Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning
a far more respectable 5.6 today,

Have a Great Day Everybody 😎
Good morning - 7.6

Libre is being accurate (waiting to hear about dexcom funding). Yesterday right before a maths test it decided not to worm and came up with the try again in ten minutes error. I asked to go to medical to check and was told “can that wait we’ve got a test?”… had I needed to I would have just walked out

I’m not expecting teachers to understand but I’m expecting not to be questioned if I need to go to medical
Morning all. A 5.9 or as I told Mr Eggy, whilst half asleep, 5ft 9! :rofl: I wish! But then I realised I’m actually a HS! As my mam used to say to me, “ the best things come in small packages”.🙂

It’s a bit of a wet day after a nice, but chilly, day yesterday. Off into town for our hair cuts, that’ll take us nicely to lunch time, and then I’m hoping to make inroads into the Christmas shopping. Oh joy! Have a couple of ideas but will I get them on the high street?

Have the best day you can. 🙂
They're clever these crisis team people....

I sat by my phone all day but left the room for a couple of minutes to go to the loo. Guess what, yes, they rang at that very time! And tbey put on an automated message saying they would ring back which then cut me off at the end of the message. I couldn't contact them at all.

At tea time I took my phone with me into the kitchen whilst I prepared the tea. My wife saw the phone and went berzerk. I mean, litterally crazy. The stuff she came out with made no sense at all.

I got my daughter to contact the crisis team who have now put my wife on an urgent visit this morning.

I'm going to give up soon. I just can't take any more of this.

My life has been ruined by my wifes illness and I just can't get her the help she needs.

BG ? Who cares
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close!
Had a good day out in Oxford yesterday. We went to the Dutch still life section of the Ashmolean. A quirky choice, but a trip down memory lane because daughter was fascinated by them, particularly all the ones that have a half peeled lemon in them, when I took her when she was about 10. Bodleian is on my bucket list, @MikeyBikey , but these days you have to pre-book a guided tour if you want to see everything.
Managed to rein in my retail therapy and just bought a cheap throw and a pair of bootie slippers in Primark to keep me warm when I’m watching TV. Does this mean I am officially old?
I hope they turn up nice and early today @Gwynn and then get on with admitting her
6.0 this morning on fingerprick. Libre said 7.4 then 7.1 about 10 minutes later. So reasonably close given acceptable ranges.
Morning all. 🙂 4.0 here. No 3am or 6am spikes, perfect! Until tomorrow...😉

Good grief @Gwynn! I hope you get some response from the non-responsive team today.

You’re only officially old @Robin when you take your new blanket out for the day and sit with it covering your knees in a car park, overlooking a nice view, with a flask of tea...don’t forget your headscarf (to cover your curlers). 😉
Morning all. 6.2 this morning.

@Gwynn i hope they come out early and things get sorted quickly. Just keep ringing, make a nuisance of yourself, tell them everything. Take care of yourself.
6.3 for me.

Massage was lovely yesterday and my neck and my shoulder feels a lot less full of tension and pain. Calling it a win :D

Today we have someone coming out to look at a damp wall. There's probably cracks in the render that will need to be repaired. One bonus about renting, I don't get stuck with the bill 😉

Hope you all have a great day today :D

@Gwynn no words mate, just hugs x
Good morning. BG 5.1.
Nasty grey morning. Too wobbly to do much yesterday so did the Aldi run and managed to emerge with zero carb selection - they were short of all sorts of thing so had to then do Tescos where I was equally abstemious. Feeling much better this morning.
Have a good day everyone.
Good morning! A +10% (approx.) HS today at 5.7. My bizarre supper worked out. I had been waiting around most of the day which seems to drain one of energy so could not be bothered with real cooking. So I mixed snack pots of spaghetti hoops and (no addd sugar) beans, and added 1oz grated cheddar. Microwaved for 75 seconds, stirred and microwaved again. On Masterchef it would Hoopla Beans with Cheese Strands. Quite tasty and followed by a manderin. 🙂
7.5 this morning, not bad after failing Guess The Carbs on Debbie’s Famous Scones cream tea yesterday at Hatton Top Lock (did the flight in 3 hours 20mins sharing with a genuinely lovely couple of continuous cruisers who sold up and bought their bought 7 years ago when retiring).

Decided the best we can do is get to central Birmingham now with the weather and limited daylight hours. That’s still 11 hours away, but a reasonable couple of days.

@Gwynn - really hope you get somewhere today! Really feel for you!

@ColinUK - sounds like at last you are getting somewhere. Enjoyed reading your summary of how an MRI works, fascinating stuff!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all. Very happy with 6.4 this morning after a good day yesterday. The morning numbers are definitely creeping down and this is the lowest since August. I have had NO sweet things in the evenings since Sunday and don't seem to be craving them too much. My sensible head has definitely been switched back on and I'm really enjoying the food I do have. Right mush dash - house viewing at 10am, which is much too early and I'm still in my dressing gown. Have a good day everyone and @Gwynn we are all thinking of you and sending virtual {{{HUGS}}} xxx
Well done @MrPixels on that House Special. My reading this morning was 5.8. 🙂

6.5 this morning. Need to hobble to the pharmacy to pick up meds and then working from home for a bit today. Other than that nothing too much going on here.