Group 7-day waking average?

06:04 BS 8.3

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

ALMOST forgot to post but, just paused last night’s Death In Paradise, couldn’t stay up for & asleep by 19:00, that I’m watching on iPlayer after scoffing the last ready meal of beef mushroom I made on Christmas Day! 🙄😛 I’ve moved cooking mushroom omelette with tea & toast to lunchtimes, 10:30 to 13:30, when the sun is up, whether it decides to show its face or not, when the kitchen is not quite a freezer, still like a fridge, & will have that later: will batch cook a new lot of meals then too; I fancy a fish curry in this cold weather!😛 So, just a quick ding in the microwave for early morning & evening meals!:D

Yay! DIP is back to brighten up the cold, dark winter nights! 😎😛:rofl:😉 Time to unpause it & finish the episode!🙄:D
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.4 ok (amazing since I ate anything and everything that I shouldn't yesterday (my excuse - feeding my cold)
BP elevated hmmm
Pulse low again

However, I feel fine. The cold has almost completely gone. At least it didn't ruin Christmas.

My daughter (and partner and her daughter) came to visit yesterday. It was really good.

I need to restart my exercise properly. It faltered over Chistmas with my cold and the freezing, wet, windy weather!!! (Any excuse)

Today, exercise, less food, er, rest.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 6.1.

Not looking forward to today one teeny tiny iota. It’s colonoscopy prep day. :( Last food to be consumed by 9am and that’s me until after lunch tomorrow. It’s barbaric!😉 Just checking I’ve everything to hand;
1. Foul tasting drink. Check.
2. Lots of reading material. Check.
3. Chair and cushion in bathroom. Check.
4. Tub of Vaseline! Check.

I’ll see you at the other end. No pun intended.:rofl:

Have a good day all. 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 7.3 here.

I hope everyone had a very nice Christmas Day cos I certainly did. My bruv and his family really know how to lay on a big day of food, fun, more food, more fun...I feel very spoilt indeed.

Enjoy Llandeilo @TinaD - I love having a root around in the Antiques Centre, it’s like a rabbit warren of nice things.

I hope the next few days fly by @eggyg.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - feeling slightly more normal today 4.5 on waking today
after probably about half a nights sleep

I did test at around 3 am as I was still awake think
and supriisingly produced a in the middle of the night HS🙂
Still I had more sleep yesterday than the last few nights put together
and now im going to doze again for a few more ZZZ’s

Have great day everybody 😎
5.9 with a downward sloping arrow for me, but only because I jabbed a whopping 5 unit correction for a 14 at 5.30am and my graph shows I was in double figures all night. I have picked up a minor cold but really, considering I didn't eat anything naughty yesterday ....well other than a single piece of very nice brown bread with my soup and a few chips and a few crackers with my cheese.... but no mince pie or Xmas pud, as no one else was up for it..... it is quite disappointing that I was high all night. I know for a fact that I didn't forget my evening Levemir as I clearly remember injecting 2 units into my right thigh and I got out for a walk after our evening meal as my sister and I walked round to the farm where her horses are at livery and did evening stables and then walked back and when I got home at 11.30pm I had mine to do, but by then I already had 2 stacked corrections active, so really annoying that my levels went so high in the night. Today is another day though and I fully intend to finish it with another mince pie as there are still some left and if I am going to be high overnight I will at least be happier to have a good reason (and some enjoyment) for it!

7.9 with a relative lazy day planned, hubby is working late shift, son is going to see his girlfriend, so I will go and see mum for a couple of hours this afternoon, apart from emptying the dishwasher nothing else planned.
Good morning - 8.0
Morning all, it’s a 5.3 for me again today and that’s after a rather largish portion of Christmas pudding with cream around seven last night.
5.5 for me this morning at 8am, hour or so after I woke up to Phoebe saying wake up Nanna its getting light and Sophia wants to get out of her cot - nope Phoebe wanted to get up and play :rofl: :rofl:
Hope everyone has a good day
Very late start to the day today as my bed is so ridiculously comfortable.

Yesterday I chucked quite a lot of ill advised foodstuffs in the bin. I didn’t overeat whilst at the folks nor did I do so when I got home.

Slept reasonably well considering my leg is so bloody painful right now. Even codeine isn’t really touching the sides. But it ebbs and flows and it’ll get better as it heals.

Was contemplating going for a wander today but frankly can’t be bothered strapping the support on so might just wander to the sofa or grab my kindle and carry on reading the surprisingly decent novel by James Patterson and Dolly Parton I started the other day.

Oh and 5.9
Good morning! 5'7 today, 6'6 by the time I got breakfast 20 minutes later.

I have 20 minutes left in my Libre sensor and no replacement for it. They have not been added to my repeat prescription yet, the lady in my Libre starter webinar said they would write our GP about that (2 weeks ago), I wonder if mine didn't receive the memo or there's just a delay in things due to the holidays. I sent an email to the Diabetes team and I'm checking my phone like a teenager waiting a text from the boyfriend 🙄

I have no problem going back to finger pricks while it is sorted, even tho I find Libre really convenient, but I was hoping to get one sensor for my holiday next week. Didn't realize the dates were so close. I just ordered more test strips to be covered.
5.8 after being high at 13.4 at 2:44am. Just couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed to get a bolus, but by waking it had dropped to 5.8, presumably the Levemir kicking in and doing its job.

We can’t decide what to do today, the shops will doubtless be busy and full of sale stuff. We don’t really want anything anyway, but will have to do something otherwise by the evening we will be bored!

Almost looking forward to things getting back to normal, I always find that after the build up to Christmas, which by and large I enjoy, the aftermath is very flat and I start sinking. Never been a fan of New Year and will be glad once it’s over to be honest.

Take care everyone whatever you’re doing today.