Group 7-day waking average?

Happy Operversary. It’s my 15th Operversary very soon. Unfortunately my memories aren’t as good as yours. But I’m still here and that’s all that matters in the grand scheme of things.
Just realised I wrote my son and her boyfriend :rofl: I meant my daughter and her boyfriend. Also realised it wasn't a year ago to the day as I thought it was the 17th today and in fact it's the 15th - but I feel as if it was a Tuesday but just checked my other diary and actually it was a Wednesday - maybe they took out a few brain cells while they were at it! Wow 15th years is very impressive and hopefully the memories have faded a bit if they weren't good. I probably sound a bit weird saying I have fond memories of being hooked up to tubes from every orifice (nearly), vomiting, not being able to move, not being able to bathe etc etc but for some reason I do.
Rain stopped play (boating) today so we had a boring morning waiting for it to stop then set off at one when the sun started peeping through the clouds. Now made it to just east of Leamington, mooring as the light faded to dusk and very quickly to dark. Had dinner and fitted new Libre sensor, waiting for the one hour warm up. Much better than last time doing it on the boat when I was burning up and it didn’t stick. Kept myself calm and collected.

This is my 10th sensor, 7 of the previous 9 were all accurate throughout their life and for me they all seem to be within 0.5 mmol/l of finger stick tests, often almost identical (as far estimating a 15 min lag and testing when BG is relatively stable). So, I’m happy with them!
Oh no! Spoke too soon! After the hour warm up I continually got the “Sensor Error, wait 10 minutes” which I did for the next couple of hours. Finally gave up and just now put on my spare sensor - fingers crossed this one works! The old sensor’s filament was bent on removal, so presumably it was the firing mechanism that didn’t work properly. I’ve filled in the online form to Abbott so will hopefully get a replacement sent. How annoying!
Oh no! Spoke too soon! After the hour warm up I continually got the “Sensor Error, wait 10 minutes” which I did for the next couple of hours. Finally gave up and just now put on my spare sensor - fingers crossed this one works! The old sensor’s filament was bent on removal, so presumably it was the firing mechanism that didn’t work properly. I’ve filled in the online form to Abbott so will hopefully get a replacement sent. How annoying!
And the spare one has just started ok after it’s hour warm up! Phew! Also I have an email (probably automated) from Abbott saying they will be sending me a replacement - can’t fault that response!

It’s made me think how much I’m relying on these sensors now, as well as everything else - pens, supply of needles and insulin, etc. Must order some new pens from the GP as I’m worrying about my 10 year + current pens!
Just realised I wrote my son and her boyfriend :rofl: I meant my daughter and her boyfriend. Also realised it wasn't a year ago to the day as I thought it was the 17th today and in fact it's the 15th - but I feel as if it was a Tuesday but just checked my other diary and actually it was a Wednesday - maybe they took out a few brain cells while they were at it! Wow 15th years is very impressive and hopefully the memories have faded a bit if they weren't good. I probably sound a bit weird saying I have fond memories of being hooked up to tubes from every orifice (nearly), vomiting, not being able to move, not being able to bathe etc etc but for some reason I do.
I don’t think being in a hospital a 120 mile round trip away over Christmas and New Year helped! I’ve got over it but was pretty traumatic at the time and was a long recovery.
Unbelievably the crisis team failed to telephone or visit again yesterday. That's twice. I will ring them again today.

I am beyond stressed and my wife is rapidly getting worse.

BG 4.8 incredibly
Good morning - 6.8
Morning all. 8.6 after an overnight spike from an over treated low before bed. Its so dark this morning, it feels like i don't see daylight much atm as its dark when i get home from work as well.

@Gwynn stay strong and ring them asap. Be firm and tell them literally everything. If you need to, ring every couple of hours. Make a nuisance of yourself if it gets you the help your wife needs. Our thoughts and support are with you.
Morning all. 7.3 but had been up for a little while before testing.

So opticians went well. There is a change in my script so new glasses :D
He did some photos (no drops needed) and actually showed me what background retinopathy looks like on the images which was kinda cool.
My last check was at the start of last year with my NHS eye screen so for those who have been here a while, I'm sure you can understand how reassuring it is to find nothing serious there after the last 10 months I have had 🙂
He is so fed up too with diabetics being tossed out without proper education on how to keep stable. He is often the one finding the effects of that in patients.
We used to live in the flat above the opticians when they first setup their business so its always lovely going in there and having a proper catch up.

While I was up I got blood results printed off at the doctors from a couple of weeks ago. They tested a couple of new things and still showing inflammation (in new tests and the same ones as before). I've to repeat bloods again at the end of the month. Once again no letter telling me this but only because I asked for the results.
Not spoken to anyone about what they are looking for or suspecting. If I get the same again after next lot of results I will be asking for an appointment. I have had to google what they mean and figure out myself what they are all flagging.

I was kindly gifted 2 months worth of sensors. Eternally grateful for the member who switched sensors and had some spare. Anxiety will be much lower for a few months and my fingers will be happier <3
Recycling at its finest 😉. The potential for self funding went out the window when the energy bills went up.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today, I have a massage booked that was a Christmas gift last year. Zen Lou will be back around lunchtime and if skin isn't too oily, sensor wearing Zen Lou will be in the house :rofl:
Morning all, 6.7 here, Dawn is back, I was in the 4s in the middle of the night. Having a day out in Oxford with daughter today, we do this a couple of times a year if she’s got spare annual leave, a visit to the Ashmolean, lunch, then a bit of light retail therapy.
Morning folks. 🙂 6.8 here.

Nothing much to report here. The GBBO final was a bit of a damp squib - that summer pudding from hell was well random. The only thing that kept me watching was the finalists - they were so upbeat, and looked like they were determined to enjoy themselves.

I hope something happens today re: crisis team to end your suffering @Gwynn - where are they? (((Hugs))) to you and your wife.
Morning folks. 🙂 6.8 here.

Nothing much to report here. The GBBO final was a bit of a damp squib - that summer pudding from hell was well random. The only thing that kept me watching was the finalists - they were so upbeat, and looked like they were determined to enjoy themselves.

Agree! If you’d never used vegetarian gelatine before, and didn’t know you had to boil it, you were sunk, or rather, your pudding was. Great trio of finalists, though, they all helped each other out and genuinely looked like they didn’t mind which one of them won.
4.6 today 🙂 . I put on my free libre sensor last night and activated it when I woke this morning so looking forward to seeing what data I get from that.
Morning all, 6.7 here, Dawn is back, I was in the 4s in the middle of the night. Having a day out in Oxford with daughter today, we do this a couple of times a year if she’s got spare annual leave, a visit to the Ashmolean, lunch, then a bit of light retail therapy.

Of you haven't been the Bodliean Library is well worth a visit. I visited decades ago when a friend arranged a blind date. It didn't work out at all as when we went for lunch she spent most of the time telling me how intelligent her ex was (Greek and Roman mythology, Shakespeare, etc) whereas I was more into science and engineering (I was doing an astronomy evening class at the time which she confused with astrology), and read Le Carre and Deighton. We never saw each other again, a d lost contact with the mutual friend many years ago.
Of you haven't been the Bodliean Library is well worth a visit. I visited decades ago when a friend arranged a blind date. It didn't work out at all as when we went for lunch she spent most of the time telling me how intelligent her ex was (Greek and Roman mythology, Shakespeare, etc) whereas I was more into science and engineering (I was doing an astronomy evening class at the time which she confused with astrology), and read Le Carre and Deighton. We never saw each other again, a d lost contact with the mutual friend many years ago.
That's a shame. I met my partner through a blind date arranged by a mutual friend so it can work sometimes!
Morning all. 7.3 but had been up for a little while before testing.

So opticians went well. There is a change in my script so new glasses :D
He did some photos (no drops needed) and actually showed me what background retinopathy looks like on the images which was kinda cool.
My last check was at the start of last year with my NHS eye screen so for those who have been here a while, I'm sure you can understand how reassuring it is to find nothing serious there after the last 10 months I have had 🙂
He is so fed up too with diabetics being tossed out without proper education on how to keep stable. He is often the one finding the effects of that in patients.
We used to live in the flat above the opticians when they first setup their business so its always lovely going in there and having a proper catch up.

While I was up I got blood results printed off at the doctors from a couple of weeks ago. They tested a couple of new things and still showing inflammation (in new tests and the same ones as before). I've to repeat bloods again at the end of the month. Once again no letter telling me this but only because I asked for the results.
Not spoken to anyone about what they are looking for or suspecting. If I get the same again after next lot of results I will be asking for an appointment. I have had to google what they mean and figure out myself what they are all flagging.

I was kindly gifted 2 months worth of sensors. Eternally grateful for the member who switched sensors and had some spare. Anxiety will be much lower for a few months and my fingers will be happier <3
Recycling at its finest 😉. The potential for self funding went out the window when the energy bills went up.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today, I have a massage booked that was a Christmas gift last year. Zen Lou will be back around lunchtime and if skin isn't too oily, sensor wearing Zen Lou will be in the house :rofl:

My last full month's electricity (mid-month so all on latest rates) was 95% higher than January's!
6.7 for me this morning which is so much better (lowest since August). Looking back over my last 2 months it's frightening how complacent I had become. I've gone back to much more frequent finger pricking (morning, 2 hours after bkfst & lunch and before bed) which definitely suits me and keeps me focussed. Have a great day everyone. Pouring with rain here at the mo but meant to brighten up later. @Robin I'm near Oxford - have a lovely time.