Group 7-day waking average?

Oops, forgot to post this morning. It was 4.9 if anyone’s interested. 🙂

Had a very short walk this morning - first of all, Bloden didn’t want to come Walkies but changed her mind. Then, once we were down the beach, she suddenly turned and headed for we had to follow! She’s 12 and a half now, and often has a look on her face as if she was asking: “What did I come over to this part of the beach for?” It comes to us all...😉

GET WELL SOON all you sick bunnies. This cold that’s doing the rounds is nasty nasty.
Oops, forgot to post this morning. It was 4.9 if anyone’s interested. 🙂

Had a very short walk this morning - first of all, Bloden didn’t want to come Walkies but changed her mind. Then, once we were down the beach, she suddenly turned and headed for we had to follow! She’s 12 and a half now, and often has a look on her face as if she was asking: “What did I come over to this part of the beach for?” It comes to us all...😉

GET WELL SOON all you sick bunnies. This cold that’s doing the rounds is nasty nasty.
Of course we are interested!!
Morning all. 10.9
Long story short late dinner of fresh pasta and didn't quite nail the bolus split or portion size (or both)
(Correction is in and already down to 8.1 at +1 hour 😉 )

Really been a crap week with averages. only 46% in range in the last week (and 14% has been above 13.3) o_O
I'm blaming both this on/off earache and sore throat and being a complete inactive lump all week on top of over-indulging 😉
Todays goal is nip into town to pickup a couple of bits from ALDI (an hours walking about for that), come home and make a pot of soup and do some active housework and see if I can kick the extra insulin resistance into touch a bit.

Kiddo got a call from her consultants secretary saying the waiting list for her knee op is about 14 months. They will contact her nearer the time to do pre-op assessment and get her in for a consult again.
Was about what we expected. Ortho is always a busy list. She only got things moved along the last couple of surgeries as she had the School Nurse fighting in her corner demanding action as it was impacting her school life (shes now 21 and not at school).

Anyway off to get showered and organised. Have a fabby day everyone x

Self inflicted.

Lawyers conference today then a walk. Feel like writing some poetry today so that’s likely on the cards as well. And housework.
Morning all and a surprising 4.8!
Must have been the unexpected exercise after two weeks of enforced rest. I persuaded Mr Eggy to take me into town, he dropped me off at the shopping centre, told I wasn’t to wander into the big bad world of the high street and picked me up an hour later. Granddaughter’s birthday present shopping complete. Wore my ankle stabiliser contraption and was careful. Met a friend and we stood and chatted for a while, could feel it seizing up but in the end I feel it helped it. I never got my regular evening throbbing, toothache like pain. Still twinging if I jar it, but on the whole, fingers crossed, it’s on the mend. Got all the grandkids at some point today, farmers’ children arriving first, mum and dad working, then the other two about 12ish, and we’re having a nice lunch for Sadie’s 5th birthday. We’ll bake some fairy cakes this morning and then there’s balloons to blow up and a banner to put up. Must dash ( sort of). 😉

See you all tomorrow. Have a fab Friday.🙂
Good morning everyone.

I ventured out twice yesterday. Very cold and very windy. It is even windier today so, except for picking up my meds, I'm staying indoors.

BG 5.5 fine
BP high for some unknown reason (might be the fact that I had to wrestle the bins out to the gate in a howling cold wind just before taking the reading !!!) so I'm not concerned.
Pulse low as always

Nothing planned for today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
6.1 for me today (probably that shared Lindt chocolate bar late last night - but it was worth it. 🙂
Some pretty weavy rain during the night.

Stay dry if you can.

Good morning - 5.3
Good motning. 5.1 and i've only just woke!!! I can't believe how much sleep i'm needing!! Better make the most of it before being back at work next week.
Good morning - 6.4.
Foul weather today - all animals can stay in the dry. A spring has broken at the edge of the yard so "puddles are us". It is a fair indicator of how much rain we have had as it never erupts except in the worst of times.

Hope some of us at least see the sun today.
5.0 this morning for me.

Starting to get back into normal routines now, so hopefully BG will be a bit more stable and predictable (as much as it ever can be!).

It’s looking like our New Years Day outing to the sea won’t be happening this year due to rain on whichever coast we pick (apart from the East coast but that is around a 4 hour drive away, so too much for a day trip). To think that last New Years Day we had a walk on Formby Beach wearing just hoodies and it was warm and sunny!

Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing and stay dry!
And for the second day on the trot it’s a 5.3 for me again - and it’s still bl@@dy raining outside, haven’t been out on the bike for a week.