Group 7-day waking average?

I see, during my absence there, there’s QUITE a competition going on between you lovely lot to post the best House Special pictures as a reward for those achieving that Magic Number! 😎😛:rofl:😉
Oh no. it is not a competition. If it were a competition I would cease posting as I am not a competitive person.
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Good morning everyone, congratulations on your HS @ColinUK I also woke to a 5.2 this morning at 7.30 which I'm happy about as I went to bed with a slightly higher than usual for me at 5.9 after savouring a slice of Christmas cake made by my daughter who is a bit heavy handed with the brandy 'hic' :rofl:
Taking my daughter and granddaughter to see the pantomime -Sleeping Beauty - this evening but apart from that a quiet day today.
Have a good day today 🙂
7.1 for me today, but did eat a mince pie and some chocolates in the evening,

Eat and mash day today, daughter and grandchildren are coming round for that, then a quiet evening.

congratulations to @ColinUK and @Wannie on your HS.
Afternoon all. A nice round 6 for me and a lie in. My seasonal insomnia has vanished in a puff of smoke. And relax! I also had a unicorn today too. #smugemoji

A chaotic, noisy, messy but ultimately a relaxed day yesterday. I was drowning in a sea of wrapping paper at 11am! Kids were all happy with their gifts which is always nice to see. Visited mother in law and we were home by 1.30. Put turkey crown in the oven, had a snack and played with our new toys for a couple of hours, then Mr Eggy cracked on and we ate our starter at 5 and main at 6. I didn’t finish either, and didn’t have a pudding, although I did have a couple or four chocolates about 8ish. Watched one programme on TV and then listened to music and chatted. My ankle was so bad last night I was in agony and the painkillers were not touching it at all. But had a good night and I have been ordered to rest all day today. Which I will.

Congratulations to our two stars today @ColinUK and @Wannie great job. Enjoy Boxing Day, stay in your PJs and watch rubbish telly. That’s what I’m doing. 🙂


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Morning all. 8.9 for me. I had a couple of long lasting, very stubborn hypos yesterday. I must have misjudged the meal but i don't know how as i weighed and counted the carbs and i don't usually make a mistake when doing that. Oh well, we had a lovely day yesterday with both daughters and a son in law here.

Congrats to @ColinUK and @Wannie on your HS.
Good morning. 6.0 after a broken and expensive night - lie awake long enough and I buy books on Amazon...all "real" books for the non-fiction library last night though I did also download a handful of kindle light fiction.
Nice blue sky this morning with shower clouds - tomorrow the deluge recommences.
Have a good day all.
Happy Boxing Day everyone..... My favourite day of the year because all the stress and hype is over. :D Woke up to a dusting of snow and the car frozen solid this morning.

7.6 for me with an upward sloping arrow but it was a steady 5.7 20 mins earlier, so clearly a good bit of Dawn interference going on. I needed a precautionary JB at 4.06am for a 5.1 but no alcohol involved for me yesterday and I almost achieved a Christmas "unicorn". I just momentarily dipped into the red and over the upper limit into double figures ever so briefly if you look very closely. Still I am quite proud of my graph, especially as I had another mince pie before bed without going into orbit, so it looks like it genuinely was skill when I have achieved it 2 days in a row. Not sure I am going to push my luck and try for a third though. 🙄

I even managed a sensor changeover in the middle of making Christmas lunch!

Off to my sister's this afternoon for Boxing Day leftovers lunch which I absolutely love. Turkey and ham and pickles and salad..... and maybe just a few triple cooked chips 😉. My brother in law is as good as Dad was at making perfect chips.

Many congratulations to @ColinUK and @Wannie on your House Special achievements this morning. Well done guys!

@Elenka_HM Hope your shift goes smoothly today. Love your little plate of nibbles as an alternative Christmas dinner!.... Oh and many congratulations on your staff award. It is lovely that your hard work and customer rapport was acknowledged like that. Well done!
Morning. 6.1 for me today, not bad at all considering how much more carbs I ate than usual yesterday! Then again yesterday's readings after meals were ok too, already put them in the evening thread last night. Had a couple of pieces of fudge after my post evening meal reading as I had chopped it up (made it in the morning before making Christmas dinner then it needed to set). Put it in 2 nice Christmasy boxes, one will go to bf's mum who loves fudge and the other is for us. Since I chopped it up after bf had left to go to work, he won't be able to try it until he next visits on Tuesday evening so I've told the kids to not eat all of it :rofl: .

Today not much planned except for a video call with my brother so kids can see cousins - was meant to be 10am but he messaged to rearrange for the afternoon as they were up late and just having breakfast and then have prep to do as my other brothers (and one's wife and kids) and my parents are visiting them today. At least that'll save me arranging a call with the other brother to see his kids as I hadn't got around to that yet!
Happy Boxing Day everyone..... My favourite day of the year because all the stress and hype is over. :D Woke up to a dusting of snow and the car frozen solid this morning.

7.6 for me with an upward sloping arrow but it was a steady 5.7 20 mins earlier, so clearly a good bit of Dawn interference going on. I needed a precautionary JB at 4.06am for a 5.1 but no alcohol involved for me yesterday and I almost achieved a Christmas "unicorn". I just momentarily dipped into the red and over the upper limit into double figures ever so briefly if you look very closely. Still I am quite proud of my graph, especially as I had another mince pie before bed without going into orbit, so it looks like it genuinely was skill when I have achieved it 2 days in a row. Not sure I am going to push my luck and try for a third though. 🙄
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I even managed a sensor changeover in the middle of making Christmas lunch!

Off to my sister's this afternoon for Boxing Day leftovers lunch which I absolutely love. Turkey and ham and pickles and salad..... and maybe just a few triple cooked chips 😉. My brother in law is as good as Dad was at making perfect chips.

Many congratulations to @ColinUK and @Wannie on your House Special achievements this morning. Well done guys!

@Elenka_HM Hope your shift goes smoothly today. Love your little plate of nibbles as an alternative Christmas dinner!.... Oh and many congratulations on your staff award. It is lovely that your hard work and customer rapport was acknowledged like that. Well done!
Boxing Day is my favourite day of the year too Barbara. I just relax and don’t give a stuff about anything.
I think you definitely had a unicorn day yesterday. I thought I was going to have to change my sensor yesterday too, it was hanging on for dear life but I slipped a wrist sweat band in ( luckily I have skinny arms) and it stayed in place until it expired at 8.30 this morning. Going to have a long, deep and bubbly bath then afix a new one on.
Have a fab day with your family, we too are having home cooked chips with our leftover turkey, some traditions never die. X
We have leftover chicken (didn't bother paying the extra for a turkey crown with only 3 meat eaters yesterday and only 2 here today) and a ham that I cooked on Christmas Eve (did 2 small ones and we had the other as part of the Christmas Eve feast). (ETA and leftover Quorn Roast for the non-meat eating kid.) A few leftover roast potatoes, may just let the kids eat those rather than make more but depends if they think they need more. Plenty of leftover broccoli and a few leftover roast parsnips for me. Still got some stuffing to turn into balls and bake (I nearly forgot to make it yesterday - just the packet stuff as my fussiest child loves that so we stick to that - so just quickly rolled enough for yesterday to get them in the oven) and shall do some more roast sprouts.
Morning all 8.9 for me which translated to 5.8 on the finger pre breakfast. This sensor had better buck its ideas up or it's getting reported.

Christmas day a bit of a disaster. I was all set to serve up by when brother in law called to say his mum was hallucinating. Mrs Khskel rushed off. Paramedic was sent rather than an ambulance but he was delayed after attending an RTA. He did his checks and called an ambulance. She's currently in hospital awaiting admission to a ward.

The meal at was still good albeit delayed. Too late for Xmas pud though. Let's see what the day brings.

Have a good day everyone.
And it is a 5.0 for me this sunny Boxing Day morning.
10.4 this morning even after a correction of 3.45. could be that half a unit reduction of Livermir was a bit too much after having a few night time hypos or there could be after factors)
Christmas day a bit of a disaster. I was all set to serve up by when brother in law called to say his mum was hallucinating. Mrs Khskel rushed off. Paramedic was sent rather than an ambulance but he was delayed after attending an RTA. He did his checks and called an ambulance. She's currently in hospital awaiting admission to a ward.
I hope everything is ok.
Good Afternoon I woke late this morning BS was 8.1 after a disturbed sleep,but at least I got some sleep in the end.
I will be so glad to shake this cold - it’s turning into a bit of a chest infection now,

hope to be feeling more “normal“ tomorrow, so glad we had nothing planned for the festive period, other than some packing and sorting (ready for moving)

we haven’t a date for completion, and where we’re buying will require some work before we actually move but we have a date for exchanging contacts of 15th January, then most likely sometime in February it will complet,
but whilst we’re off work for Christmas & New Year we had planned some packing & sorting,
which as I’m feeling rough is being done at the moment mostly by my wife, I’m just exhausted as soon as I do anything.