Group 7-day waking average?

And for the second day running it’s a 5.1 for me.
5.9 for me today. 🙂

9.6 today - clearly new leaf not turned yesterday. I'm trying to go back to basics with My Fitness Pal and putting things in to see what they are even if I'm not eating them. I really am horrified by the amount of sugars in fruit (obviously why they're so yummy). Interested to hear what your thoughts are on fruit and how much you have? I like to have an apple during the day (because we've got gazillions of the things on fruit trees) and a large orange in the evening. It just seems so crazy to me that an orange is worse for me (diabetes wise) than a mini magnum - my problem is that I've been having both and something else chocolatey as well (Deliciously Ella mini cups). My weight which I lost before being ill and then lost more when I was ill last year and on and off since has started creeping up. Might be because my tummy is very settled on the MR Metformin. Anyway - this is really not something to be moaning about as I can change it. Sending lots of love to you all especially those who are having personal struggles at the moment. Have a good day xxx
Good morning 7.2 today
that’ll be the biscuits that followed my evening meal yesterday

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 4.1 and graph showing a hypo. The alarm kept waking me at 4.9 so i had JBs but obviously not enough and i must have been too tired to wake until just coming out of hypo.

@Gwynn, whatever they ask you, you must tell them everything about how its been for you both and what has been happening. It must be awful for you to see your wife like this but you both need help and support. Our thoughts are with you and i hope you get all the help you need. Take care.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Good morning. Lovely dry morning with SUNSHINE!!! BG5.8 (subject to the monitor reading correctly after yesterday). Had a naughty lager last night as needed cheering up after all that greyness and rain so I'm a bit suspicious. Ordered a new one from Amazon so I have a second check - local chemists stock strips but no monitors.

Yesterday Alex topped the 3 largest raised beds up which has broken the back of the job and left a good deal of room in the midden. Next job is to screw down covers to prevent weeds over the winter. Taras still struggling with tooth abscess - think it is resistant to the antibiotic he is on - shook my finger at him and extracted promise to head to dentist tomorrow if not better and say "Different antibiotic needed please". Suspect emergency dentist is Portuguese - God knows how they communicate.

Today is marked down for garden pottering.

Hope the sun is out for all of us.
3.2 for me this morning on the Libre but 4.4 on a finger prick so I am OK with that. It followed an 8.6 earlier which I hit with a correction and my morning Levemir and then went back to sleep because I hate starting the day high. I dropped another half a unit off my evening Levemir last night as I had more exercise yesterday and fully expected to go low overnight, especially as I didn't have anything to eat other than a few olives with some cheese and a glass of red, but my graph looks like Table Top mountain again. :confused:

@zippyjojo Obviously, if you were on insulin then you could eat as much fruit as you wanted and just inject for it, but if you want to continue trying to manage your levels without insulin for now, then you need to be stricter. I have 12 sour cherries with my breakfast yoghurt and then half an apple later in the day with cheese (like you I have lots from the garden to use up) and that is my fruit intake for the day. Once the apples are gone, it will just be the berries/cherries in my breakfast yoghurt as my daily fruit. The only thing I eat which is sweet these days is a half square of dark 70% choc with a spoon of crunchy peanut butter or very occasionally I make a low carb trifle with a low carb choc mug cake and berries and sugar free jelly and cream. Oh and once in a while at this time of year I experiment with eating an occasional sweet mince pie. I was a sugar addict pre diagnosis, so for me this is how I control those sugar cravings.... plenty of fat (cheese and cream in my coffee and olives etc) but very little sweet stuff and amazingly I just don't crave it anymore, even when people are eating it in front of me and offer me stuff. I find it really liberating to be free of those cravings and physically I feel so much healthier for it.

@Gwynn Really sorry to hear that the waiting continues and you are still in limbo with what is clearly a very difficult situation. I really hope you get a resolution as soon as possible. Are you able to get out for a walk today or does your wife need constant monitoring. Really hope you can get out for some fresh air and blow a few cobwebs away. Also sending (((HUGS)))
@rebrascora I read that as you having cheese and cream in your coffee but I presume you mean just the cream :rofl: Thanks for the reply - I definitely just need to be a lot more focussed and not try to pretend that I'm not diabetic.
@rebrascora I read that as you having cheese and cream in your coffee but I presume you mean just the cream :rofl: Thanks for the reply - I definitely just need to be a lot more focussed and not try to pretend that I'm not diabetic.
No, much as I love cheese, I definitely don't have it in my coffee :rofl: but I do enjoy it with my coffee sometimes (a nice bit of blue Stilton works well) and I occasionally have to resort to a knob of butter in my coffee if I run out of cream..... I would not recommend that though 🙄 . It is an acquired taste and I am still working on acquiring it o_O
@rebrascora I read that as you having cheese and cream in your coffee but I presume you mean just the cream :rofl: Thanks for the reply - I definitely just need to be a lot more focussed and not try to pretend that I'm not diabetic.
When I was first diagnosed I thought I was doing the right thing munching on grapes instead of sweeties at my desk. It was only when I mentioned it to my nurse friend and saw her shocked face that I knew it wasn’t good. She calls them sugar bombs! I rarely eat fruit now, mainly because it doesn’t agree with me anymore, but I have gradually tamed my sweet tooth, not completely though. It’s taken 12 years! I find it’s best not to have temptation in the house. I can resist anything except temptation! :rofl:
9.7. we ended up having McDonald's last night night as it was one of the only options where we staying (just for one night). And and was 3.6 just before going to to sleep and treated it but also had an Oreo as 4.6. not so if is was a timing issue so prepared to wake up a tad high this morning in fact I was half expecting it be over 10. I given half a unit because I thought if I would correct a 10 why would I not correct a 9..7.Vi just remember that danfe says don't correct after a hypo though but then again they dance hypos as less than 3.5.

It may be McDonald's againfor backdast so going need to eat loads of heathy food when I get back (for some reason I have feeling I wouldn't need to spit dose for they backfast like I might for the main meal
Actually ended up being a coffee shop.
Morning all - looking bright but who knows what it will be like later.

7.4 this morning with a pretty steady line overnight. Looking at my time in range over the whole 90 days it is only 78%. I think I am suffering from carb creep. I don't crave sweet things, but I am pretty much addicted to starch. Probably the way I was brought up, when a meal was not a meal without some element of starch, though back then it was potatoes rather than rice or pasta. I've let potatoes in all their glorious variety creep in. Jackets, mash, new potatoes, tartiflette, dauphinoise and roasties in at least one form seem to form a part of every evening meal. So chin up @zippyjojo, you aren't alone with your cravings.

Plus not a lot of exercise - spent yesterday sitting on my bum in the study doing Christmas shopping online whilst Julian hogged our one and only TV glued to the rugby.

@Gwynn my thoughts are with you and your wife. No wonder you are both terrified. Your situation is tragic. I think you've had some good advice here regarding not holding back at the carers assessment. Tell it as it is in all it's glory. I wish you both luck tomorrow.

@Bexlee.... my phone has never spoken to me! Perhaps they've issued an update to the IPhone version of Librelink.
Morning all - looking bright but who knows what it will be like later.

7.4 this morning with a pretty steady line overnight. Looking at my time in range over the whole 90 days it is only 78%. I think I am suffering from carb creep. I don't crave sweet things, but I am pretty much addicted to starch. Probably the way I was brought up, when a meal was not a meal without some element of starch, though back then it was potatoes rather than rice or pasta. I've let potatoes in all their glorious variety creep in. Jackets, mash, new potatoes, tartiflette, dauphinoise and roasties seem to form a part of every evening meal. So chin up @zippyjojo, you aren't alone with your cravings.

Plus not a lot of exercise - spent yesterday sitting on my bum in the study doing Christmas shopping online whilst Julian hogged our one and only TV glued to the rugby.

@Gwynn my thoughts are with you and your wife. No wonder you are both terrified. Your situation is tragic. I think you've had some good advice here regarding not holding back at the carers assessment. Tell it as it is in all it's glory. I wish you both luck tomorrow.

@Bexlee.... my phone has never spoken to me! Perhaps they've issued an update to the IPhone version of Librelink.
I’m in good company
No, much as I love cheese, I definitely don't have it in my coffee :rofl: but I do enjoy it with my coffee sometimes (a nice bit of blue Stilton works well) and I occasionally have to resort to a knob of butter in my coffee if I run out of cream..... I would not recommend that though 🙄 . It is an acquired taste and I am still working on acquiring it o_O
The Finns have a coffee drink called Kaffeost I think. It’s hot black coffee poured over a very hard, very gentle cheese.
The Finns have a coffee drink called Kaffeost I think. It’s hot black coffee poured over a very hard, very gentle cheese.
Sounds horrible.
Sounds horrible.
I agree with you but then it’s so far out of our frame of reference that it’s going to be very much an acquired taste to us.
The Finns have a coffee drink called Kaffeost I think. It’s hot black coffee poured over a very hard, very gentle cheese.
But there again the Finns have a lot of horrible sounding food, my daughter used to share a house with some Finns, and she was traumatised being vegetarian when they had cooked some blood sausage and they didn't realise it was 'meat'.
The Finns have a coffee drink called Kaffeost I think. It’s hot black coffee poured over a very hard, very gentle cheese.
I would happily give it a go if I was offered but don't think it is something I am likely to try at home.