Group 7-day waking average?

Greetings, it’s a 5.3 for me this gloomy morning.
Good morning, ashamed to admit a shocking 10.0 this morning
But not suppressingly really, after a rather unhealthy evening meal yesterday,
plus just realised I missed some of my Meds yesterday
on a Saturday, I take a weekly injection (Trulicity)
plus my evening Insulin yesterday Im thinking I also missed that one 🙄

Yesterday turned out to be quite a busy day for me, not the relaxing one I had planned.
I had agreed previously to go out in the morning to help ou a friend,
then in the afternoon / evening was trying to do do some DIY, as I desperately needed to try and put right someones previously done bodge job.

Great to see @Grannylorraine posted yesterday, sorry to hear you've been struggling recently.
@Gwynn hoping the assessment you finally got brings the long awaited help needed

I’m hopeful for a quick chat (possibly a video call)
with my Brother & Sister at some point today

have a great day everybody 😎
6.2 not much else to report
Nothing for me to report, was determined to test when I woke up, think bateries have gone in my meter while I haven’t been using it.

Was supposed to ru today but weather has stopped that, but going to start my Christmas cakes, then once they are in the oven I will do an exercise from my app and then 3 hrs of yoga this afternoon.

Thank you all for your lovely comments.
5.7 for me first thing today. 🙂
Was going to go out for a walk but it's too bloomin' cold and wet. So I'll do today's AZED crossword and exercise the old brain instead.

Nothing for me to report, was determined to test when I woke up, think bateries have gone in my meter while I haven’t been using it.
I'm 99% sure I can get free replacement batteries with my tee2 meter on their website. Might be worth checking if yours does it before ordering more.
5.5 today. Really manic Olio collection last night, still a few people lined up to come but I will be taking a lot of bread to church to try to get rid of it too....
Evening all! 6.1 and a mega, mega lie in ( for me). Woke at 5 for the loo, slept until 7, loo trip. Got back into bed. 8.45! 😱 I must have needed it.

Lovely autumnal day already, as was yesterday, we had a lovely 5.5 mile muddy walk, today just staying home. Ironing awaits unfortunately, then a roast chicken dinner. Last roast until Christmas I think.

Have a great day all.
Nice to see you back @Grannylorraine, keep coming back even if it’s just for all the crazy craic! @Gwynn hope things are moving on. Hugs.
Morning all - blue skies, will they last?

7.3 for which I am grateful as it could have been worse! Couldn't eat all my dinner last night, so was unsurprised to be 3.2 at bedtime. Ate 2 x JB and half a ginger cookie + put on a -25% temp basal. 4.5 when I went to bed. I was woken at 1:30 by Julian who said I was grunting so loud he could hear me downstairs where he was reading. In my dream I was trying to kick a lot of white splodges into a line - don't ask!!! BG 2.0 and no alarm had woken me which was odd as the reader was only a ft from my face on the bedside table. I was completely confused and it took me a while to think to take a reading. Anyway, it took nearly an hour to come out of it, with numerous JBs, cookies and lastly a cup of sugary tea before I was over 4 and happy to sleep again. J was lovely running round after me and makng sure I was OK. Put on another temp basal and at one point in the night was 9.0. Today is another day.

Lots to do today, getting spare room ready for new house guests arriving tomorrow and doing as much prep as I can for dinners the next two nights. Fortunately have booked a table at the pub for Weds!

@Eternal422 your post reminded me - I meant to say the other day when you posted that pic of your boat on the canal in Birmingham. Back in my early 20s (late 1960s) I used to go to a disco on that canal-side. It was called the "Opposite Lock" and it was very much the "in place". I imagine it's long gone now.

@Grannylorraine have a good day and enjoy the yoga.

@Gwynn hope you have that assessment in your hands now.

@ColinUK I think @Northerner is right... you are a lovely chap. This place wouldn't be the same without you.
@Eternal422 your post reminded me - I meant to say the other day when you posted that pic of your boat on the canal in Birmingham. Back in my early 20s (late 1960s) I used to go to a disco on that canal-side. It was called the "Opposite Lock" and it was very much the "in place". I imagine it's long gone now.
That’s interesting! Apparently it became Bobby Browns and I found some mention of it being renovated and opened as a venue again, but not sure what it is now. The name “opposite lock” apparently came from the original owner who was an average racing driver (according to the internet search!) and got its name from the racing term “opposite lock” even though at the time it was by a lock on the canal.
Good afternoon- forgot to post earlier but 9:30 - 8.7
4.2 for me this morning and I think you can say I was "sugar surfing" on the red sea last night 😱 ....9 jelly babies to get me through the night and what is particularly strange/interesting is that I took no evening basal insulin (or bolus) at all, so those dips are pretty much down to my muscles sucking the glucose out of my blood stream because I have increased my exercise the last few days.
Anyway, I am posting my graph..... not proud of it.... but important to show the less than good, as well as the ones we are really happy with, so that people see that we don't get perfect results all the time.
I should also say that in reality I wasn't in the red nearly as much as it appears because Libre consistently reads 1mmol lower than BG but I will admit that I didn't test any of these hypos, I just ate my JBs and went back to sleep. With not having any active insulin in my system I really didn't think it would keep happening. Thankfully whilst my body wakes me up, I don't feel particularly bad and I don't get sweaty at these levels, so once I have chewed my JBs I am back off to sleep within seconds.... and no hypo hangover this morning. Lucky, I know...

Congratulations to @MrPixels on achieving another House Special.
I wouldn't worry overly about the odd high 3 reading when you are not using medication. Firstly it could easily be a 4. something, because the accuracy of your meter isn't as precise as the decimal place suggests but also non-diabetics can and do get sub 4 readings. What did you have for breakfast and did you perhaps walk or do other exercise afterwards to help drop your levels?

@Michael12421 Hope your levels are back in range and stable now.
That’s interesting! Apparently it became Bobby Browns and I found some mention of it being renovated and opened as a venue again, but not sure what it is now. The name “opposite lock” apparently came from the original owner who was an average racing driver (according to the internet search!) and got its name from the racing term “opposite lock” even though at the time it was by a lock on the canal.
Oh, interesting! I had always thought it was to do with being on the canal opposite a lock! Ha ha. There were lots of "proper" night clubs in Birmingham in those days. The Cedar Club, the Rum Runner etc. All of which had gambling and showcased up and coming talent. I saw Lulu, Georgie Fame and the blue flames and Unit 4 + 2 at these clubs, but the Opposite Lock and the Elbow Room were just discos. The same people like me did the rounds, e.g. Thurs was the Lock, Saturday was the Elbow Room.... etc etc.