Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A very close, but no cigar, 5.1. Went to loo, walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and it was 5.3! I lost the HS on the stairs somewhere. 😉

We’re going out today to meet some friends, 3pm in the pub. For the first time in ages I have a brand new outfit from top to toe, top, trousers and shoes. But I’ve just realised I don’t have a matching handbag! I’m raging, once over, when I was a regular goer outer, I had a bag that matched every pair of shoes I owned. I actually very rarely use a handbag these days, just rucksacks, so they’ve all gone to charity shops in dribs and drabs. I’ll have to borrow one from youngest daughter who is acting as our chauffeur today as our bus service was stopped a few months ago. Nearest bus stop 20 minutes walk away now, which in normal times wouldn’t bother me, but in heels, not a chance! 😱 #firstworldproblems

@Gwynn as has been said, maybe it would be for the best if your wife was taken into hospital. She will receive all the care and treatment she so obviously needs. It is a shame it has come to this but at last someone is giving you the help and support you both require at this awful time in your lives. Big hugs for yourself and your wife.

Have a good day all. 🙂
Good morning everyone! 5'9. Happy to see a lower number.

I'm hoping for the best for you both in this difficult day, @Gwynn . Hugs X.

Starting a period of 6, potentially 7 days of work in a row. 4 of them will be pretty intense. On the good side, my parents are coming to visit right after 🙂 Last time they visited my period came back after that long and worrying time without, so I'm hoping it works again. If not, I'll have to take desperate measures and buy some white trousers :rofl:
Buying the white trousers sounds like a great idea, either that or book a night away in a really expensive hotel and spa. That’ll do it too! 😉 Enjoy your visit from your parents.
Good morning. An undeserved 5.4 - had one of those "The H**l with having diabetes" afternoon/evenings yesterday - 2 Belgian buns and a bunch of grapes...Karma struck immediately after the blood test - I changed the monitors batteries and it now refuses to say anything but "set" - which, of course, I have no idea how to do. I feel a quick visit to Amazon coming on.
@Gwyn You have all our support and sympathy - hope that the crisis team intervention proves a doorway to a happier place for you and your wife.
Morning all, was 3.9 at 5am, when I happened to wake. No reading just now, because when I scanned just now the sensor had already ended. I was sure it had about another half hour to go. So currently waiting for the new one to count down the hour.
@Gwynn , you have the collective vibes of the forum willing you through this day.
Morning all. 7.3 today. Hair being cut and coloured today then housework to do. Just off to put a load of washing on the line.

@ColinUK glad to hear your friend is ok.
@Michael12421 good reading today.
@Gwynn our thoughts and support are with you today.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
I’ve had two loads of washing on the line in recent days as it’s been so mild and very, very windy. Tomorrow is bed changing day and the forecast is 17/18 and sunny! I don’t think I’ve ever had washing out this late in the year.
Morning 4.3 I ate a couple of jelly babies but should have let dawn phernon do it's job(I wasn't sure it was coming because of yesterdays activity) because I'm now at 8 Ill to see weather it stays there or go higher this time) I'm. Not sure where we going for brackfadt has its carb information though). Depending on when we go out. I may give it check before hand.
5.1 for me today. 🙂

@Gwynn thinking of you and your wife especially today, hoping for a positive outcome for both of you.
5 for me, lovely bright morning and like others I've got the washer on, yesterdays dried well in the wind and warm yesterday, hope it does today.
Have a good day everyone x
We’re going out today to meet some friends, 3pm in the pub. For the first time in ages I have a brand new outfit from top to toe, top, trousers and shoes. But I’ve just realised I don’t have a matching handbag! I’m raging, once over, when I was a regular goer outer, I had a bag that matched every pair of shoes I owned. I actually very rarely use a handbag these days, just rucksacks, so they’ve all gone to charity shops in dribs and drabs. I’ll have to borrow one from youngest daughter who is acting as our chauffeur today as our bus service was stopped a few months ago. Nearest bus stop 20 minutes walk away now, which in normal times wouldn’t bother me, but in heels, not a chance! 😱 #firstworldproblems
Sounds like the perfect Saturday afternoon. Enjoy!
Oh lovely area. And so close to both Lake District and the beautiful Eden Valley. Fingers crossed you’ll sell soon. We’ll have to have a get together.
That would be lovely x
Morning all - 8.8 for me and I'm turning over a new leaf. I've definitely fallen back into my "post surgery build myself up again" habit of too many treats - it's as if my brain has decided to forget about being diabetic. I'm going to see if I can use My Fitness Pal for a few weeks as that has certainly helped before as can see the carb content of different foods at a glance. Saying that - is a large orange really 22g carb??????? Oh my goodness, I've definitely fallen into the trap of it's healthy so must be fine. I'm better off satiating my sweet tooth with a mini magnum almond remix (my new absolute favourite and on special offer) at only 14g carb per ice-cream. I did so well when I was first diagnosed but have clearly really slipped. I do want to put off using insulin for longer so I really must focus. Anyway - a lot of you were up super early this morning. I'm feeling a bit guilty that I was still snoozing at 8am - mind you I did go to bed at silly o'clock. I've binge watched SAS Rogue Heroes this week and absolutely loved it. Drama (but very much based on truth) set in the 2nd World War when the SAS were first formed. Some truly lovely characters in it and one of them is still alive today so I'm going to watch a Youtube video later where he is apparently talking to the actor who played his part.

@Gwynn I'm thinking of you today, as is everyone. If it helps at all, my mother-in-law was sectioned 5 years ago and it's not something we ever in our wildest nightmares would have expected to happen, but it was definitely the absolutely right thing for her and she came out of hospital a different person with very good and well managed medication and never had another episode and she lived on her own so not easy to always remember the meds but your wife will have your wonderful support.

Have a good day everyone. I suppose I'd better do some washing as everyone else is! xxx
Good morning - 5.2
6.9 this morning for me with some obvious DP followed by FOTF. That will be because I reduced my evening Levemir by 1.5 units last night but it was the right decision because it kept me mostly pretty steady through the night until it started to rise about 5am. It didn't help that I hadn't spotted my Fiasp cartridge getting low, so only able to jab 3 units this morning before I got out of bed instead of the 5.5 I had planned. I obviously put the other 2.5 units in after I got up, but it's really quite surprising the difference that 15 mins delay has made on how my levels respond. Looking like I may need a correction but trying to be patient and see if that slightly later jab is going to kick in. Once my levels go over 8 they get stubborn about coming down.

@Gwynn Thinking of you and hoping the team arrive sooner rather than later as I can only imagine how the waiting is eating you up inside and it will be preventing you from going out for a walk which would of course help you mentally as well as physically. I really hope that this can be a turning point for the better for both of you.
11.2 I had coffee with a friend who mentioned a bargain he'd bought from binge-tastic shop Heron Foods so of course I had to have a look and came out with a bagful of utter filth
We need pictures!
And talking of pictures here’s my new favourite painting.

Two Soups by Jack Vettriano

Morning all, and it’s a 5.1 for me this dry but grey day.