Group 7-day waking average?

Bonjour. 6.2 this morning. Quite pleased with that as I’m still full of cold.

Hospital appointment today to investigate my ankle/leg issues but what that actually involves I’m not sure. I’m hoping that we’ll do any and all required x-rays and scans etc today so that decisions on surgery can be made.

Frankly it’ll be a huge relief. The pain has increased and now impacts the whole leg from knee down. And it’s relentless. Sure I’ve gotten used to it since it started but it’s a bit like continually banging one’s head against a wall, it’s going to be lovely when it stops.
Morning all. 7.6

So daughter did the dentist yesterday and I am pretty proud of her. She's to get some root canal treatment as dentist thinks he can save the tooth. Was her choice to go for that or get it pulled 🙂 That's booked for December.

Todays mission is both of us have opticians this afternoon. Not sure if he will be doing any photos as well as the reg eye test but whatever way I am keen to get new glasses. My previous glasses/eye test was 3 months prior to diagnosis last year and the lenses are defiantly off.

Anyway currently sat in tesco queue to book Christmas delivery slots (delivery saver customers have them open today). More coffee is required :rofl:

good luck today @ColinUK
Good morning - 7.6
Morning all. 5.0 half hour ago and a unicorn day yesterday. I dropped the basal half a unit last night as the last few days have been spent trying to stay above 4. Will have to see how it goes as usual level stops 3am spikes.

@ColinUK I hope today goes well.
Good morning everyone

Well, the promised phone call, visit, assessment never materialiaed !!! I had not told my wife that these were expected so she had a relatively good say. She was odd all day though. Me ? I was stressed out all day waiting fot the call, assessment, etc and expecting things to kick off big style.

Blood pressure through the roof !!! But oddly my morning BG yesterday was 5.2 today it is 5.1 sigh

Today they have promised to ring (I wish they wouldn't as is winds my wife up terribly) AND call round to give my wife one more chance to engage and cooperate with them. So today will be hell again. I hate this.

Sometimes I wish my heart would give out and someone else would have to manage my wife. This is one of those times. :(
Morning all. Bit nippy around these parts. 🙂
Morning all. 7.6

So daughter did the dentist yesterday and I am pretty proud of her. She's to get some root canal treatment as dentist thinks he can save the tooth. Was her choice to go for that or get it pulled 🙂 That's booked for December.

Todays mission is both of us have opticians this afternoon. Not sure if he will be doing any photos as well as the reg eye test but whatever way I am keen to get new glasses. My previous glasses/eye test was 3 months prior to diagnosis last year and the lenses are defiantly off.

Anyway currently sat in tesco queue to book Christmas delivery slots (delivery saver customers have them open today). More coffee is required :rofl:

good luck today @ColinUK

I would go prepared by public transport with sunglasses in case they feel drops are necessary!
Good morning. A straight 5 this a.m. according to the new meter. Grey, gloomy but dry and not very cold - despite met office/bbc prognosticating heavy rain and cold wind...wonder why we pay them.

Not much planned for today - just glad to be feeling better - might do an Aldi run but more likely to procrastinate. Do need to extract digit and order some battens to hold down weed fabric - but can I bear the excitement? Biggest event of week so far seems to have been a leg falling off my keyboard - think I need to organise some mischief.

Have a good day and enjoy any naughtiness you can manage!
Good morning 7.1 today

have a great day everybody 😎
Good moaning! DF strikes again or it may have been an evening adrenaline rush! As the BBC 2 quizzes were held over again I watched the women's rugby. When the New Zealand team did the Haku my wheelchair zoomed back! Disappointing to see England snatch defeat from the jaws of victory! :(
5.8 for me today. 🙂

6.4 this morning, not bad after going down to 3 (must have overestimated the carbs for the meal at the Cuttle Inn last night!) then over treated the hypo which took me to 9 but back in range for the rest of the night. Panic before going to bed when the carbon monoxide alarm went off - our fault as we had the door of the multi fuel stove open too long and the coal was almost burnt out. So flushed cold air through the boat until the alarm stopped. Glad to say we woke this morning! Scary stuff! That will teach us to keep the stove door closed all the time, shame as an open fire gives out so much more heat, but better to be alive and warm rather than dead and toasty!

I think rain will stop us today (it’s torrential at the moment and forecast to be so until lunchtime) which means we’ll not end up getting as far this week as planned, so the next owner will have a bit more to do next week in taking the boat to the boat yard for its maintenance and repaint. We may end up swapping over in Birmingham, which to be honest will be a bit easier.

@Gwynn - hope today goes ok for you, you really are going through the wringer!

@ColinUK - hope they sort things out for you today and get you on the road to being pain free!

Have a good day everyone!
Currently sitting in GP surgery. First patient has been in 30 mins already! Guess i'm going to be very late for work 🙄
Afternoon all! 6.3 on the Libre at 8am, 6.2 on the meter at 9am! I’ve actually had a mega lie in. Woke at 8 ( I had been up twice previously for the loo), went to loo, again, instead of getting up I got back into bed as I still felt tired. As I arranged my duvet around me my sensor pinged off! It finishes today anyways, but if I hadn’t been so lazy I would have had another 10 hours worth! New one on already.

Day at home today, weather dire, wet, wet, wet. Looking forward to tonight’s Bake Off final. I’m thinking maybe Abdul, he’s been a bit of a dark horse, Sandro, as lovely as he looks, is a bit chaotic, Syabira is good and consistent but will her nerves get the better of her? I personally don’t think this year’s contestants have been particularly stand out at all.

Hope today goes well for both @ColinUK and @Gwynn. @freesia hope you finally get in to see the GP!
5 this morning, grey and rainy here atm but who knows what the rest of the day will be like, waiting to try the new washer out so need a dry windy day :rofl:
@ColinUK hope all goes well with your hospital appointment and you get a time scale for treatment
@Gwynn sorry to read yesterday's assessments didn't happen. Hope today goes as well as it can and that you get a carers assessment, will keep you and your wife in my thoughts, sending hugs
Have you checked the meter manufacturer's website for ordering new control solution? Your post just reminded me that I needed to get a new bottle, and I found on the manufacturer's website that they will send me some for free. (They're also apparently including a gift of some flavoured gel which I assume is a hypo glucose remedy, I don't really need that as a type 2 not on medication but I'm guessing they're hoping that those who do need hypo treatments will decide to request prescription of/buy their product after trying it)
I got a new bottle recently free from their website (with the gel) because my bottle was way past it's use-by date. I use the control solution every time I start a new pot of strips - and try not to make a sticky mess!
Good morning everyone

Well, the promised phone call, visit, assessment never materialiaed !!! I had not told my wife that these were expected so she had a relatively good say. She was odd all day though. Me ? I was stressed out all day waiting fot the call, assessment, etc and expecting things to kick off big style.

Blood pressure through the roof !!! But oddly my morning BG yesterday was 5.2 today it is 5.1 sigh

Today they have promised to ring (I wish they wouldn't as is winds my wife up terribly) AND call round to give my wife one more chance to engage and cooperate with them. So today will be hell again. I hate this.

Sometimes I wish my heart would give out and someone else would have to manage my wife. This is one of those times. :(
Keep strong @Gwynn. I know I haven't been on here for long but you have lots of friends here and we/they are all thinking of you and virtually holding your hand xxx
6.4 this morning, not bad after going down to 3 (must have overestimated the carbs for the meal at the Cuttle Inn last night!) then over treated the hypo which took me to 9 but back in range for the rest of the night. Panic before going to bed when the carbon monoxide alarm went off - our fault as we had the door of the multi fuel stove open too long and the coal was almost burnt out. So flushed cold air through the boat until the alarm stopped. Glad to say we woke this morning! Scary stuff! That will teach us to keep the stove door closed all the time, shame as an open fire gives out so much more heat, but better to be alive and warm rather than dead and toasty!

I think rain will stop us today (it’s torrential at the moment and forecast to be so until lunchtime) which means we’ll not end up getting as far this week as planned, so the next owner will have a bit more to do next week in taking the boat to the boat yard for its maintenance and repaint. We may end up swapping over in Birmingham, which to be honest will be a bit easier.

@Gwynn - hope today goes ok for you, you really are going through the wringer!

@ColinUK - hope they sort things out for you today and get you on the road to being pain free!

Have a good day everyone!
Have you got one of those fan things on top of your stove? We have one on our stove in the kitchen and when we bought it we were told it was great for canal boats (not even sure if yours is a canal boat). When the stove gets hot it whizzes round and really does send the heat more out into the room. Bit late now I know!