Group 7-day waking average?

Actually I’m not really sure that I did.
I found myself asking “do I really want this?” and just ignoring the answer.

The company was great but maybe there’s a positive in there about really not wanting to eat like that anymore.
That is interesting as I am finding the same. Obviously I can eat "normally" if I want to because I have insulin but mostly I choose not to. I have been to a few events recently where there has been no choice and it has been difficult to avoid eating without appearing rude or picky. I think I am going to enjoy it and then it is just a bit disappointing really. :(It is the old habits which draw me to it rather than that I actually really fancy it, but those habits clearly have a very powerful influence. I did have a couple of roast potatoes last week which were particularly nice and a rather naughty carrot cake bun which was yum. I have no idea how many carbs it contained but it would be A LOT 😳 I gave up carb counting and just did a damage limitation exercise as I went along and afterwards.... Buffets are difficult!
Nope, its not just you. I've never had one either. The last time i went to see the GP about something else, i said that there were items on my repeat i no longer needed. He told me to make an appointment for a review. I wouldn't have minded but i had a 10 min appointment slot and it took 2 mins. Surely he could have done it then. I haven't bothered making the appointment and they haven't chased me to.
Same! Last time I saw the nurse there I did tell her that some of the stuff on my repeats was stuff I no longer use e.g. test strips for my old pump and some stuff I do use was not there e.g. test strips for my new pump. She promised to sort it out... must check!
Morning all - clear blue from horizon to horizon - or at least as far as I can see i.e. the houses over the other side of the stream!

6.3 this morning. I did wake at 04:17 to 13.1 - no idea why as I didn't consume tons of carbs last night and went to bed on 5.2. However, I wasn't feeling very well due to low BP - 87/55 - which makes me feel very shaky, nauseous and dizzy. BP is back to normal this morning with 140/84. It's one extreme to the other!

Just got a reminder from the Dentist about an appointment I must have forgotten to put on my calendar.... and it clashes with the Diabetic Consultant appointment - similar time, same day, 35 miles apart. Dentist appointments are like hens teeth but on the other hand I haven't seen the Consultant for 3 years... so I guess I am going to have to throw myself on the mercy of the Dentist's receptionist to reorganise my dental appointment.

@ColinUK and @rebrascora I completely agree - all that stuff that people think is necessary to survive i.e. Pizza, chips and burgers in buns + buffet food I find totally boring these days. Looking forward to a rice noodle salad with avocado, cucumber, sliced radish, carrot "noodles" etc with a Vietnamese dressing and BBQ steak late afternoon today. I shall halve the noodles in the recipe.

@eggyg - so sorry we did not arrive, turned round at Exeter due to traffic! Actually when we last drove to Heathrow it took us 4 hours to Exeter and 10+ hours to Heathrow. Enjoy your party!

@freesia, have a wonderful holiday...

Several people are missing - hope they are all OK.
Morning all, after 9.8 last night I have a 4.4 this morning.
Should be able to get the last paint coat on my decking today - I ran out of energy yesterday.
Had some chicken noodle soup from the Chinese last night (with a wee bit of fast acting) instead of a full takeaway meal that I can't deal with yet and then had a smaller dinner a bit later. Bit of a disaster with high bg going to bed and shoved in a correction at about 1am (which I'm not supposed to do) and went to bed. Was confidant doing that at 18 and no fast acting left on board 😉
Was getting to better numbers by 3am and dawn showed up. Epic battle was raging back into the 18s but my crappy pancreas and maybe some leftover insulin (sorta) won.

Anyway todays mission is to put a 2nd coat of gloss on the bathroom door once its all dried off in there after everyone getting showers and put up the 2 wall cabinets we assembled yesterday.

Have a great day everyone x
Morning all - clear blue from horizon to horizon - or at least as far as I can see i.e. the houses over the other side of the stream!

6.3 this morning. I did wake at 04:17 to 13.1 - no idea why as I didn't consume tons of carbs last night and went to bed on 5.2. However, I wasn't feeling very well due to low BP - 87/55 - which makes me feel very shaky, nauseous and dizzy. BP is back to normal this morning with 140/84. It's one extreme to the other!

Just got a reminder from the Dentist about an appointment I must have forgotten to put on my calendar.... and it clashes with the Diabetic Consultant appointment - similar time, same day, 35 miles apart. Dentist appointments are like hens teeth but on the other hand I haven't seen the Consultant for 3 years... so I guess I am going to have to throw myself on the mercy of the Dentist's receptionist to reorganise my dental appointment.

@ColinUK and @rebrascora I completely agree - all that stuff that people think is necessary to survive i.e. Pizza, chips and burgers in buns + buffet food I find totally boring these days. Looking forward to a rice noodle salad with avocado, cucumber, sliced radish, carrot "noodles" etc with a Vietnamese dressing and BBQ steak late afternoon today. I shall halve the noodles in the recipe.

@eggyg - so sorry we did not arrive, turned round at Exeter due to traffic! Actually when we last drove to Heathrow it took us 4 hours to Exeter and 10+ hours to Heathrow. Enjoy your party!

@freesia, have a wonderful holiday...

Several people are missing - hope they are all OK.
It’s a good job you didn’t make it. There was nowt left! They are like locusts my grandchildren. :rofl:
Good afternoon. At 6.30 bg was 6.6. I firmly went back to bed as I have definitely being overdoing it - the last twig on the big hedge is now in the prospective bonfire pile - which is about 7ft high and about 10ftin diameter. Planned a lazy day yesterday as hands and feet icy cold and painful - only Taras came back from work burning with zeal to finish the job. Well, you can't let volunteers work and not join in. So today toes burning on cold feet and very painful swollen hands needing a hot water bottle - which given the lovely sunny day means most of me very lightly clad whilst heat is applied to the peripheries! Hey ho, I wish the medics would come up with a painkiller that mixes safely with blood thinners. The Uks have gone to Penbryn Beach for the day so apart from washing out poor Wolf's run (he has caught a vile tummy bug which is doing the rounds of local dogs) I should be able to laze about. Have a good weekend everyone.
Morning all, 5.2 here, second one this week. Compensation for waking up early on a Sunday morning. Was amazed yesterday to receive my new driving licence through the post, I only did the online application on Monday. Considering that it took the combined vagaries of the DVLA and Royal Mail, it’s a minor miracle!
Good morning - 5.9. Much better after a days resting - hands and feet normal temperature and only mildly painful with only minor swelling evident - what a relief. Lovely morning, barely a wisp of cloud, no wind.
Enjoy the day.
Very late up this morning (for me)) anyway, good morning everyone.

BG 5.3 tease tease tease

Off out for a walk in the bright sunshine in a few minutes time.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
It was 8.5 which was around where it was at about qauter past 5 this morning. Dropped to 2.6 at around 10 to 1 and had at oat cake after afterwards because I was fealing pretty awful I thought I might be higher after that. But on the upside I won a battle with macaroni and cheese earlier in the evening as attached picture shows (the insulin would have been out my system by the time I dropped)


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Normal service is resumed. 5.6
58 bpm

Bagged myself a bargain in John Lewis yesterday. My ancient second-hand laptop was consigned to recycling yesterday as it was so slow (over two hours to fire up from pressing the start button!) and I wanted something for personal use which wasn’t my work one.
Using a Chromebook for work has persuaded me of their usefulness so wanted one about £150 max as it’ll cover my needs just fine.
John Lewis had a refurbished one which was on the shelf at £330 full price. Box said Grade B (visible scratches and marks) and it was priced at £199. Asked a partner to open the box so I could check it out but still thought it slightly over budget… there’s one visible scratch. I say visible but it’s on the inside of the battery cover. Not a mark anywhere else.
Asked if that was really the best price they could do and they took another 20% off!

Real reason I wanted a personal lappie again is that I think it’s time to look around at other jobs. I’m not sure I’ll go but I want to look and don’t feel that it’s good to job hunt on a work machine.
Morning all. 6.4 after a sort of lie in after my day/night out. I say sort of as I’ve tossed and turned with the Pinot Grigio sweats since about 3am! I’m not hungover though, just awaiting the full English as we speak. Good time was had by all and I was in bed just before I turned into a pumpkin. 😉

After my much needed breakfast and ablutions, we’ll walk to collect the car. Quite a fresh day so will blow the cobwebs away. Then a lamb Madras for tea, already made. Perfect Sunday. 🙂

Have a great day all. Congratulations @Robin on another HS. 🙂
5.9 for me today. 🙂

Happy Sunday folks!

Bright and breezy here. 8.0 when I first woke up. Jabbed 1.5 units Fiasp plus my Levemir and went back to sleep and then woke to a better 6.6 which makes me happier to start the day and means I don't need to wait so long for my breakfast.
Got some more hoof trimming to do today and plenty of other itty bitty chores that need catching up on, so a day of pottering on.... I don't get many weekends to myself in the summer and this will be the last as there are shows and drives every weekend after this.
Forgot to say..... Many congratulations to @Robin on a second HS in the week! Good work!
After a 5.8 at bedtime last night I woke to a 4.4 again this morning.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. I woke to a 4.6 and another unicorn day was ruined yesterday by a hypo late afternoon. After that i struggled to keep it up and it took us ages to walk back to the accomodation as it just kept dropping again. Hopefully, it will be better today so we can get a good walk in.

@Robin Congrats on the HS.

Have a good day everyone.