Group 7-day waking average?

7.2 this morning which I'm so pleased with as it's the lowest morning reading since the beginning of September. I went for two separate dog walks yesterday which probably helped. I must say though that I had to really fight through cravings for sweet things last night, but I had nothing, not even an AF beer. I've also managed to lose 3lbs already this week (although I know that's probably not a real loss but maybe a 1lb). Absolutely pouring with rain here today so will have to do some seriously floor washing before a house viewing we've got here tomorrow.

Last night I sat and read through my diary from this time last year as I realised that it's exactly a year today since I had my op. I was telling my husband that even though it was obviously a very scary time I also have very fond memories of the time in hospital and the time at home afterwards, because I felt so well cared for. I also loved sitting around for weeks watching box sets and recovered well because I didn't rush anything. 3 weeks with a drain in place helped me to not rush! I can remember so clearly my first proper walk out into the village when my son and her boyfriend had to come to my rescue and link arms with me to get me home and now I can walk 10 miles! Have a great day everyone xxx
Have you got one of those fan things on top of your stove? We have one on our stove in the kitchen and when we bought it we were told it was great for canal boats (not even sure if yours is a canal boat). When the stove gets hot it whizzes round and really does send the heat more out into the room. Bit late now I know!
Yes we have and it was spinning to push the heat down the boat (yes, it’s a narrowboat). I think we just liked the look of the burning coal with the door open - makes it seem cosier and does push out more heat - ok when there’s a flame, but it was just when the coals were dying down which I suppose is the danger point of producing CO. Oh well, we’ve learnt now and at least the CO alarm did its job and warned us in time!
Morning all. Yet another day where the weather can't decide what to do next.

8.0 this morning. I dropped low right after dinner last night and BG wouldn't come up, so had JBs and a slice of toast and more JBs etc. Went to bed on 9.1 and it's been more or less steady all night. Not entirely sure why I keep going low right after dinner as I bolus right before I eat in the evenings. Perhaps it's the glass of wine I usually have before dinner?

Nothing much on today, except delivery of the air-fryer at long last. Promised between 10.08 and 11.08.

Sending huge hugs @Gwynn and hoping today goes off as smoothly as possible given the cirumstances. Will be keeping fingers and toes crossed for you.

@ColinUK fingers and toes also crossed for you and hoping you get all you need done today in order for surgery to go ahead ASAP.
Good morning, folks.

It's 11.6 today.

I have been compulsively searching the hyper-glycaemic rush for a few years now and I haven't quite kicked the habit. But awareness is half of the solution, I've read.

I have tried to find words for it here:

In the meantime, I've taken initiative with my gym membership by putting a call out for people who might want to join an accountability group with me:

And it’s a 5.2 for me this wet morning, looks like it’s here for the day.
7.2 this morning which I'm so pleased with as it's the lowest morning reading since the beginning of September. I went for two separate dog walks yesterday which probably helped. I must say though that I had to really fight through cravings for sweet things last night, but I had nothing, not even an AF beer. I've also managed to lose 3lbs already this week (although I know that's probably not a real loss but maybe a 1lb). Absolutely pouring with rain here today so will have to do some seriously floor washing before a house viewing we've got here tomorrow.

Last night I sat and read through my diary from this time last year as I realised that it's exactly a year today since I had my op. I was telling my husband that even though it was obviously a very scary time I also have very fond memories of the time in hospital and the time at home afterwards, because I felt so well cared for. I also loved sitting around for weeks watching box sets and recovered well because I didn't rush anything. 3 weeks with a drain in place helped me to not rush! I can remember so clearly my first proper walk out into the village when my son and her boyfriend had to come to my rescue and link arms with me to get me home and now I can walk 10 miles! Have a great day everyone xxx
Happy Operversary. It’s my 15th Operversary very soon. Unfortunately my memories aren’t as good as yours. But I’m still here and that’s all that matters in the grand scheme of things.
4.9 this morning. Not actually had lunch yet (oops, got too distracted between my meetings!) so will either end up only having 2 meals (need to go collect child soon so can't have right now either) or having a very late supper!
Upshot from the hospital appointment is an MRI “within two weeks” with maybe kidney function tests beforehand. That depends on whether they’ll accept the ones from the surgery in September.
Consultant said I clearly need surgical intervention and he went through a number of likely options but said he’ll know more after the MRI.
Upshot from the hospital appointment is an MRI “within two weeks” with maybe kidney function tests beforehand. That depends on whether they’ll accept the ones from the surgery in September.
Consultant said I clearly need surgical intervention and he went through a number of likely options but said he’ll know more after the MRI.
That sounds hopeful. Why do they need kidney function tests? :confused:
Bother - over done it again. Sunshine all day so decided to dig out some more of the midden and barrow it to new bed. Took it quite slowly and came in at 4 to do post lunch blood test - 1 meter says 13.1 and the other says 12. Was just having a quiet sit by the pc before going to get horses in. Stricken with violent pain in chest just beneath sternum - was answering a phone call about solar panels - "Just a few more questions..." "Not now..." "Can I ring you back tomorrow?" Resisted saying "yes,if still alive". Pain easing a bit and pulse as steady as it gets with AF (sort of syncopated). I'll have a cuppa and then go and call the GGs in.
That sounds hopeful. Why do they need kidney function tests? :confused:
Apparently an MRI can impact kidney function so they are doubly careful because of the diabetes.
Upshot from the hospital appointment is an MRI “within two weeks” with maybe kidney function tests beforehand. That depends on whether they’ll accept the ones from the surgery in September.
Consultant said I clearly need surgical intervention and he went through a number of likely options but said he’ll know more after the MRI.
Sounds like some positive progress!
They usually need an eGFR test as if they use a contrast for MRI or CT then they have to be sure your kidneys are working to excrete it from your system, they usually specify within 3 months of the scan.
This was on 29th September so hopefully it’ll be unnecessary to repeat the test.
Funny enough it’s sent by the gp to the lab at the same hospital the MRI will be done at!

eGFR using creatinine (CKD-EPI) per 1.73 square metres > 90 mL/min
Rain stopped play (boating) today so we had a boring morning waiting for it to stop then set off at one when the sun started peeping through the clouds. Now made it to just east of Leamington, mooring as the light faded to dusk and very quickly to dark. Had dinner and fitted new Libre sensor, waiting for the one hour warm up. Much better than last time doing it on the boat when I was burning up and it didn’t stick. Kept myself calm and collected.

This is my 10th sensor, 7 of the previous 9 were all accurate throughout their life and for me they all seem to be within 0.5 mmol/l of finger stick tests, often almost identical (as far estimating a 15 min lag and testing when BG is relatively stable). So, I’m happy with them!