Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.8.
Minor disaster last night, which was starlit and lovely, while chatting with friends on the yard. Forgot I had left dinner in the woodburner which had sneakily revved up and cremated it. No option other than high carb replacement or hunger - so quite pleased with this mornings score.
Have a good day everyone.
View in the hospital today.

Good morning everyone.

Nothing seems to affect my BG thank goodness. Not hot, nor cold, nor stress, nor illness, nor eating the 'wrong' things, etc etc

BG this morning, after pigging out yesterday to feed my recovery from a cold... 5.1

Just been out to the shops to do a little fruit shopping (bananas have been terrible recently). The shops were packed. I didn't enjoy it much.

Rest now. A walk on the beach later on.

Oh, and sadly, I got a letter yesterday informing me that my favourite aunt had died. :(

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! 6'2.

I sent an email to the diabetes nurses asking if they consider I should start using Novorapid, based on new data from Libre. If the answer is yes, I'll wait for next week. Not only because I'm not excited about carb counting my Christmas meal, but this weekend will be extra busy at work, which means lots of walking/running around.

Good luck to all the brave ones going to the supermarket 😉 I'm trying to remember if I need something but I think I'm all sorted.
Back home and the supermarket wasn't too bad. Plenty of stock on the shelves (apart from cream though they were filling up the section) and everybody polite, chatty and smiley. I got everything i needed so the only thing left to do now is deliver mum's gift tomorrow.
We were back by 10. Wasn’t too bad, I had written my list in aisle order so there wasn’t any toing and froing. The only thing we couldn’t get was white Cremant. We had to make do with rosé. #firstworldproblems :rofl:
Managed with one crutch ok, foot a bit swollen but the worst thing was the pain in my shin. I’m now resting, honest guv! 😉
We were back by 10. Wasn’t too bad, I had written my list in aisle order so there wasn’t any toing and froing. The only thing we couldn’t get was white Cremant. We had to make do with rosé. #firstworldproblems :rofl:
Managed with one crutch ok, foot a bit swollen but the worst thing was the pain in my shin. I’m now resting, honest guv! 😉
Get that foot up now and have a coffee and a rest.
Morning all. Grey and rainy!

5.1 this morning despite a sore throat and wheezy chest that started yesterday morning. Went to bed at 11pm and had a restless night. Hubby had to be up at 07:30 to go to the GPs and have a 24 hr blood pressure machine put on. He brought me a cuppa and I went straight back to sleep, ignoring the tea and didn't wake until 10:20am. Feeling much better now after a couple of paracetamol. J is also suffering the same symptoms, but a couple of Neurofen (for his back) seem to have helped him.

Still, nothing to do for Xmas until 24th when I'll do all the prep, so a nice restful day today. Must ring Omnipod peeps as the charger for my PDM is draining the battery rather than charging it!

@Gwynn, are you sure you are diabetic?????

@ColinUK what a lovely view!

@freesia,well done on the Hba1c.

@eggyg I do sympathise over hubby's shopping habits. Mine comes back with all sorts of stuff that wasn't on the list "because I saw this and it looked interesting/or we'd like it etc".

Have a good day all!
sincere condolences @Gwynn for your loss
@eggyg please rest
I popped into our local M&S this morning to get some snacky, nibbly, dippy wotsits to sustain us between Christmas and New Year. Nada! I'd forgotten their ludicrously short use by dates. So another trip after Boxing Day. Still I did pick up a nice Malbec and their world beating multi-purpose J-cloths. 😛

Keep well and warm everybody.

Been chasing my tail since struggling out of bed this morning, woke early but then fell back to sleep! Anyway, 6.0 on getting up. Did my bolus too long before lunch and dropped to 3.6 whilst eating, oh well.

@eggyg - a shopping list in aisle order! Wow!

@ColinUK - not sure about the floor, although the pattern is a bit mesmerising:rofl:

No supermarket trips for us thank goodness! Everything already here, just got a collection from M&S between 7:30pm and 8pm tomorrow evening (not as posh as Fortnum & Mason but a treat for us!).

Have a good day everyone!
A Hole in My Bucket day today all arising from our leak from faulty ballcock back in September.
Hall radiator had to come off to allow re-plastering so in taking it off the joint sprung a leak, plumber came fitted new part, but needed to bleed to radiators so had to move loads of stuff so he could get at them, he then discovered a valve that switches from hot water to heating was faulty so he is just fitting a new one.
We are at 3 hours so far, I see £££££ before my eyes.
@Gwynn my condolences to you all.
First potato session at the hospital this morning.

Lots of back history taken. I don’t know how useful that’ll be as this is my Achilles.

Very strict instructions what not to do.

Follow up appointment first week in January and then this physio leaves work to go travelling for six months so I’ll be assigned a new one.

She stressed that Achilles is slow to heal and right now she’s trying to assess whereabouts I am in the recovery process.

In all likelihood it’s another 9 - 18 months of rehab before I’m back to anything approaching normal.
*physio not potato!! :rofl:
@ColinUK good job as potatoes are full of carbs !!!

@Pattidevans i have argued and presented countless amounts of evidence for me not beong diabetic bit the medics just ignore it all. Sigh

At least I get lots of checks making sure everything is ok ss I get older. But I don't want to be an unnecessary burden on the NHS.
Afternoon all and it was 6.9 for me.

Nurse just called to give me my latest HbA1C which was 46. Apparently this is a bit tight for her liking.

She called from the unfortunately named Kilmeny.

Currently waiting for a call back from the Musicians Union for guidance on the post Brexit tax rules in Germany to see if a gig we've been offered is worth doing.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.