Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 4.9
Good morning. Slept late. 5.7.

Didn't find what I want in Llandeilo or Llandovery Antiques but enjoyed the run and the poke around. Absolutely "cream crackered" when I got home after really quite a short drive. Can't be my age - must be the steroid reduction slope...

Old chum Claire in hospital with chest infection - was struggling with it at home despite very weak heart and asthma until I gave her a good bollocking by phone and email. 23 hours outside in ambulance but now on oxygen and feeling a lot more comfortable. Says the wards are full of the elderly with the same thing. Meanwhile the government has stopped producing Covid stats and continues to resist nurses wage negotiation requests. Makes me want to spit.

Hope all well with @eggyg - you will definitely be starting the New Year with a - er- clean slate.

Wishing all well.
7.6 this morning, still eating up leftovers and too many high carbs snacks and chocolates.

@Pattidevans I hope you start to feel better soon.
@eggyg hope it all goes smoothly for you today,
@MrPixels congratulations on your HS,

Today will largely consist of doing nothing.
Morning all - nice storm going on outside, been raging round the house all night.

What with the storm and my chest "squeaking" and bubbling whenever I laid down I didn't get a lot of sleep. BG at 04.07 was 14.5 so I did 2.7 correction (as worked out by the Omnipod) and lo and behold at 8:29 am I was 5.8. First time in range since 23rd I think! Now I am up and about I feel a lot better and much brighter. I even feel hungry.... hardly eaten anything other than a bowl of soup, bits of toast and mouthfuls of food since 22nd. So things are looking up!

Thank you for all the "get well" messages.

Well done @MrPixels on your HS.

@Grannylorraine enjoy doing nothing. It's about what I am going to do today.

@rebrascora hope you soon defeat the virus. @eggyg thinking of you and hoping by now it's all over and done with and you are back home.

Have a good day all.
I'm afraid the care available for the elderly is broken. My other half's Mum who is 97, bedridden since she broke her hip last Aug, no hearing, virtually no sight, can't feed herself, keeps getting UTIs because of the catheter and yet is assessed as low priority for being entitled to a care/nursing home place even for respite care. She is looked after by her daughter who herself is recovering from foot surgery and can't weight bear yet and carers who come in four times a day to feed and change her and give her some meds.
Neither she nor the family can afford private care.
We are at a loss to know what more we can do.
Morning all and 7.4 for me, so probably about 6.5 in reality.

Not sure what the day has in store but I'll probably be doodling away on some song ideas which are floating round my head.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - nice storm going on outside, been raging round the house all night.

What with the storm and my chest "squeaking" and bubbling whenever I laid down I didn't get a lot of sleep. BG at 04.07 was 14.5 so I did 2.7 correction (as worked out by the Omnipod) and lo and behold at 8:29 am I was 5.8. First time in range since 23rd I think! Now I am up and about I feel a lot better and much brighter. I even feel hungry.... hardly eaten anything other than a bowl of soup, bits of toast and mouthfuls of food since 22nd. So things are looking up!

Thank you for all the "get well" messages.

Well done @MrPixels on your HS.

@Grannylorraine enjoy doing nothing. It's about what I am going to do today.

@rebrascora hope you soon defeat the virus. @eggyg thinking of you and hoping by now it's all over and done with and you are back home.

Have a good day all.
Well done @MrPixels on the House Special.
5.7 for me today. 🙂

Ha, but I only believe it because the meter told me so... I never get any consistency, but then does anyone?...
Morning all. I'm having a very bad weird day. My sleep messed up and I do go weird with messed up sleep. Got the scales out, put them on the cold kitchen floor to fire up, did other stuff and thinking about stuff to do, then went in the kitchen and put the scales away without getting weighed. :( Then with nothing in and disorganised due to not wanting to go out in the cold with this lurgy I've had since April, I ate a layer of the cookies which I didn't want, hated eating and why do people buy me stuff to eat? Why did I eat those? I must hate myself. 7.1 this morning. Have a better day all. 🙂 moan moan moan...
Haven't tested this morning am running out of testing strips, replacement due to be delivered today, received email to say because of strikes will be probably 3rd January before I see them now :( I have got a few left which I'll save for new years eve 😉
Congratulations on the HS @MrPixels, hope all goes well this morning @eggyg and that you are feeling better @rebrascora and everyone else who is fighting or fending off a virus
7.6 this morning, high for me but deserved after Christmas eating! Back to more or less normal now, trying to work today which is tough, even though I’m still working from home. I would now hate to go back into the office! We talked yesterday about both of us retiring this year, which although sounds good, I must admit I’m scared about doing it and voluntarily giving up a regular monthly income!

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS!

Hope everyone has a good day and those that are feeling under the weather get better soon!

Take care everyone!
I’m home! Mr Eggy made me a lovely pigs in blanket and fried egg butty. It was delicious. Now eating dark chocolate and drinking Diet Coke. That’s my Christmas “detox” done for! :rofl:

So apparently I have multiple large diverticula. They’ve removed some small polyps and done biopsies in two different areas. Results in 2/3 weeks. I had to Google diverticula. Small pouches or sacs which bulge or push through the weak parts of my colon. Quite common and may not cause any problems but can cause pain and infections. That might explain the episodes of bloating and nausea I get? In the meantime I will try not to speculate until histology is back and I speak to someone who knows what they’re talking about.
Just glad it’s over, had some painkillers for my ankle and headache, probably hunger, and I’m going to lounge about reading my new book. Lessons in Chemisty by Bonnie Gammus. Excellent so far. Thanks for all your kind words. You’re the best.
Just noticed something else on the form I was given. Some faecilith present. 😳 I Googled that too but it was as I thought, hard lump of poop! TMI! Soz! That’ll be my partial blockage playing up. Treatment, low residue diet, which I follow. Treatment for diverticula, fibre and lots of fruit! Could be interesting.:confused:
Glad you managed to get through that dreadful procedure @eggyg 😱
Hope your up-coming results are ok.
The few times I've had the same procedure, I was always amazed about how well relaxed the staff and nurses made me feel.
Double their salaries now!! They deserve it!
Glad you managed to get through that dreadful procedure @eggyg 😱
Hope your up-coming results are ok.
The few times I've had the same procedure, I was always amazed about how well relaxed the staff and nurses made me feel.
Double their salaries now!! They deserve it!
I agree, they were all amazing. So kind and reassuring
Old joke!
Colonoscopist returns home from work. Wife says "Did you have a hard day at the orifice, dear?"
I'll get me coat!!o_O
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Mine was 5.7 this morning but didn't have time to post then as I had overslept! Got to work only half an hour late so just took a very short lunch break to actually eat rather than taking a full one. I took in soup and some bread and had a slice of toast for lunch, and declined the offer from a colleague to fetch me something from the chippy. However they were disappointed anyway as the chippy wasn't open...
Evening (Just)
I did test this morning, when I woke which was just before lunch and BS was 8.4
trying to get back to to sleep now, think yesterday I only got to sleep when it would usually be waking up time,

I have my appointment at the vampires first thing tomorrow morning.

I’m still feeling quite chesty and wheezy after the what seems like a never ending cold
I must’ve had it almost a month :confused: but it only turned into a chest infection on I think Christmas Eve,

I’m thinking after the vampire visit
I will see if I can get lucky on the phone in the morning to GP or a Nurse,
maybe they might be happy to prescribe some antibiotics (and possibly something to help me get some decent sleep)

lol .. just realised it’s now tomorrow already :rofl:
if you know what I mean,
it was yesterday when I started this post though.

Take Care Everybody 😎