Group 7-day waking average?

@Gwynn so sorry to hear about your auntie. Condolences to all the family.

Well, seems to be my day for ringing customer services. Omnipod sending a new charger.

Went to put on a new Libre sensor and as I unscrewed the translucent bit off the grey applicator the sensor fell out onto the carpet. Couldn't refit it, but anyway it's covered in carpet fluff. They're replacing it!
@Gwynn so sorry to hear about your auntie. Condolences to all the family.

Well, seems to be my day for ringing customer services. Omnipod sending a new charger.

Went to put on a new Libre sensor and as I unscrewed the translucent bit off the grey applicator the sensor fell out onto the carpet. Couldn't refit it, but anyway it's covered in carpet fluff. They're replacing it!
They’re replacing the carpet fluff?!
Now that’s customer service!
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9

Gotta decide whether to start making the Christmas trifle today or not. Decisions decisions.

Very quiet here which I quite like, but not all the time...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Another early morning 6.1.

Been awake since 4 with the blooming ankle. It obviously stiffens up whilst in bed and the only relief I get is to get up and move it. I’m getting pretty annoyed with it now, I am the world’s most impatient patient. I really don’t have time to lounge about. We’ve visitors today and tomorrow, so would really like to make some mince pies. Luckily, when I made some last week I made extra rough puff and froze it so it’s just a case of assembling them. I could do it at the kitchen table, couldn’t I? Still presents to wrap, Mr Eggy has said he’ll finish them, I’m finding it difficult to wrap sitting down, I usually do it on the ironing board. It’s a game changer, try it. Sorry for the whinge, it’s not like me, but I don’t do enforced rest I’m afraid, it’s just not in my nature. I’m finding it all very frustrating. The good news is, no child care today, other grandma is doing it, so that’s a bit of a relief, for Mr Eggy! I’m sure I’ll find plenty of jobs for him though, In fact I have quite the list. 😉

Have a great Festive Friday. Two more sleeps.🙂

I seem to be running higher than I’d like lately no matter when I’m taking a reading.

I’m going to tighten up my foodstuff choices again after Christmas and see if I can’t ease the numbers down again.

It’s tough doing it basically without exercise but I’m game.
Good morning. 7.8 reflecting yesterday's injudicious choices of food and drink.

Pottered in to Carmarthen yesterday - found a rather nice art deco clock and a scale model steam train. Managed to park at Tesco, one of the few loos in town, mapping them a necessity when on diuretics, the place was heaving. People were getting impatient in the car park, one of them running a shiny Chelsea tractor into my tow hook which fortunately survived the experience.

Tried to do my charity donations on line to discover my card had been blocked so spent an hour getting through to the fraud team on the phone to discover that it was a dodgy company trying to renew a subscription (at 5 times last years price) for an app which I had tried and rejected in 2021. Had a nice chat with a lass in in Edinburgh who sorted it all out and reduced the headache caused by the interminable mechanical voice repetitively thanking me for not hanging up. So that is today's priority job sorted - after 4 days without mains water I am adding Water Aid to the list!

Christmas jaunt to Oxfordshire to the family is cancelled - son-in-law has caught a nasty respiratory infection. Was contemplating a run up over the border to exchange gifts or to go at Hogmanay but think I shall settle for couriering the goodies. Daughter has enough on her plate without setting off to met me with 2 small children. So I shall be spending the day eating duck, feeding Wolf Gravey Bones and handing out carrots to the equine members of the household. Fortunately the landline, which accompanied the water supply in its departure, has been restored so I may, with careful timing, interrupt others cooking up their feast with a cheerful phone call. I reckon 1.30 should be about maximum panic time in most kitchens...

Wishing everyone a great day, a Merry Christmas and good morning figures.
Morning all. Chesty cough back again just when I was on the mend from April! Fed-up isn't in it. That very cold spell did for me as I had no choice but to go out hospital visiting. :(

6.7 @ 4.55 cough splutter cough, Kat the cat doesn't like it, she runs away. 🙄
Morning all, 5.8 here.
I always wrap presents on my ironing board, @eggyg , much the best place.
First guests arrive this morning. Daughter and Cat. Wondering what the cat will get up to this year. Two years ago she fell off a narrow ledge above the stairwell and landed in the hall below. Fortunately she was undamaged. Last year she emerged from exploring a wardrobe with the sticky pad of one of those lakeland moth traps stuck firmly to her tail, complained bitterly about it, but wouldn’t let anyone near her to help her get it off. A towel and a stout pair of gardening gloves later…She’s a rescue cat, whose elderly owner died, I'm wondering if she died of stress!
Good morning! 6.1 today.

It’s dark this morning, but aren’t the days starting to draw out now?😉

Last day working until after Christmas- yay! Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning- 5.4
A near miss 5.3 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 7.0 here.

Don’t forget M&S has got toilets too @TinaD LOL. I’ve got all the free toilets between here and Swansea mapped out - I’m not paying 40p a pee! Our dogs usually get all sorts at Xmas but my brother’s poor dog is one of those that “has never been fed leftovers” (oh yes she has, but not in front of her owners).

I haven’t got an ironing board - but wrapping presents on one makes perfect sense. 🙂
Good morning everyone! 5'7 here.

Was a bit worried about how I would fit all I want to do in the few hours between my shifts today, but the manager generously sent me home after 20 minutes of work. It is annoying considering it takes me 30 minutes to get there, plus getting up early, but I'll look at the positives. I'm treating myself to a hot chocolate in a coffee shop in the way home, then buy a couple things (I knew I was forgetting something!) and get some more sleep, as tonight is expected to be hard work.

Yesterday I realised I didn't have any glasses for wine or champagne. I could drink it from a mug but I want to feel fancy, so I got two champagne flutes at Wilko, 75p each :D They didn't have any of their basic wine glasses when I went, I might check today. If not, the champagne ones will be good enough for white wine or even sparkling water. I have a glamorous lifestyle :rofl:

6.7 today, making the Chocolate orange puddings today for those who don’t eat Christmas Pudding, then dusting and maybe a bit of reading.

@eggyg - please take it easy, but I love the wrapping presents on the ironing board idea, at least then my ironing board would get used for something.

Happy Christmas everyone.
Morning all. 5.7 and just woke up!! Whats wrong with me, almost a week of 9am+?

Delivering mums gift today is the only thing i need to do. Have a good day whatever you do.