Group 7-day waking average?

Its a Samsung A33 5g

The thing I like about it most is that it works!!!

Try OtterBox or Spigen

I’ve used both in the past and have this Spigen case on my iPhone right now. The textured back and sides make it incredibly easy to grip.

@Bloden Reminds me of the time I opened my payslip and found I’d been paid my tax and taxed my pay.
Called payroll and they apologised and said it would be sorted out next month.
I quickly corrected their mistaken belief that I would be happy with that outcome and it was rectified by end of the day.
@ColinUK thanks I will order a blue one when I am paid at the start od Dec.

Yikes! Nearly Christmas !!!
Congratulations @Michael12421 on your "especial de la casa" 🙂
My reading was 6.1 this morning.

Good morning, 7.1 for me this morning. Think I need to watch my levels at night (which is my worst time for “grazing” and especially at the tail end of the Levemir will push BG up a bit).

Congratulations @Michael12421 and @MikeyBikey on your HS this morning!

Have a good day everyone!
08:26 BS 9.1 Aww! I don’t know why it’s so high this morning? 🙄

Just sang Happy Birthday to me on the loo first thing, washed hands & tested! Thinking Drat! I can’t be 50 any more: a nice round number that Mr. Monk would be happy with & 51 is just SO odd, pun fully intended; I, in italics, will have to wait for 55 for my next round number, it’s the only odd like I consider as even ie. round as it’s half of 10, Mr. Monk would have to wait for 60! :rofl::rofl::rofl:😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Also, checked my email to see if a) tesco will send me a receipt email for what’s coming today actually before I get it as it sometimes comes very late after the shopping arrives & is therefore USELESS & b) see if I’m going to get all/any of the party food I ordered? :confused: Uhm! I got everything except for the prawn gyozas & sushi! So, that’ll be anything from 10:20 to 12:00 delivery: it’s my usual slot time of 11:00 to 12:00 but, they’re nearly always early!

It’s going to be indulgent party food today & we’ll see what I wake on tomorrow? 🙄:confused:
Morning folks. 🙂 5.6 here.

I accessed my first payslip for my new job yesterday - it was a blank page! Oh. I see. I’m looking forward to hearing from the lovely secretary to see what happened. I’m also looking forward to getting my recent blood test results - the surgery couldn’t find them in the system, and advised me to contact the hospital. Lots to look forward to this week! 🙂

Great work @Michael12421 !!!
In the olden days some companies made you work 'a week in hand' which meant you didn't get any pay the first week.
Morning all. 6.1 today.

Zara day today, hopefully a walk to the river as she wasn’t herself on Friday, she’s full of cold. Hopefully, fingers crossed, neither of us will catch it. Who am I kidding? I must kiss and cuddle her a thousand times whilst she’s in my care!

@Elenka_HM that is almost the same stew I cooked yesterday. Was it beef? Unfortunately, there’s enough left for tonight’s tea, Mr Eggy loves it but I can’t stand the taste the parsnips bring to it, even though there was only a couple of pieces in it, I’m not that into beef either. But I hadn’t cooked it for ages so I was totally selfless as I’m want to be! 😉 I also cooked Cornumbria/Cumbish pasties. Authentic expect for the fact they weren’t made in Cornwall. We’re having them for lunch today. I made extra for the freezer to take on walks. The teeny, tiny one is for Zara obviously. Is my crimping up to scratch @Pattidevans?

@Michael12421 many congratulations on your House Special.

Have a good day folks, if you’re able.
this might be the last thing you want to do - but I would stir some creamed horseradish into it ...
Can you not just have vegetables or maybe they will have vegetarian dishes on offer and they will often have fish available.
Good call on the vegetarian option! However everyone just had roast on a sandwich (something the pub does as a special along with plated meals), so it was easy just to drink (having eaten beforehand anyway) and not everyone ate anyway. I drove to let my wife have a couple of drinks in honour of her brother who would have been 62 yesterday. His son brought a picture of him to place on our table. Very sad.
7.5 again this morning (piggy me last night again and I didn't enjoy the mini magnum so I'm going to put them out in the deep freeze so I'm not tempted). During the day thought yesterday I tested and was 4.7 so at least it's not staying high. I've got my concert in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford this evening - I say "my" concert - I'm literally single Jingle Bell Rock at the end but it will be lovely with lots of "proper" singers & musicians there and a few well knowns (Jeremy Irons & Anthony Horowitz). Last night we had our Advent Carol Service in our village church which was nice. Only 5 more nights until my hubby returns from Australia. Talking of which - not sure what I'll do in the evenings now I'm a Celeb has finished ... Have a great day everyone and @Lanny Happy Birthday xxx
Morning all. Glorious here, sun shining. Bit nippy. I'm still too crook to get out and sweep all the leaves out, right squidgy mess on the pavement down the side of the bungalow. 🙄
I base success or otherwise of my cooking on whether it tastes like mums. Sometimes it does, sometimes it’s nothing like it so I ask her how she does a certain dish. It’s always just eyeballed quantities as she never weighs anything other than when baking!
Tell me about it! My mum and grandma also measure ingredients in " pinches", "bunches", "little bits" and the best one: "as much as you see it needs". I'm not a seasoned cook as them. I have no idea how much it needs! Haha
@Elenka_HM that is almost the same stew I cooked yesterday. Was it beef?
It was pork but I'm sure it would be nice with beef. I think the most distinctive flavour in this recipe comes from wine and clove. Unfortunately I didn't have the same kind of wine they would use back at home.
hey everyone. 4.8

Still got an upset tummy and its been since about Thursday now. Managed some cup a soups and a bagel yesterday but still in the loo about 8 times a day at minimum. I don't "feel" unwell apart from cramping and diarrhoea.
Supposed to be doctors tomorrow for bloods, ironically checking for inflammation and infection markers so going to defer those for a week as results wont mean much and I'm nervous to leave the house.
Bloods still running on the lower side (for me). Not sure if its a case of not absorbing food properly (leading to overbolus) or just on way less food/carbs than usual.

Anyway off to call doctors to reschedule appointment and ask them if its worth speaking to GP yet or not. 🙂
Morning all on another changeable day... one minute it's teeming down, the next it's sunny.

5.0 on the nose this morning after a fabulous night's sleep thanks to Mr Nytol. I don't take them often, but sometimes when I've had a whole bunch of nights with hardly any sleep I just need a half a tablet. Didn't stop the numerous toilet visits but at least I quickly fell asleep again rather than laying awake for hours.

The roast lamb last night was fabulous! I'd almost forgotten the taste we have it so rarely! Did it with minted new potatoes, sprouts, roast butternut squash (just right, soft with caramellised edges) and some honey glazed parsnips for 'im indoors plus mint jelly. @zippyjojo Horseradish? Noooo... I've realised that although I am no-one's mum I have been cooking for more than 50 years and I'm of the school of cooking that goes "that looks about right" and "Oh, recipe says a quarter teaspoon of that? No one will taste it, chuck in a tablespoon of it" .

@Elenka_HM taste it and ask yourself what you "think" is missing.... then put some of whatever it is in, even if it's not actually what your mum uses. Do you kinow what kind of wine your mum usually uses?

@eggyg I'm not an expert on Cornish Pasties as a. although we have lived down here for 35 years we are still regarded as incomers and b. I don't like them all that much, though we are sometimes the grateful recipients of a home made one or two from next door who is expert and hers are delicious and HUGE! According to the Cornish a "proper" pasty should only be crimped on the side (not the top), with a sort of rolling scrolling motion - see attached pic. As I said, I'm not a judge but yours look lovely!

@Lanny Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday and a lovely feast.

@MikeyBikey and @Michael12421 Congratulations and well done on the HS.


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loods still running on the lower side (for me). Not sure if its a case of not absorbing food properly (leading to overbolus) or just on way less food/carbs than usual.
If you are eating less than usual then it's likely to be that, also are you losing weight due to eating less and having diarrhoea? Insulin is dependent on body weight, so if you lose some you will likely need less insulin.
Morning fellow sufferers. It’s a 5.4 for me this beautiful sunny morning with a light chill in the air.