Group 7-day waking average?

forgot to post mine, it was 6.7 this morning
4.8 for me. From one extreme to the other (target is around 7) 🙄

Need to get some shopping done this morning (both online and in town). Its my sons 20th birthday on Friday so I should get organised.
I have my vaccinations tomorrow so must have everything done today in case I feel a bit rubbish 🙂

Hope you all have a great day!
Good morning - 9.0
Good morning 5.7 today

have a great day everybody 😎
5.1 - *so* close! Nice and flat overnight except for a dip before 6am then a jump back up to just under 6, presumably the liver kicking in and releasing some glucose. Amazing how the body works, just wish my pancreas did the same! Oh well, not the end of the world.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all. 6 on the nose. And the third unicorn of the week.

Re the saga of the Amazon parcel. Got a notification from Alexa yesterday afternoon that the parcel was arriving that day! Checked my account, due to be delivered 3.45-6.45. Ordinarily, this would be fine, but we had to leave home at 5.30 for babysitting duties and Mr Eggy was going to Camera Club. We only have one car and the plan was we’d both go and Mr Eggy would stay an hour or so and go on to Camera Club. I put a note on the door ( along with a bin bag) to put it under the willow tree. Just as we left we had a torrential downpour. As I was concerned, Mr Eggy dropped me off and went back home and would go straight to Camera Club from there. 6.40 it arrived! Luckily, Camera Club doesn’t start until 7.30 so managed to get there in time! It does go to show though, unless you are desperate, don’t ever pay for next day delivery.

Now that’s all done and dusted our plan to go walking today is back on, maybe. The weather is atrocious here so will be twice as bad in the Lake District. We aren’t usually fair weather walkers but…..😱 We’ll assess it after breakfast!😉

Have a great day. 🙂
Good morning! 6'8 today. I mean to post more often but my head is busy with other stuff.

Period still missing, after 4 consecutive weeks of negative pregnancy tests and knowing I didn't miss any of my pills, I'm assuming is not the obvious reason. So now wondering if I should call my GP for further investigation. Last year they didn't find anything...well, aside from Type 1 diabetes 🙄 . Also, me and a very good friend are giving each other some distance because she wanted a different relationship and I didn't. It was not an easy conversation, and I feel bad because I didn't choose a right moment. Also in retrospective it looks like I was giving her many signals. She is important in my life, so the situation is complicated. Sigh...
8.8 rising to 9.9 before breakfast didn't sleep well last night disturbed by creatures again(I did catch one last night though). Got 3.6 lat amlost 3 o'clock last nightwhen I couldn't sleep after a while I got up and started doing stuff so it could have been that caused it.
Morning folks. 🙂 7.1 here.

Wow, the health centre was quiet when I went for my blood test earlier - the nurse said give it half an hour and it’ll be bedlam! She looked worn out. :(

It isn’t raining! 🙂
5.9 for me today. 🙂

Morning all - 9.2 this morning (oops - clearly not taming my late evening sugary treats). It's my brother's 60th birthday today so we're probably going to go to Blenheim Palace. It's so expensive though but once you go you then get an annual pass - trouble is we're hoping to move so seems a bit silly, but he's never been before and it is very impressive and it MIGHT not rain all day today! He's found out that he's diabetic (Type 2) so I think that will be the kick up the backside he needs to cut down on beer and do a bit of exercise - I really think he will act upon it which will be great. He's having a reviewing in 3 months. Have a great day everyone. @eggyg which is your local town? Only asking because of us hoping to move to the Lakes (when we can get a buyer for this house).
Morning all and it's a house special for me.

According to the leaflet with my antibiotics a common side effect is nausea. I can vouch for that. Never be has a slice of toast taken so long to eat. I'd already jabbed so it was either that or a handful of glucotabs. Nevermind at least the swelling is going down.

Studio again this aft but some prep work required first.

Have a good day everyone.
5.1 for me today, quiet day catching up with household tasks, enjoy your day everyone
Morning folks, and it’s a 5.5 for me on a second day of sunshine ☀️ on waking.