Group 7-day waking average?

forgot to post yesterday, busy with my granddaughters, trying to keep warm and boiling kettles for washing (self & daughter, granddaughters) Floors - I have 3 springer spaniels who love mud and leaving it on kitchen floor, cooking and cleaning.

Any way up at 5.30 this morning to get granddaughters ready for school and nursery took BG at 9ish 5.5
Happy birthday and congratulations on HS
Congratulations on your HS yesterday @ColinUK and @Eternal422
Some of my best impressions have been French!
I don't do impressions myself 🙂

Just been out for 88 minute walk on the beach. Cold, windy, but dry. It was hard work. Glad its done.
12:10 BS 6.8 🙂

A Very G’Day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Only up for midday meds & tresiba & going back for another couple hours in bed, if I can? A stream of Z’s emoji!

I just feel a wee bit off & my throat is a feeling a bit rough! My left, for a change, chin to ear is a bit tender! Hopefully I can head this off with more rest? :confused:

A duvet day for me! 🙄
Colin’s Cultural Corner

The Magic Flute at Royal Opera House

Okay, so imagine there's this prince named Tamino who's like, "Yo, I'm so bored just hanging out in my castle all day. I wish I had some kind of epic quest to embark on."

He had nightmares I think about a giant snake attacking him and passes out. He’s saved by three sassy ladies who take him to the Queen of the Night.

The Queen of the Night is all, "Hey Tamino, I've got the perfect quest for you. My daughter Pamina has been kidnapped by the wicked Sarastro, and I need you to rescue her." He gets to see a picture of her and is all, “OMG I’m in love. I’ll do anything for her.”

But then the Queen of the Night is all, "There's just one catch: you have to use this magic flute to defeat all of Sarastro's challenges and trials. Oh, and also, this flute has the power to calm and change the hearts of those who hear it, so try not to get too carried away with its seductive powers."

Tamino's like, "No problem, I've got this." So he sets off on his quest, accompanied by a lovable goofball of a birdcatcher named Papageno and the three sassy ladies.

Eventually, they make it to Sarastro's lair and confront him, only to discover that he's actually a pretty chill dude and not the evil villain they thought he was.

So it turns out the real villain was the Queen of the Night all along, and everything ends happily ever after even with a murder plot of course. And a suicide plot. And an attempted rape just for good measure.
Tamino and Pamina fall in love (again) and Papageno finds his true love, a birdcatcher named Papagena.

The end.

Oh, and the magic flute? It's like a superpowered saxophone that can solve all your problems. So basically, if you ever find yourself in the middle of an epic quest, make sure you've got a magic flute in your pocket. It'll come in handy.

All that aside, the performance tonight was a bit lacklustre. It was like the whole thing was off slightly from the orchestra being a bit thin to not being able to really hear any of the spiel parts. Some of the sing parts were also lacking in power.
Sarastro was fine and the big aria was fine but a lot of everything else was just a bit low energy and didn’t fill the space.
These things happen in live theatre from time to time though.
Good morning - 5.9
Good morning everyone.

A nice 4.8 for me this morning.

Today not much planned. Avoiding the rain will be my main effort. It's bucketting it down again. A bit of cleaning to do.

My wifes good effort at making her version of a trifle will finish today and I will be able to sample the results.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 4.5 on my brand spanking sensor. Put it on at 8pm last night and it’s reading a tad low I think. 5.5 on the meter once I’d got down stairs. Hope it starts to behave itself as my last one was absolutely spot on for the whole two weeks, it also stuck to me like a limpet! What a struggle to get it off last night, now have a big red shiny circle on my upper arm!

Another child care day, unfortunately rain is forecast all day so no walk to the park to expend some energy! Zara’s that is, not ours, we’re trying desperately to hang on to ours! :rofl:

Hope your first days went ok @Bloden and @Grannylorraine.
Well done on your birthday HS @Robin, and for staying on the horse!
@ColinUK I saw The Magic Flute years and years ago and still remain flummoxed! The parrot sticks in my mind most of all! Do you think all these composers were on opium? Or riddled with syphilis? Because the handful of operas I’ve seen were utterly and completely bonkers! Thank goodness I live in a cultural backwater! 😛

Have a good day.🙂
Morning all, 4.9 here, not often I'm in the 4s, I suspect a bit of dehydration after a couple of glasses of Cava last night. Had to laugh, at my review yesterday. There’s always loads of questions about alcohol consumption. So question 1. How many units do you drink in a week. Answer, 6. Next question, how many days in a week do you drink? Answer 3.Next question. Do you ever drink more than 6 units in one day? Answer, er, well, you do the maths, how would that be possible?
Morning all. 4.5 on my brand spanking sensor. Put it on at 8pm last night and it’s reading a tad low I think. 5.5 on the meter once I’d got down stairs. Hope it starts to behave itself as my last one was absolutely spot on for the whole two weeks, it also stuck to me like a limpet! What a struggle to get it off last night, now have a big red shiny circle on my upper arm!

Another child care day, unfortunately rain is forecast all day so no walk to the park to expend some energy! Zara’s that is, not ours, we’re trying desperately to hang on to ours! :rofl:

Hope your first days went ok @Bloden and @Grannylorraine.
Well done on your birthday HS @Robin, and for staying on the horse!
@ColinUK I saw The Magic Flute years and years ago and still remain flummoxed! The parrot sticks in my mind most of all! Do you think all these composers were on opium? Or riddled with syphilis? Because the handful of operas I’ve seen were utterly and completely bonkers! Thank goodness I live in a cultural backwater! 😛

Have a good day.🙂
Sarastro did have what looked like a live pigeon on his arm as they brought him in on his throne but certainly no parrot featured.
There were puppet birds for Papageno to try and catch when he introduced himself though.
6.1 this morning and won’t dwell on the slight disappointment of Magic Flute to put me off my cultural stride. Next on the cards is Sleeping Beauty.
I’m still not sold on ballet but I’ll have no issues following the plot, and the music for that is sublime. I just hope the orchestra is on form for that one.
Morning all. 🙂 4.6 here.

It’s tipping it down here. Pretty much the whole of Wales has a flood warning. 😱
I think it’s tipping it down pretty much everywhere!
Sarastro did have what looked like a live pigeon on his arm as they brought him in on his throne but certainly no parrot featured.
There were puppet birds for Papageno to try and catch when he introduced himself though.
There was definitely a great big parrot in the performance I saw! I told you, barmy! :rofl: