Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 9.1
Morning all. 🙂 3.7 here.

Almost finished my Crimbo shopping, but need one more trip to a couple of local towns. Not today tho. We’ve decided to get my OH’s family a give-to-charity gift cos I have no idea what they like and end up buying them generic tat. Aiming to send everything that needs sending by Tuesday.

Time to walk the dogs. I’ll shut the back door quietly cos it looks like the rest of the forum are having a lie-in. 😉 🙂
I wish I could suggest that to my brother and sister in law - it would save my trip to the charity shop
A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Evening! 6.3 and a lie in. Dozed on and off from 6 until just before 9. Stripped the bed and put a wash on and my sous chef is making the breakfast today.

No plans as such, hoping to hang the bedding out, 11degrees, sunny and breezy, it’ll give it a start anyways. If we’ve time we might have a walk.

Happy birthday for yesterday @Wannie sounds like you had a lovely day.
@freesia hopefully you’ll turn a corner today,

Have a super Sunday folks.
Morning - 7.5 this morning which I’m pleasantly surprised by after my Kit Kat fest yesterday. More sorting of “stuff” today and an Advent Carol Service in the village with my Mum this evening - my brother is in the choir. Have a good day everyone xxx
Good morning, 5.6 for me this morning. Sunday lunch out today at a pub to celebrate my wife’s late brother’s birthday (first one since losing him in February this year) along with the rest of the family. It will be a bittersweet time I expect, but whenever we go to his favourite pub we always raise a glass to him, so this will be nice in a funny sort of way. Planning to eat beforehand though as I am The One Person who doesn’t like Sunday Roasts :rofl:. The pub does a roast carvery so I’ll skip that and just have a drink.

Congratulations @Colin g on your HS!

Have a great day everyone!
A question for you good folks . Abbott sent me an e mail saying libre 1 sensor was defunct after December. Rang my health centre told the receptionist if she could get my doctor to change prescription over to libre 2 sensor. Would I still be able to scan libre 2 sensor with my old device . Or does that need to be changed to? Thanks for any help
I got a couple of libre 2 sensors presumably by mistake and as I didn't notice scanned with my libre 1 sensor no problem.
Good morning. 5.7`.

I look out of the window and repeat the mantra "Less than a month to the shortest day". I do hate the dying of the light. I cling on above the pit of depression by my fingernails. Roll on January...

Had to kick myself into doing anything but the chores yesterday. Eventually kicked myself into motion and visited a charity shop (not my usual thing - I'm a habitual donator rather than a shopper) as well as the coop. Returned with edible goodies from the one and a charming leather camel, a P.D.James, and a colourful ceramic elephant with howdah from the other. I've always secretly rather wanted one of those enormous elephants one sees on Antiques programmes, but never had the right sort of house for one, so finding a 6 inch high one was fun at £3. Dear me - next thing will be gnomes if I am not careful.

Enjoy the remaining weekend folks.
If you suffer from depression (as many do) when the days grow short, then it is fortunate you have bought an elephant figurine. Place it inside the front door facing outwards, it will protect against negative energies coming in.
Good morning, 5.6 for me this morning. Sunday lunch out today at a pub to celebrate my wife’s late brother’s birthday (first one since losing him in February this year) along with the rest of the family. It will be a bittersweet time I expect, but whenever we go to his favourite pub we always raise a glass to him, so this will be nice in a funny sort of way. Planning to eat beforehand though as I am The One Person who doesn’t like Sunday Roasts :rofl:. The pub does a roast carvery so I’ll skip that and just have a drink.

Congratulations @Colin g on your HS!

Have a great day everyone!
Can you not just have vegetables or maybe they will have vegetarian dishes on offer and they will often have fish available.
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

I think I heard the words garden centre mentioned so I guess that's the plan for today.
Got to make a big pan of Bigos first though. Sauerkraut, mushrooms, chicken, kabanos bacon and tomato.

Have a good day everyone.
I got a couple of libre 2 sensors presumably by mistake and as I didn't notice scanned with my libre 1 sensor no problem.
@khskel it’ll work OK but you won’t get alarms.

Morning all, rather grey today.

6.4 when I finally woke at 10am. Mainly sleepless night until gone 6am with bad dreams when I did nod off briefly.

Last night’s fish pie was disappointing. Turns out the white fish I had thought was Cod was actually Pollock and I dislike it intensely. Hubby seemed happy with it though. Hope today’s lamb will be better. It should be!

@Wannie Happy Belated Birthday. How sweet is Phoebe!

@Colin g well done on the HS!

@zippyjojo Kit Kats and chocolate are too slowly digested to be of any real use for a hypo. You need something that has pure glucose in it, such as dextrose tabs, full sugar drinks or jelly babies. Not that I would consider 4.7 a hypo, but it does probably feel like one if you have been running high for a while.

Have a lovely day all and get well soon all of you who feel poorly.
10:35 BS 7.7 🙂 It’s getting closer!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Could BARELY stayed up for Strictly last night: fell asleep almost from the start live & woke to see the last dance & voted all 3 of my votes for poor Molly, who’s definitely my favourite this year & getting a tough time of it with all those dance offs, then, tried watching from the start again; fell asleep again so, switched off the iPad & had a proper snooze! A double stream of z’s emoji! 🙄:rofl:

FINALLY caught all 6 dances when I woke, for a loo trip, around 23:45? 😱

My stamina is still a bit lacking & after 2 normal ish 15/16 hours days I barely lasted 12 hours yesterday! But, I was only lasting about 6/8 hours awake before sleeping a lot at the height of my illness! S, it IS an improvement! 🙂
And it’s a happy 5.1 for me at 8.35 this morning.
Good morning, today woke up (a few hrs ago) to a more reasonable 6.4
much better than yesterday, when my waking BS was 9.something
not good 😱
hardly surprising really as Friday afternoon & evening
I ate so much non-diabetic friendly, carb laden, comfort food.
including cheesy chips a sausage roll & two chocolate do-nuts 😱 😱

hope everybody’s having a great weekend 😎
I got a couple of libre 2 sensors presumably by mistake and as I didn't notice scanned with my libre 1 sensor no problem.
Apparently I carnt get the machine. Have to use my phone which to be fair I do for most of the time . I do use the libre machine every time I eat . And put my carbs and insulin intake on that . Just have to change over . I was offered the libre 2 when they first came out . Told my diabetes nurse (when I had one . She left last may and I haven't heard from her replacement. If they got one . Received a quick phone call back in February this year and that's been it Haven't seen anyone face to face at the clinic for years . Same with my feet February for them chiropatist said she would see me in 3 months It's the back end of January next year. Never used to be this bad . I'm up in Sunderland.) Just have to keep yourself right . Least I'm getting my eyes looked at on Thursday
Hey all. 4.9 and 100% time in range
I would be delighted apart from the fact its mainly down to 3 days of upset tummy. Just trying to eat little amounts. On a plus, plenty of basal testing going on 😉.
(all good on the ketones front - bouncing between neg and trace on the sticks)