Group 7-day waking average?

Good day all. Over 9 this morning, I think it was the reindeer cake that finally tipped me over. Good grief. A huge slab of it. Next year I'm eating out, peoples don't force food on you so much when you are in an eatery. Hope you are all enjoying the day.
IMG_20221224_215850 that reindeer cake.jpg
It was 6.6 at 4.30am then by time I had backfast but 8.7 by the time backfadt came around so seemed like it was the riggt move to reduce Livermore just before Christmas problem is that leads to a greater chance of dawn pherermon.
Been a weird Christmas. Apparently our guests enjoyed it and considering they had never met before they all got on like a house on fire. The cold changed into a nasty chest infection. I just about remember getting the dinner on the table and the rest is a blur. Spent all day yesterday sleeping on the sofa mostly. Feeling a touch better today though. BGs have been terrible.... 13.4 this morning after all day in the high teens and most of the night despite 14 correction doses according to my PDM. Used easily double insulin to a normal day.
Been a weird Christmas. Apparently our guests enjoyed it and considering they had never met before they all got on like a house on fire. The cold changed into a nasty chest infection. I just about remember getting the dinner on the table and the rest is a blur. Spent all day yesterday sleeping on the sofa mostly. Feeling a touch better today though. BGs have been terrible.... 13.4 this morning after all day in the high teens and most of the night despite 14 correction doses according to my PDM. Used easily double insulin to a normal day.
I hope you feel better soon @Pattidevans
Morning all. Slept early and woke up early. 7.0 - smack bang on target :D

Still fighting a cold and between that and snacks/leftovers its been a struggle to get back into range and stay there. Todays a new day and will keep trying 🙂
Yesterday I got it down and as soon as fast acting (correction) ran out it bounced back up 🙄.

Half planning to go to cinema again to see avatar again tomorrow.
Just before Christmas had to spend another couple of ££s in the paper/card shop to be able to use my debit card (min £5 spend) so got a scratchcard and won £20 on it. That will cover the cinema tickets :D

A lot will depend if son is fit n well by then. His tummy is playing up again. He had no takeaway food for 4 week upon GPs request and then the night before xmas eve he had a potion of chips and ended up with V&D and is still going with it.
When he is better I'll get him to keep a food/drink/toilet diary and see if we can pinpoint what it seems to be causing it. I personally think its fatty/fried foods as we use low fat/lean meats and don't fry anything at home (except air fryer). Others in the house eat the same dishes and we order from various places and no one else gets unwell.
Doubtful we can do anything with GPs until the new year.

Right time to do some adulting and get the tesco ordered (have a slot pre booked) and tidy my office space :D

Have a great day everyone and hope everyone who is feeling rubbish has a better day today x
Good morning! 5'3 today. Didn't need to be up so early for a while, and I didn't miss it!

Yesterday I decided I would really like to have a Libre for my 2 week holiday and didn't want to worry about wether my prescription would be sorted on time (probably not), so I went ahead and ordered one from Abbot website. I got £50 of tips this Christmas in the hotel so it basically covered it. Being away from family, Santa didn't get my new address :D so I thought I would take care of my own present this year. But I didn't have ideas as I just got a coat, a backpack and a pair of boots in November! (All needed replacements). So this sensor will be my "treat".

I was explaining that to my man, who said it is a nice present and I should be happy to have the new device. He doesn't know much about diabetes but understands that Libre is helpful for my health. I had a little giggle when I was texting him saying I already took the other sensor off because it didn't work anymore, his answer was "is the device under your arm broken?". No, I said, they are made like this, they work for 14 days and then you can't use it anymore. "What a f***? I thought it last at least half a year!". Aaww
Morning all. 6.4 and I survived yesterday. Just! Never want to do that again. Managed my BGs very well I thought, kept checking and if I was in the low fives, I took a drink of lemonade, not much because it was horrible, although compared to Movicol it was like nectar. Apart from the prep, the other bad thing was, I’ve given my ankle a bit of a jar trying to rush. :( It’s throbbing this morning but I don’t think I should have any painkillers. I’ll take some with me and ask when I get there.

Leaving 8.15 to get through town for my appointment at 8.45. I could be there up to three hours so Mr Eggy will just drop me off and I’ll hobble in. This will be the easy bit compared to yesterday.

Have a good day all. 🙂
Good morning everyone. Slept like a log and up late at 6am.

BG 5.4

Today...exercise and rest. The cold is still lingering in there !!!

Incredibly the turkey and my stuffing lasted for three days meals. Well worth the money. Today back to normal meals.

I too find the post Chistmas flop a bit hard. New year has become new 'fear' as things in the world seem to increasingly fall apart and our leaders continue to show how imoral and uncaring they really are. Sigh. I think we may skip any new years celebrations...

Talking of lousy leaders/politicians...I watched a few documentaries about King Henry 8th, Anne Bolyn, the big freeze of 1962, the big heat of 1978, etc etc and in every case our leaders showed how horribly disgusting and uncaring they can be. Sigh

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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4.7 for me this morning. Had a couple of battles with my levels yesterday going over the line into double figures and refusing to come down until I stacked corrections and then both times, they came down and levelled out nicely in the 4s and 5s where they happily bimbled along until the minute I ate anything (even just a few low carb snacks) and then they headed back up to 10 and needed stacked corrections to bring them down again. Must have got it spot on last night as went to bed with 3 stacked corrections on 11. something and my levels came down into the 4s whilst I slept and levelled out beautifully.
I am having regular hot lemon/paracetamol drinks to fend off this "cold" which seems to be working well, so can only assume these table top mountains in the 10s are down to the virus but very little else to show for it now. Don't feel bad apart from a bit of a sore throat and occasional bout of sneezes. I have increased my basal by 2 units this morning in the hope that will prevent them happening in the first place.

@eggyg Thinking of you this morning Elaine and hope it all goes "smoothly" and you are soon back home enjoying some real food and benefitting from some pain relief.

@MrPixels Congrats on your House Special this morning.
Well done @MrPixels on the House Special.
5.7 for me today. 🙂
