Group 7-day waking average?

Good moaning! A dreadful 11.8. I overtreated my slam-dunk hypo yesterday evening. The problem is I always seem to dip further before I come back up! I can't take anything more sugary than JBs as I just honk glucose syrup back up (vomit emoji)!
My reading first thing this morning was 5.1. 🙂

Morning All - 6.7 for me this morning as nothing sweet again last night. I'm on a bit of a roll with it at the moment - mind you nothing happened with my weight for a few days but I think I'm being over optimistic and expecting too much. Over at the mother-in-law's house today carrying on with bagging up her clothes for charity shop and Salvation Army. Have a great day everyone x
Morning all. Bright and sunny right now, but it's been intermittently lashing down all night and this morning. So loud in the night it woke me and I couldn't get back to sleep for at least 2 hours.

6.3 this morning despite all that.

Yesterday's lunch went down well - everyone seemed to enjoy it, even our mutual friend who is the pickiest eater alive! Our house guest has had a change of plans forced on her and so is leaving around noon. I guess I better start making a shopping list so I can go to the supermarket this afternoon and start sorting out the menus for the next lot who arrive on Monday.

Hoping Gwynn is OK.
And it’s another 5.3 for me again this fine sunny morning here in Bedford.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Funny old game this diabetes. A perfectly reasonable 5.4 on the finger pre breakfast. Usual toast, usual insulin then crash. 2.7 on the libre, 2.8 on the finger. Good job I got some glucotabs yesterday.

Anyway enough of my blathering now at the dizzy heights of 4.6 and the sun is shining.

Have a good day everyone.

10.something for me but couldn't give a stuff as bigger things to think about

Rain been non stop and in to its 2nd day with Amber warning today and Bruce came home last night to discover there's quite a bit of water coming through at the front door :(

He made it to work this morning but his mum text me not long before 9 saying the road was now closed, conflicting info though as the bus company has said they are still operating the service but terminating in the town rather than carrying on out to the hospital

Don't know how much more I can take at the moment with being unwell as well but hey ho
Morning all 4.4 for me this morning. With all the rain yesterday didn't get out after dinner for a good walk . Bloods been great for a while hit 14.5; before tea . Took a correction dose had tea and still was in the 14 range . Did get dog out for a short walk in rain last night . 13.6 before bed . Tested at 2am 3.1 treated that Tested again at 4.30 .3.4 .Got a busy day ahead so hopefully get everything back to normal . Was 97% in range till this kicked in bugger Well hope everyone is doing well ❤️‍
Well, I am a bit embarrassed to post this but I am going to take some smooth to go with the rough!
The only real credit I can take for that House Special is that I opted to treat that hypo with 3 jelly babies instead of my usual 1 or 2. I even had to rummage in my handbag next to the bed to find another JB as I only had 2 on the bedside table. so it took a bit of extra effort, but paid off as I levelled out beautifully in the end.
No idea why that hypo happened except that I increased my evening basal by one unit because the night before I was in the 13s all night and last night I had a late shared fish and chip supper with Ian which I thought I had managed great but was starting to release at bedtime, so instead of injecting a correction, I though the extra unit of Levemir would help deal with it. Fully expected to be high this morning, not hypo through the night :confused:
Congrats on the HS @rebrascora

I spoke too soon about levels being good with the chippy tea last night. By 9.30 this morning levels rose to 15!!! I think i must have injected water with breakfast! Either that or the insulin wasn't absorbed for some reason. It dropped quickly with a correction.
5 for me this morning at 5.30am was going to get up and catch up on some household tasks, heard rain and went back to bed until 9am😳 been playing catch up all day.
congrats on the HS @rebrascora Hope all is ok for @Gwynn and his wife, hope everyone is having a fun friday 🙂
6.1 this morning. Went into work for a meeting, went to the client's home where it was meant to be and discovered it's Tuesday instead . Then got distracted writing up in the office and left pretty late so not had a proper lunch (I had one chocolate truffle in the office, now having some salted chickpeas as tea will be earlier than I usually have it).

Tea with my friend tonight, and the great experiment to see what my BG actually does with wine and cake - whether it stays mostly flat, dips then rises, or rises then plummets....
:( Now there's water coming in the closed air vent on the dining room window, council doesn't see either as an emergency and rain forecast every day for the coming week so goodness knows what state our house will be in by the time the council decide to get someone out to look at it! xxxx
:( Now there's water coming in the closed air vent on the dining room window, council doesn't see either as an emergency and rain forecast every day for the coming week so goodness knows what state our house will be in by the time the council decide to get someone out to look at it! xxxx

Sorry to hear that but in recent years I have found both my County Council and Town Council to be utterly useless. Over the years all three main parties have controlled the town council and they are as bad as each other. And most workers do the minimum possible whilst they wait for a better than average pension. :(.
Here we are in Birmingham (the red & blue boat on the left). Ready to handover tomorrow to another owner to continue the journey to Middlewich.


Congratulations @rebrascora on your HS ! I must try better, once back home meals will be more predictable and easier to account for carbs, but I have enjoyed this week and some change of scenery and meals!
Here we are in Birmingham (the red & blue boat on the left). Ready to handover tomorrow to another owner to continue the journey to Middlewich.

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Congratulations @rebrascora on your HS ! I must try better, once back home meals will be more predictable and easier to account for carbs, but I have enjoyed this week and some change of scenery and meals!
Well done - looks to be a nice evening in Birmingham too. I've now got the Rosie & Jim theme tune on my brain!
Good morning - 7.6

Libre is being accurate (waiting to hear about dexcom funding). Yesterday right before a maths test it decided not to worm and came up with the try again in ten minutes error. I asked to go to medical to check and was told “can that wait we’ve got a test?”… had I needed to I would have just walked out

I’m not expecting teachers to understand but I’m expecting not to be questioned if I need to go to medical
I have the same issue sometimes …… can’t it wait …. From people at school and I AM the teacher !!! Hope you got sorted out and the Maths test went well