Group 7-day waking average?

Hi from lovely autumny Cumbria, ( at last, a more seasonal 5 degrees). Budge up @Lily123 and @Bloden I’m joining you on the 6.8 step.

Not much going on today, Mr Eggy has two camera club colleagues coming round this afternoon to discuss entries for a competition. His “job” this season is external competition secretary and it’s taken very seriously. I’ve made them gingerbread to go with their cuppas but I’m going to do the big shop and keep out of the way!

@Gwynn sorry things are still ongoing, it must be awful waiting and waiting. Let’s hope today is finally the day that things get moving.

I agree @Bloden, not one of the finalists was outstanding. I always thought they judged on the day but Paul said they’d have to look back on past bakes. I was secretly routing for Abdul but it was not to be. My prediction about Sandro being chaotic was spot on though! I can’t believe he never times anything just checks “by eye”! That’s a bit like us never checking our BGs, how would we know what certain foods affected us. Baking is a science, not something to be guessed at.

Have a wonderful Wednesday folks, if you’re able. 🙂
Unbelievably the crisis team failed to telephone or visit again yesterday. That's twice. I will ring them again today.

I am beyond stressed and my wife is rapidly getting worse.

BG 4.8 incredibly
@Gwynn Call them and then immediately follow up with an email cc’d to your GP and everyone else who’s even remotely involved.
Unfortunately it’s often those who shout loudest who can get a timely response but for a crisis team to promise to get in touch and then not to is incredibly disappointing and frustrating.
Hopefully you get some movement from them today.
6.2 feeling exhausted from all the hospital stuff and a mix of emotions about it all tbh.
Obviously I’m pleased I saw someone yesterday and I’m pleased I’ll get the MRI and a better idea of what surgery will follow but it’ll be my first invasive surgery.
Watched lots of YouTube videos about how an MRI actually works and it’s fascinating to think someone sat in a room somewhere a long time ago and thought “hold on a minute, we’ve got lots of water in our bodies and that’s magnetic so let’s see if I can’t build a machine that makes the protons in that water vibrate a bit so I can see what’s going on inside a body” OK so that’s not exactly what happens as it’s all to do with slow molecules being forced to resonate at the same frequency as fast ones by pulsing radio waves at them while everything else gets aligned by massive magnets and that pulse being used to “draw” what’s going on. But it’s a remarkable bit of tech regardless.
And ankle MRI’s seem to take between 13 and 29 minutes on average.
I’m now wondering what music to take if that’s an option.

The ankle brace they gave me yesterday is great. Metal braces down the side of the leg into the foot past so absolutely no flexing and no lateral wobble. The whole thing has a web of laces which you tighten by turning a dial on the front.
I’d seen it online when I was looking for something to help but thought it way over engineered and I guess it is but it’s also very good and I’m grateful that the NHS just gave it to me to see if it helps.

Oh and GBBO the right person won and the technical was hilarious but at least it was bad for all of them pretty equally.
And it’s a 5.7 for me this sunny morning.
It was a 5.6 for me this morning which I was delighted about as I increased my evening Levemir by 2 units last night to take into account rain stopping exercise yesterday but needed 2 small (1+1.5u) stacked corrections just before bed for a 9.5 and then 10.2 an hour later. Those corrections brought me down nicely into the 5s and then I flat lined at that all night so couldn't have asked for a better result. I like it when I get it right :D 😎

@Gwynn I had a sneaky feeling you might not see the crisis team again as quickly as you expected. Hope they turn up today. Do they not realize that uncertainty makes mental health issues so much worse.
Text received. MRI is Tuesday next week.
Morning all on this dull day in Cornwall. Not currently raining, but I expect it will.

5.6 at 07:23 but I fell asleep again and woke to 7.8, which is close to what went to bed on. Without the Libre I wouldn't know I spent most of the night in the 5s. I do not like using the reader, the graphs etc on the phone are so much better, but so far there's no sign of an update to the app and the phone won't start the sensors.

Picking up our house-guest for the next 3 nights from the station at 3:15pm. I've got a lot to do meantime as we are hosting a 3 course lunch tomorrow for some mutual friends. I seem to have spent the last 2 days cooking and still some to do. Tonight's menu is Cottage pie (It was going to be shepherd's pie until I saw the price of lamb mince in Sainsbury - £6.50 for 400g!!!! I bought beef mince instead!), followed by fresh fruit platter and home made ice cream. Tomorrow Salmon pate with melba toast, chicken and spinach tartiflette followed by chocolate panettone pud. Our house guest is a chocoholic and another is passionate about Panettone, having been married to an Italian for 50 years. Anyway I wanted the Panettone out of the freezer as it's been taking up space for nearly a year now!

I felt sorry for the bake-off lot last night with the vegetarian gelatine. I wouldn't have known what to do with it either. Paul can be rather mean with his challenges methinks. Julian kept saying "it's not as good as your summer pudding". I explained it wasn't the same animal at all and as I said to him "you must have a good memory, I haven't made a summer pud since I got diagnosed, so the last I made must have been over 20 years ago". Anyway, I thought all 3 were worthy of winning. Watched Celeb Masterchef after that. I wasn't very impressed with any of last night's contestants.

Oh and my air fryer arrived at long last. We spent the best part of an hour trying to open the frying basket drawer. I phoned their customer services and the lady said she didn't understand it, but would contact the technical team and ring me back. She didn't. The instructions provided said "pull the transparent cover on top of the handle towards you and press the button underneath to release the basket" The transparent cover wouldn't shift.... Eventually hubby opened it by just pulling firmly on the basket handle.... then you could push the ttransparent cover away from you to release the inner basket. The instructions were wrong. Whoever translated the instructions should be shot!

@Gwynn, I feel your frustration. Being kept in the dark as to the fact they weren't coming is cause enough to be frustrated and for anxiety to build up. I second the advice to phone them and keep on phoning until they come. Hugs to you both.

@ColinUK all sounds good so far. Fingers crossed things move apace now. Hug.

Anybody seen @Lanny recently? Bit worrying.

Oooh dear, this is rather an essay. I'll shut up now!
Morning all on this dull day in Cornwall. Not currently raining, but I expect it will.

5.6 at 07:23 but I fell asleep again and woke to 7.8, which is close to what went to bed on. Without the Libre I wouldn't know I spent most of the night in the 5s. I do not like using the reader, the graphs etc on the phone are so much better, but so far there's no sign of an update to the app and the phone won't start the sensors.

Picking up our house-guest for the next 3 nights from the station at 3:15pm. I've got a lot to do meantime as we are hosting a 3 course lunch tomorrow for some mutual friends. I seem to have spent the last 2 days cooking and still some to do. Tonight's menu is Cottage pie (It was going to be shepherd's pie until I saw the price of lamb mince in Sainsbury - £6.50 for 400g!!!! I bought beef mince instead!), followed by fresh fruit platter and home made ice cream. Tomorrow Salmon pate with melba toast, chicken and spinach tartiflette followed by chocolate panettone pud. Our house guest is a chocoholic and another is passionate about Panettone, having been married to an Italian for 50 years. Anyway I wanted the Panettone out of the freezer as it's been taking up space for nearly a year now!

I felt sorry for the bake-off lot last night with the vegetarian gelatine. I wouldn't have known what to do with it either. Paul can be rather mean with his challenges methinks. Julian kept saying "it's not as good as your summer pudding". I explained it wasn't the same animal at all and as I said to him "you must have a good memory, I haven't made a summer pud since I got diagnosed, so the last I made must have been over 20 years ago". Anyway, I thought all 3 were worthy of winning. Watched Celeb Masterchef after that. I wasn't very impressed with any of last night's contestants.

Oh and my air fryer arrived at long last. We spent the best part of an hour trying to open the frying basket drawer. I phoned their customer services and the lady said she didn't understand it, but would contact the technical team and ring me back. She didn't. The instructions provided said "pull the transparent cover on top of the handle towards you and press the button underneath to release the basket" The transparent cover wouldn't shift.... Eventually hubby opened it by just pulling firmly on the basket handle.... then you could push the ttransparent cover away from you to release the inner basket. The instructions were wrong. Whoever translated the instructions should be shot!

@Gwynn, I feel your frustration. Being kept in the dark as to the fact they weren't coming is cause enough to be frustrated and for anxiety to build up. I second the advice to phone them and keep on phoning until they come. Hugs to you both.

@ColinUK all sounds good so far. Fingers crossed things move apace now. Hug.

Anybody seen @Lanny recently? Bit worrying.

Oooh dear, this is rather an essay. I'll shut up now!
A past it's best Panatone makes goo bread and butter pudding.
Vegetarian 'gelatin' is usually agar agar which is extracted from seaweed. Yes, you have to boil to get it to dissolve but it sets when it gets below 45 degrees.
It is the setting agent in media for growing bacteria in petridishes.
A past it's best Panatone makes goo bread and butter pudding.
Vegetarian 'gelatin' is usually agar agar which is extracted from seaweed. Yes, you have to boil to get it to dissolve but it sets when it gets below 45 degrees.
It is the setting agent in media for growing bacteria in petridishes.
I was thinking the same thing about the panetone. In my opinion, it is the only good thing to do with them 🙄. Not ideal for dietary controlled diabetics though.... Not that Patti needs to worry about that.
Yes, a dessert made out of agar doesn't exactly sound attractive when you think about it being used as a medium for growing bacteria. :confused:
That's a shame. I met my partner through a blind date arranged by a mutual friend so it can work sometimes!
Its true, it can work. I met hubby on a blind date. We've been married nearly 34 years.
Hell today. I mean really hell.

The crisis team failed to come and my wife went beserk when she saw my mobile phone in the kitchen.

The nightmare continues

Great life this
Hell today. I mean really hell.

The crisis team failed to come and my wife went beserk when she saw my mobile phone in the kitchen.

The nightmare continues

Great life this
@Gwynn keep ringing. Make a nuisance of yourself. Sometimes its the only way to get anywhere. Could you ring an emergency team?
good evening it was a 5 for me this morning, I have my youngest granddaughter staying tonight I needed to pick her up early this morning and haven't had a chance to get online today.
@Gwynn so sorry that the crisis team didn't call yesterday or today, it makes a bad situation worse and as others have said you need to phone and email everyone connected until someone gives you both the help you need
@ColinUK good to hear that they are not keeping you waiting for MRI
I was thinking the same thing about the panetone. In my opinion, it is the only good thing to do with them 🙄. Not ideal for dietary controlled diabetics though.... Not that Patti needs to worry about that.
Yes, a dessert made out of agar doesn't exactly sound attractive when you think about it being used as a medium for growing bacteria. :confused:
The fat and protein in the eggs and milk (plus butter if you turn it into bread and butter pudding) makes it better than just eating the panettone though 😉 but I would still have to be careful with portion size!
@Gwynn I'm so sorry. My parents had great difficulty getting my sister admitted when they felt it was necessary, even though the psych agreed that it was, because the Crisis team controlled all admissions in their area and didn't agree...

I hope that you can get the team in your area to do their job without any more delays!