Group 7-day waking average?

Well done to @Robin & @Eternal422 on those special readings. 🙂
5.8 for me today.

Good morning - 9.4
Good morning, back from the Vampires
this morning BD was 7.1 a relief as had a hypo in the early hours,
woke and was feeling like BS was a bit low,
tested and was 4.1 but 30 min later was 3.4.
so got up and ate a sandwich plus some some chocolate (from the Wife’s Christmas presents pile)

less wheezing today, chest infection must be getting better
so won’t phone GP, thinking a few more days hopefully it will clear up.

Have a Great Day Everybody 😎
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And it was a happy 5.3 for me earlier this morning. And the sun is shining just for a change.
Well, I see I am joining my diabetes twin @Robin and @Eternal422 on the House Special step this morning...
Mine was somewhat engineered in that I injected a 1.5 correction at 4.30am for an 8.1 that was causing me disturbed sleep. My own fault as I ate far too late (9pm 🙄) and then had another successful mince pie experiment afterwards, but the fat from the meal obviously slowed the release. Still very happy with how well I managed it as I had 4 roasties with my duck breast and orange sauce (home made) as well as a lot of veggies of course and then the mince pie with cream and managed to keep levels under 9..... in fact, when I climbed into bed, I was on 5.6 and wondering if perhaps I might need a JB but injected half a unit less of Levemir, which in reality would have been better left at my normal 2.5 but I was playing it safe. I still consider it a success though as I stayed in range.
Also pleased to report I have kicked that cold virus into touch and feeling much better mentally now too! Just need to start upping the exercise again and I will be back on top of the world! :D
Morning all, 5.2 here, yay, after quite a lot of near misses recently.
It's supposed to be sunny this morning, too soon to tell, I hate the dark early January mornings.
Did I miss the end of December? The state I’ve been in I might have, or am I like Alice, down the rabbit hole?
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Turkey finished yesterday, apart from the bits I have frozen to cook with.

Another day with no plans but I need to go out to get bird seed.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.4 excellent
BP 119/74 excellent
Pulse 58 fine

My cold seems to be lingering on sadly

Incredibly the Christmas meal leftovers were still ok yesterday. That turkey meal fed us for 4 days!

I am thinking about going out for an early walk after I failed to get out at all yesterday, but it is very dark and very stormy. Hmmm

Nothing much planned for today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I know what you mean about the turkey, we had a stuffed turkey crown, 4 meals as is, 4 meals made into a turkey and mushroom crumble, a enough for a curry for another 4 meals to go into the freezer. Pretty good value.

8.1 for me today, but had another bad dream and woke up feeling very anxious. Going out to see my friend today and to give her, her Christmas cake. Will be eating out, but as she is also a type 2, it Helps us make better choices when out.

congratulations on the trio of HS today, @Eternal422, @Robin and @rebrascora

Sunwas shining here, but sky is getting darker by the minute.
Ooops... I missed @Robin's 5.2 on her post - I only saw "January mornings". So Congratulations @Robin

Congratulations also to @Eternal422 and @rebrascora on your lovely HSs. I just love Pierre Cardin's house!

Commiserations to everyone else suffering this damnable cold/chest infection. I thought I was on the mend yesterday but today it's returned with an evil force and I'm now coughing up nastiness instead of just having a wheezy chest.

Apparently both Boots and Lloyds had run out of sugar free cough syrup yesterday, (must be more diabolicals around here than I suspected) but Julian came home with some Covonia sugar free cough pastilles.... he needed them at 4am! Not that he needs sugar free... meantime I corrected a 13.4 whilst we were still awake and woke to 6.4.

BUT... I clearly am not managing things well... see photo. I've barely eaten since the day before Xmas eve. I guess it's time to seriously increase basal. I see another day on the sofa watching DVDs coming up. I hate the reader.... when will Abbott wake up and fix the phone app?

Meantime hoping everyone has a lovely day and stays away from anyone with a cold! You do NOT want it.


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Just been out for a walk. 76 minutes. Horribly cold. Way too windy. Glad I am back home again.
6.8 this morning for me. Slept in a bit then a slow start so just thinking about eating now. I think I might risk trying out a ham and mozzarella toastie for brunch, got some coleslaw to go with it.
Morning all. 5.9 for me this morning. Care home rang me old blind mothers SATs are low . Taking her in to a and e . Para medic says give it a couple of hours then ring . Hopefully just a bit of a chest infection.. The same day this time last year she had to go in with the same thing . Never a dull moment. Have a good day folks