Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. Just a smidge under 10 this morning and coasted along within the 9-11 range all night. Of course waking up has blown that and its on the up 🙄. At least dawn buggered off to annoy someone else. Fess up, who got her?

Bathroom is almost there 🙂
Flooring guy will be out this morning and reckons he will be a couple of hours. Need to leave it till tomorrow to use the shower so everything can set fully but floor will be fine to walk over.
Argos has just delivered some storage and amazon delivering today too. Need to get that all assembled and fitted plus got some painting to touch up and need to gloss the door over weekend and we can call it done 🙂
Been a long week that's for sure :D
Oh I suppose I had better phone OT as well to get the shower chair organised too.

@Jenny65 welcome to the thread 🙂 was wondering if you manage to get your meter to behave in the end x
Morning all. 4.9 for me. Washing is on the line, another load in and another waiting. Ironing and cleaning to do. Meal to cook for later. The sun is out and its forecast 20°. Nice.
Busy day today, lots to do at home but also have to get to parents house later.
Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Was 12.3 first test not quite done street away as and I know I wasn't there all night this time I had dropped to 4.1 in the middle of the night and ended up eating a couple of sweets and a biscuit so over did a bit.
Morning everyone. Just a smidge under 10 this morning and coasted along within the 9-11 range all night. Of course waking up has blown that and its on the up 🙄. At least dawn buggered off to annoy someone else. Fess up, who got her?

Bathroom is almost there 🙂
Flooring guy will be out this morning and reckons he will be a couple of hours. Need to leave it till tomorrow to use the shower so everything can set fully but floor will be fine to walk over.
Argos has just delivered some storage and amazon delivering today too. Need to get that all assembled and fitted plus got some painting to touch up and need to gloss the door over weekend and we can call it done 🙂
Been a long week that's for sure :D
Oh I suppose I had better phone OT as well to get the shower chair organised too.

@Jenny65 welcome to the thread 🙂 was wondering if you manage to get your meter to behave in the end x
Good Morning @gll well, it did behave (I think) as this mornings reading was very straightforward, shame the reading is so high though.

I have suffered with insomnia for the last 2-3 years and average 3 hours sleep between 3am and 6am, I cant switch off since working from home but also have been just about to drift off and then an overbearing sensation of doom comes over me, I panic and wake up, watch something or read and then try again, I actually felt like if I do fall asleep I wouldnt wake up. I wonder if my body was trying to tell me something as this was pre-diagnosis. Do you think having very little sleep would impact on sugar levels?
A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂

Do you think having very little sleep would impact on sugar levels?
yep it can.
Lots of things can affect them 🙂
I know its all info overload and you question everything early on (and even later on) but having your meter I feel for you will be a gamechanger. You can actually see what effects you and start to see patterns.
Its still early days for you and you have come down a huge amount if you are in the 8s. Don't forget that low carb isn't an instant fix, it all takes time to move in the right direction. With a little luck of being a straightforward T2, you will come out winning 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 6.8 here again, after a couple of Lifts overnight. I'm not used to my glucose being around 5 all night long, so panic and shovel in the glucose tablets. Maybe I could relax a bit more if my Libre alarms would work...I think the DF keeps switching them off when I'm not looking. :confused:

Anyhoo, we had the pleasure of a visit from a young deer yesterday late evening - it sauntered across the field below us, stopping to check for danger every now and then, and snacking on the grass (?). How lovely.

Greek night round at yours must be legendary by now @eggyg. It all sounds dee-lish.
yep it can.
Lots of things can affect them 🙂
I know its all info overload and you question everything early on (and even later on) but having your meter I feel for you will be a gamechanger. You can actually see what effects you and start to see patterns.
Its still early days for you and you have come down a huge amount if you are in the 8s. Don't forget that low carb isn't an instant fix, it all takes time to move in the right direction. With a little luck of being a straightforward T2, you will come out winning 🙂
Thank you for this, I am very encouraged by your words 🙂 I hope you are right, I am certainly doing all I can since finding out. I even have started doing aerobic workouts with my daughter (at home not in public, I wouldnt inflict that on anyone 🙂 ) Although I only started smoking 7 years ago at the age of 50 when my marriage ended and I lost my mum to Alzheimer's and ovarian cancer. I was stressed and was offered a cigarette and stupidly I got addicted. I haven't smoked now since my diagnosis over a month ago and it was actually fairly easy when realising it was carry on smoking and potentially never seeing my grandchildren or give up and reclaim my life and make my adult children proud of their mum.

So giving up smoking, carbs and eating low sugar, low fat plus exercise and increasing my water there isnt much else I can do. My GP has said that they will retest in September to see if I can do this with diet alone but she suspects I may need statins for my cholesterol if it is indeed hereditary as it often needs a helping hand and the knock on effect of statins is they may increase sugar levels so I will then need Metaformin which in turn may affect my liver that has NAFLD. Its hard isnt it when you treat one condition it makes another one worse :(

Anyway more positive news to share, I am off to a wedding tomorrow, my sons best friends wedding (it was my sons own wedding 2 weeks ago) Since losing a stone and a half I have gone a bit OTT with trying on new dresses etc and having 2 weddings in one month gave me the perfect excuse, I have some clothes arriving today in sizes smaller than I was 4 weeks ago ( 2 sizes smaller) I am getting my nails done today and looking at having that lipofirming treatment too, I saw the results on some of the people that had it done, all their cellulite improved and they lost weight too, you have to commit to a healthy lifestyle or all the work is undone, 8 sessions cost £770 so its not cheap but the results look amazing so I can justify the cost by spending what I would have spent on cigarettes on beauty treatments instead!

Have a lovely day x
A 4.8 for me this morning after retiring on a 10.8 last night -must have been the fruit I had late yesterday evening.

More decking painting for me today after I've been to the doctors to see if there is any news on my biopsy done over a fortnight ago.
2 hours after eating my level is 11.1
Morning all and 4.7 for me.

Waiting for a phone call from the surgery for a medication review. Surprisingly I rather suspect my pancreas is still kaput and insulin required for a little while longer

Have a good day everyone.
Waiting for a phone call from the surgery for a medication review. Surprisingly I rather suspect my pancreas is still kaput and insulin required for a little while longer
what do you mean you haven't reversed type 1 yet...pffft...get it done already 😉

I need a medication review so my repeats actually have my insulins on them. I can order needles on my repeat but not anything to actually inject since my insulin was changed 🙄
I did call to ask them to fix that but the gp obviously misread (or plain didn't read) and just issued me a script instead.
Morning all - blue sky and fluffy clouds. Forecast 19C. Might spend the afternoon lolling in the garden with my Ken Follett novel.

7.6 this morning with a flattish line overnight. Still, I was 100% in range for the last 24 hours, so I guess that's as good as you get with T1.

My shoulder is incredibly painful today. The chiropractor says it's down to rotator cuff problems, he relieves it for a few days then it returns with a vengeance and I have run out of credit until next April with the small insurance I have that covers Chiropractor visits. As my chiropractor said "when times are hard then visiting the chiropractor becomes a luxury". I suppose it's time to see the GP, though whether they can do anything I do not know. I do have credit with the same insurance to see a Consultant if necessary.

@eggyg how I envy you that lamb! Hubby and I are just setting off now, hopefully we'll be there in time for dinner!

@gll how nice it will be to have your bathroom back!
At least dawn buggered off to annoy someone else. Fess up, who got her?
Looks like it is me! A very disappointing 10.2 this morning and after copious amounts of Fiasp when I woke up (6.5 units so far instead of my normal 3.5) plus my full dose of 24u Levemir despite a run yesterday, I am still waiting to eat my breakfast and the descent has stalled at 7.2. I am holding out for an optimistic kick in the tail from the Fiasp but in reality I am going to need to inject more..... My yoghurt will go off if it sits around at room temp much longer! I am pottering around in the house in the mean time (plenty of housework to do 🙄 ) because I know that if I head out I will get distracted and the next thing I know I'll be hypo.
Bummer! Just tested again whilst typing and levels are on their way back up again at 7.9. Another shot of Fiasp going in and looks like my breakfast will actually be lunch!
My next HRT patch is due and I think that is having an impact. I have halved the dose (1 patch a week instead of 2 a week) and whilst that is keeping symptoms at bay it is looking like my BG levels rise towards the end of the week before I apply a new one.

Delighted to report I achieved the Wordle "triple triple" as I got it in 3 again this morning. (breath on fingernails and polish on lapels emoji).... Talking of verbal emojis, the queen of them @Lanny is MIA again. Hope you are OK Lanny??

@eggyg.... What I wouldn't give to be one of your grandchildren!! Do they realize just how lucky they are! I never knew either of my grandmas and the only grandfather was a grumpy old man from what I can remember! My older cousins sadly have the same recollection of him, so probably an accurate description. Certainly not something you need to worry about!
Late again, was 9.9 this morning, so going the wrong way, looks like the DF has decided to pay me a visit. Apart from feeling lethargic, I don't feel ill and didn't eat anything especially bad yesterday, so maybe I am coming down with something.

As well as missing Lanny we are missing SueEK, not seen her for ages so she must be taking a break from the forum.
Afternoon, just having a cuppa and a catch up with the forum.

Overslept this morning and 8.4 when I woke….looks like I’d been loitering around 6 before….good old DP 🙄

Just seeing a mention or 2 of prescription reviews….I’ve never had one, not ever . I see the date on my prescription of when it’s due but nothing ever happens. I see this year it’s due at the start of December. Is it just me?
Morning all - blue sky and fluffy clouds. Forecast 19C. Might spend the afternoon lolling in the garden with my Ken Follett novel.

7.6 this morning with a flattish line overnight. Still, I was 100% in range for the last 24 hours, so I guess that's as good as you get with T1.

My shoulder is incredibly painful today. The chiropractor says it's down to rotator cuff problems, he relieves it for a few days then it returns with a vengeance and I have run out of credit until next April with the small insurance I have that covers Chiropractor visits. As my chiropractor said "when times are hard then visiting the chiropractor becomes a luxury". I suppose it's time to see the GP, though whether they can do anything I do not know. I do have credit with the same insurance to see a Consultant if necessary.

@eggyg how I envy you that lamb! Hubby and I are just setting off now, hopefully we'll be there in time for dinner!

@gll how nice it will be to have your bathroom back!
I hope you make it, the last time we drove from Cornwall to home it took 12 hours! It was a Friday in the school holidays. I’ll keep it warm for you!