Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. 6.7 :D

Today is our annual PJs, Christmas movies and snackfest. If tomorrows waking is under 10 I deserve a HS :rofl:.
I have just made a list of carbs in all the snacks for today and to be fair, without realising, most that are for me are reasonable carbs and theres some no/v low carb options.

Hope you all have a magical Christmas Eve <3
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Good morning everyone. Cold is slowly going away.

BG 4.8. (So there cold!!!)

Had a hot toddy last night, ahhh, lovely. Great sleep too.

A few preparations to do today. My usual planning just hasn't happened. I'm just plodding my way through. Not my usual style.

The trifle experiment (without the important fruits (like raspberries)) was a bit of a flop. But then, with my cold it was hard to taste anything. Sigh.

Got my months energy bill through yesterday. Quite shocking (pun :( ) but just ok. I thought it would have been a bit lower. Its the gas bill that screwed it all up and we have hardly used any gas at all. Sigh.

Out for one last fight/battle/shop early this morning. Hmm could be a bit stressful. Yesterdays shopping was chaos...and it's all for just one day! Bought a bottle of fake champagne. I like fizzy wine stuff but rarely buy any.

No sign of my daughter sadly. Very disappointing. But then I would hate her or her daughter to catch our cold.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 5.8 on this merry Christmas Eve.

Traditionally, for me, I would be rushing around like a blue bottomed flea ( polite version), but as I am mostly incapacitated it will be more like a two toed sloth! Lots of sitting/lying down between pigs in blankets and sage and onion stuffing. Luckily, as I’m a mega organised person, tea was made in November and put in the freezer, lamb Madras, our traditional Christmas Eve meal. Just need to whip up some chapatis. Mr Eggy can do that no bother. The leeks, swede, sprouts and parsnips have been harvested. Unfortunately, last week’s frosts got to the new potatoes which were stored in the shed.:( Had to buy potatoes for the first time in over six months. Very disappointed. Mr Eggy can prep the veg, I’ll do the stuffings and wrap bacon around mini Cumberland sausages. Not doing my usual tiramasu as there’s only two of us and I’m nil by mouth on Tuesday, colonoscopy on Wednesday, and it’ll just get wasted, plus I have to watch my diet for a couple of days previous. What was I thinking when I accepted that appointment! 😱 Mr Eggy has bought a mini Christmas pudding for himself.

Have a lovely Christmassy Christmas Eve, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. I’ll no doubt be up at the crack tomorrow so I’ll pop in to wish you all seasons greetings. if not, have an amazing weekend. One more sleep. :D
8.2 Utterly useless sleep last night even by my standards.

Therapy yesterday was fantastic. Tough but fantastic. There were tears.

Today I’m off to the folks for a couple of days of overeating completely inappropriate foods.

To those who celebrate, Merry Christmas!

Morning all, 5.5 here. Cat duly arrived and is mucking in with the housework, she went exploring somewhere I’d missed with the hoover and reappeared with a cobweb on her nose. Son is due back from skiing at some point today, so it remains to be seen whether he makes it to our house this evening or spends Christmas queuing in the Immigration Hall at the airport.

5.8 today which I am pleased with considering I had a sweet a sweet chilli chicken noodle ready meal last night. Today just got to pop out to local shop for flowers to take to the crematorium tomorrow, oh and the only thing I am short on, kitchen paper, prep some veg, get my son to wrap up his girlfriend’s present so I can put all the wrapping stuff away.

congratulations @harbottle on your HS.

Hope everyone a lovely Christmas.
Not sure which result to offer as, like @ColinUK, I feel like I haven't slept much. Too much time in the red the last 2 nights. Can't be bothered to finger prick because BG meter is so temperamental in the cold and probably needs new batteries but I keep forgetting to buy some. The first Libre reading at 3.24am was "LO" and next time I woke up was 6.13am on 2.6. Libre reads about 1mmol low for me so these readings will not have been quite as bad as they appear but graph says I was in the red from about 2.30am until 7am despite 4 JBs, but then suddenly decided to head vertically upwards just when I was starting to think I would need more JBs. I knew DP/FOTF would be kicking in any moment, so really didn't want to take any more JBs than necessary and I know Libre is slow to show hypo treatments working but then I was suddenly 7.7 in a matter of a few minutes and heading for orbit, so had to start jabbing insulin. The problem seems to be that my levels have started going really high in the evening and don't respond to insulin leading me to get slightly heavy handed and then the minute I go to sleep my levels drop. I reduced Levemir last night to counter act that and had a little piece of flapjack but obviously still didn't get it right. It is all stress related, so hopefully after tomorrow, I will start to do better.

Disappointed to feel really stressed again this morning as I thought I was feeling a bit more relaxed last night but 2 nights of hypos and disturbed sleep obviously hasn't helped my mental outlook. Hopefully it will ease as the day goes on.

Went to the surgery to pick up medication yesterday and got 2 extra Libre 1 sensors thrown in as well as my new Libre 2s, so won't be swapping to Libre 2 for another month now as will use up the Libre 1s first. I missed out on a prescription for them last month and ended up using my surplus stock from the odd replacement and Libre breaks, so it is nice to have a slight surplus again just in case I have any failures but a little disappointed that I won't be using my new toy for Christmas.

Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas. I am just aiming to get through it as I have found the last month really challenging with stress.
Well done @harbottle on the House Special. A nice round 5 for me this Christmas Eve. :D

Missed the magic number by one again this morning, it’s a 5.1 for me at 9.05 today.
Just been out and it was amazing. Almost no one around and reasonably well stocked shelves (or should that be 'seasonably well soaked elves').

Back home repairing the trifle with a few ideas. If I remember I'll post a couple of pics of it later on.

Just remembered to get the lemon and parlsey stuffing out of the freezer. It needs to thaw before I add the eggs ... And then stuff things !!!

I will take today very gently....Zzzzzz ... lots to dZzzzzz
Good morning - 7.8 at 8:00
I've just come back from a 3 mile walk. Its lovely out there today, cool but not cold, blue sky and some sunshine. I feel quite invigorated! Now time for coffee and my book.

Congrats on the HS @harbottle.
@rebrascora, thinking of you. I hope you get a decent nights sleep soon.
Morning all - though it's afternoon now (been on the phone to Abbott again for over an hour.)

5.6 when I finally woke at 10:10. Surprising given I have this cold now and so has Julian. He woke me snoring like a train at 04:00 and it was gone 6:30 when I fell asleep again.

Have informed all our guests that we have colds, but they have all elected still to come.

Well done on the HS @harbottle

@rebrascora just HUGS my love.

Happy Christmas eve everyone. Have a lovely Christmas.