Group 7-day waking average?

Therapy update. She’s off for another two weeks at least.
I asked what happens if I opt for someone new and have had it confirmed that it would reset the session counter so basically I’d start again with someone new.
I’m not at that place just yet but it’s good to know that’s an option.
Once I have a better idea of what’s going on with my ankle after Tuesday then perhaps I’ll be able to decide what is best for my head.
“A bit dim” being a remarkable understatement. But in that mix it’s funny telly. And Ant and Dec are their usual highly rehearsed and professional very slick “Everyman” presenter duo.
I was being kind. He’s thick as two short planks. :rofl: But he’s got a six pack so he will be forgiven!
I was being kind. He’s thick as two short planks. :rofl: But he’s got a six pack so he will be forgiven!
He’s certainly quite easy on the eye that’s for sure.
“A bit dim” being a remarkable understatement. But in that mix it’s funny telly. And Ant and Dec are their usual highly rehearsed and professional very slick “Everyman” presenter duo.
I’ve met Ant and Dec when they were in Biker Grove as PJ and Duncan. They were in a panto at the theatre I worked in back in the 90s. Think it may have been Babes in the Wood, I worked in the restaurant and they would come in for food before the show. Of course they were only teenagers at the time. Who knew then that they’d be so famous nearly 30 years later.
I’ve met Ant and Dec when they were in Biker Grove as PJ and Duncan. They were in a panto at the theatre I worked in back in the 90s. Think it may have been Babes in the Wood, I worked in the restaurant and they would come in for food before the show. Of course they were only teenagers at the time. Who knew then that they’d be so famous nearly 30 years later.

The "sad" isn't aimed at you @eggyg but at Ant and Dec who I find intensely irritating!
Good morning
after early in the morning hypo, I was pleasantly surprised to wake today to a HS
looking at my meter realised I need to change the time in the settings

Good morning - 6.4
Morning all. 6.6. And it’s 15 degrees!

Had a very disconcerting evening. We had a power cut! It had been ( and still is) very, very windy all day. Just as I was clearing away after tea we had one or two outages, they lasted seconds and back on. It’s happened many times before, apparently our substation is very old. Half an hour later, it went off again. For over an hour this time. Mr Eggy was supposed to hosting a camera club Zoom meeting and I was planning on catching up with Matt Hancock’s arrival in camp. We couldn’t read, listen to music, watch TV or anything, so there was only one thing to do. Have a conversation. I know, controversial or what? 😉 Went back on at 8pm. Got I’m a Celeb watched, cringy.😳 Then Masterchef, news headlines and it went off again! In bed by 10.15! Woke at 3,30 and it was back on. Now to try and fathom how to set the cooker clock to the right time, it’s flashing and driving me mad!

Zara day today, another early night required tonight!

TGIF! Have a good day. 🙂
Morning all. 7.7 on new libre 7.3 on finger prick so happy with that. Abbott are replacing the sensor that fell off in bed. Its still very dark here atm, very glad its Friday.
Morning all. 6.4 and will pop to Boots to pick up something to soothe this pesky cough I think.
Morning all. 🙂 5.8 here.

Got a head full of Welsh songs after choir practice last night - there’s one about a hungry greyhound that’s a proper ear-worm. 😱 I think I’ll be singing it all day long in my head (not out loud, I can’t sing for toffee, but I’m very good at miming😉 ).
Well done @Robin & @goodybags on those specials.
A 5.7 for me today. 🙂

5.1 this morning...
Morning it was 8.8 kind of half expected to be a bit higher as I had ended moving around for a bit and was 7.1 and 5.40 this morning. Any second session of DAFNE this morning then off to get a train.
Good morning. 5.8. Horrible grey overcast, brisk wind, drizzle. SAD light blazing over desk to discourage melancholia - wonder how people managed in the days of candles?
Hope it is sunny for some of us.
I was going mad after just two hours in a candle lit room last night. No wonder everyone had very large families back in those days. 😳