Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 5.3 for me this wet and windy morning.
It was a 6.9 for me this morning but I was in the 13s most of the night until I eventually woke up enough to inject a correction. Annoyingly I first woke up at 2am on 13.0 and I logged in my Libre reader that I injected a 4 unit correction but I have no recollection of doing so and my levels were at 13.6 two and a half hours later so I clearly hadn't injected it. Settled on 3.5 units instead but 4 probably would have been the right decision. We had a late evening takeaway after a trip to the local theatre with Ian last night. I injected 4 units for a chicken kebab with salad, so really disappointing that I ended up so high through the night but I am nicely down in the 5s now and TIR doesn't seem to have taken too much of a hit as still 91% for the past 7 days.

Congratulations to @MrPixels on attaining the nominated optimum waking reading this morning otherwise known as a House Special.

@Gwynn. Hope the team are with you now and resolving the situation. Keep us updated when you can. (((HUGS)))
Morning all on this horrible morning. Rain teaming down 5.3 for me this morning had to make a few adjustments with my insulin intake Was one unit to one carb . Now take double with main evening meal . Have to do this over winter months as not as active. Have a good day folks
It was a 6.9 for me this morning but I was in the 13s most of the night until I eventually woke up enough to inject a correction. Annoyingly I first woke up at 2am on 13.0 and I logged in my Libre reader that I injected a 4 unit correction but I have no recollection of doing so and my levels were at 13.6 two and a half hours later so I clearly hadn't injected it. Settled on 3.5 units instead but 4 probably would have been the right decision. We had a late evening takeaway after a trip to the local theatre with Ian last night. I injected 4 units for a chicken kebab with salad, so really disappointing that I ended up so high through the night but I am nicely down in the 5s now and TIR doesn't seem to have taken too much of a hit as still 91% for the past 7 days.

Congratulations to @MrPixels on attaining the nominated optimum waking reading this morning otherwise known as a House Special.

@Gwynn. Hope the team are with you now and resolving the situation. Keep us updated when you can. (((HUGS)))
Aww shucks... thanks
Morning all.

5.3 this morning after a brilliant night's sleep, but lots of very realistic odd dreams! e.g. being at sea on a cabin cruiser that's broken down with a storm on the horizon and an evil seaman trying to scupper the boat.

Hubby gone off to play taxi service for lunch guests, so I have about 5 mins peace!

@MrPixels well done on the HS.

@Gwynn, oh my dear... what a nightmare for you. Glad your Daughter got through to the crisis team and a visit is scheduled today. Fingers crossed for you.
well done on the HS @MrPixels
@Gwynn sincerely hope that there has been some progress for you and your wife today

4.8 for me this morning at 7 am after a night of little sleep and hours spent soothing a teething baby, laid in bed until she woke at 8 am, bless her she's such a darling usually these teeth must be really bothering her.
hope everyone has had a good day.
Good morning. 7.0 and for the first time ever since being diagnosed, managed a chippy tea last night perfectly :D, i managed to stay in target the whole time and overnight.
Good morning - 7.6
First morning reading for a while, and it was 5.3

Forgot to take the Metformin yesterday (Again). Given that the GP said I could stop it if I wanted, I'm wondering just what effect 500mg is having.

Got a few problems to solve in the s/ware project I'm leading, and it's getting a bit stressful as it's close to manufacturing (Mass manufacturing!) and the end customer has been very poor with the requirements (i.e. something gets put together and they're 'oh, we meant we this, not that!') I swear it was a stressful period last year that triggered the Big D, as it around the same time I started to feel unwell!
Good morning 5.4

hoping @Gwynn you’ve finally got the help your wife needs
then you can look after yourself to

I’m looking forward to the weekend 😎
Morning all and a nice round 6 and a unicorn day. I’ve had three this week, I must be cured! 😉Unfortunately, that’s not why, my stomach is really playing up and so my food intake ( quantity as well as food types) has to be restricted. 100% days is the reward. At least something good has come out of my dodgy gastric system!

Zara day today, I wonder what gems she’ll come out with. We found a Santa hat in a cupboard the other day. I asked her if she knew what Santa did, I was alluding to coming down the chimney, bringing presents etc. she said “ Ho, Ho, Ho!” :rofl: She’s been here before!

Have a fabulous Friday all. 🙂
Morning all, 4.7 here. Still missing the dawn rise. Not that I'm complaining, it’s just rather strange to see a ski slope down, then a flat line from 4am when you’re used to seeing a washing line shape overnight.
Morning everyone. 6.3

Quiet day today, just needing a quick trip into town first thing to get the bits I forgot to add to the tesco delivery.
Will make a pot of soup when I get home and empty my hallway so it can be painted at the weekend.

Daughter ordered me a d kit case for my xmas yesterday from the DUK shop :D
Some cracking deals on there at the mo as they have a sale on and the myabetic range is sooo nice (I have the brandy backpack already).

Hope you all have a wonderful day x
Morning good peeps. 🙂 4.8 here.

Got a busy day today. Pack for my weekend away, go to Welsh class, then this evening I’m singing (performing 😱 ) with the Welsh learners’ choir before being “awarded” my Welsh for Adults GCSE certificate with all the other learners - did I really sign up for this? I didn’t even go to my degree ceremony...I’d best write an acceptance speech just in case. 😉
Good morning from Earlswood this morning and a 7.2 for me. This is definitely a better route into Birmingham. Just a straight lock-free run today into Gas Street Basin, about 5 hours or so plus a stop for diesel, water and pump out.

Doing ok ish with Guess The Carb on pub dinners which is prompting me to review my carb counting skills. At home I tend to stick to very similar meals and I know almost exactly how many carbs and also getting better at timing the bolus thanks to the Libre showing me.

@Gwynn - hope you have now got the help needed for your wife and your stress levels are reducing now.

Have a good day everyone!
8.9 this morning. Only reason I can think of is really poor sleep even by my standards.

Or maybe it was the caramel covered chocolate brownie? Nah it’s gotta be the sleep.
8.9 this morning. Only reason I can think of is really poor sleep even by my standards.

Or maybe it was the caramel covered chocolate brownie? Nah it’s gotta be the sleep.
Yep, definitely poor sleep as I believe brownies are exempt from carbs? :rofl: