

out for a run, gradually getting my mojo back.
Morning all, Dawn rise in action here. 5.2 at 5am, (can’t count that as a HS, it’s the middle of the night for me.) 6.1 at 7.30am, that counts as morning, but as it’s Sunday I had another doze. No rest for the wicked, though, half an hour later I'm 8.3 and reaching for the insulin.
I think that counts so have a house!!

Well done @Robin on the HS. 🙂
6 on the nose for me today.

9.9 for me. Was 12 going to bed (with no good reason for it to be that either) and did a correction but no idea if it didn't take or it did and dawn stepped in.
I swear my bg is its own person and knows when its not being watched 24/7 :rofl:
Good morning. 6.1 - had an attack of the munchies at 01.40 and ate a yoghurt with nuts and strawberries so not too bad. I wish my internal thermostat would work properly - I spend half the night sweating or freezing - the duvet must think its in a strom at sea.

Its a grey morning here but hoping it will brighten up later. Looking forward to seeing the family - weather forecast looks promising for metal detecting beach with Rowan. Glad Nick is coming - a fine sized son-in-law to load up with all the equipment and patient enough to bear it! Also a pleasure to feed - a no nonsense "are there any seconds?" chap who rows off the calories to stay fit. No food waste with him in the house.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.