Group 7-day waking average?

And I’m starting the day off with a 5.5 and there’s no frost this morning.
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Nice and bright if a touch chilly.
Got some summer bulbs that could do with going in. Could also do with getting the battery out of the mini to get it charged. That can be a sensor ripper as it's in the boot.

Have a good day everyone.
forgot to post before going out. 7.3 today

Both kids are off out together. Daughter is taking son clothes shopping while he is her carer for a few hours - I swear it sorta makes sense. Anyway got the house to myself and I am ignoring the jobs that need to get done and savouring the moment :D
6.5 this morning, probably from snacking too late last night, oh well.

Just back from a visit to the dental hygienist, which wasn’t too bad, I think my painful shoulder blocked any other pain/discomfort. Now I’m all over the place with my BG as totally out of my routine. Hopefully will get everything settled by lunchtime!

Got another chiropractor appointment this afternoon as well. Unfortunately this is a day with lots of driving which is a bit painful at the moment with the shoulder, but hey ho, co-codamol will help a bit.

Congratulations @42istheanswer on your HS.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all - grey again today!

8.9 for my sins.... no idea what the sins were!

I wouldn't go out of your way to see "The Fabelmans". It was OK, but not stunning. My friend seemed to see a revelation at the end, but for the life of me I couldn't see it! I thought the whole thing was rather forced.

Congratulations @42istheanswer on your HS.

Looking forward to hearing more CCCs @ColinUK. What happened about the bed?

Have a good day all... nothing on today except for some blood tests this pm.
Morning all. 11.8for me this morning. Had a couple of low 3 s yesterday So jbs and some malted milk biscuits .. Went to bed 11.30 was 11 .4 .took a correction dose.. Dipped down into the 8 s then before breakfast 11.8 Soon get it back in range big walk planned for this afternoon . Hope everyone is doing well ❤️‍
Morning (just)

8.3 today, so going the wrong way. But had to work late and didn’t sleep well.

Congratulations to @42istheanswer on your HS today.

@goodybags - hope the bungalow is back in the condition you are expecting after the burst pipe and the move goes ahead without any further hitches.
Morning all. 🙂 5.8 today as I did it properly, no feets on the floor. 🙂

Only put washing out an hour or two ago and looks dry already, cracking drying day. Have a good one all.
Morning all - grey again today!

8.9 for my sins.... no idea what the sins were!

I wouldn't go out of your way to see "The Fabelmans". It was OK, but not stunning. My friend seemed to see a revelation at the end, but for the life of me I couldn't see it! I thought the whole thing was rather forced.

Congratulations @42istheanswer on your HS.

Looking forward to hearing more CCCs @ColinUK. What happened about the bed?

Have a good day all... nothing on today except for some blood tests this pm.
Delivery can’t be fast enough for this immediate need but it’s a lovely company with great products and I am sure I’ll be ordering from them in the future.
A unicorn day so far! Can i keep it up? Fingers crossed.
Evening all!

It was 5.4 for me this morning but 1.5JB required to get me there from a naughty 3.0 (according to Libre 🙄 ) after the alarm woke me up 2 hours earlier on 4.1 but I went straight back to sleep before I reached over and grabbed a JB to prevent it dropping further. I think I had some vague thought in my sleepy mind that it must be a compression low and it would come back up on it's own because I woke up on that side. Now I've got a great big 2 hour long blot of red on my graph and my stats tarnished, but I can only blame myself. Libre did warn me. 🙄

Congrats to @42istheanswer on your optimum waking reading this morning. Hope the sandwich experiment went well.

@goodybags Hope all is OK at the bungalow and the surveyor is happy with the repairs, so that you can proceed with the purchase.

Congrats to @freesia on the Unicorn and wishing you many more. They seem to be travelling in herds at the moment. @eggyg had them in her garden and then they came to mine, so hope they are all still in a group and stay with you for a while. Make sure to order in a good supply of star dust for them.
5.0 for me today and 98% time in range 😱 (would be 100% if my targets were set to 4 and not 5 - I want some lower end data to annoy DSN with about libre again 😉 )
Oh that's a shame!
It can feel that way sure, but the reality is that I’ve found a great company, with great products and a great “feel” to their customer interactions.
I’m sure there is business to be done even though not right now.
Guess who has to award himself his own house today?!!

I’m going for this modest abode I think!

Good morning - 4.3