Group 7-day waking average?

I'm joining the popular 5.8 club this morning. 🙂
Blue skies and sunshine forecast, so let's see if it's true.

Good morning - 6.7
Very happy with a 5.2 this morning.

I’m painting my decking today- that should be fun.
Just had a distressed phone call from my daughter as they had had to return from their planned holiday in France as their car was broken into on the first night when it was parked outside the hotel and all their luggage stolen except for their overnight bag which they had taken in. The windows were smashed and blood in the car as the perp must have cut themselves. In hindsight they should have taken everything in with them.
Trying to report to the police was a nightmare and now having returned home they are having a fight with the insurance company who are claiming they were not covered for the stolen stuff or cancelling the holiday 'as it was their choice' to come home.
I am now stressed on their behalf, you never stop being a Mum even though they are 50y years old.
I can empathise with your daughter. We came home from a holiday in Greece to discover our car had been broken into and the so called "secure parking" service we thought we had was anything but secure as they had parked our car in a local college car park from which we have had substantial parking fines since. It is a difficult situation and over a month later we are still trying to sort it out. When you say "the insurance", do you mean the holiday insurance? Best to check the small print, there should be cover for lost luggage. If not then is it covered by their household contents insurance? The bag that was stolen from our car is apparently covered by our household contents insurance. So your daughter could try claiming on that if it's covered. The travel insurance people may well be within their rights to deny compensation as they did choose to come home, rather than buy new clothes etc and have the car repaired on site, but I would be inclined to ask to take it higher than just some claims clerk.

I've been saying "Oh well our next holiday will be OK since we are taking the car with us to France!" Your post is a salutary warning.
Morning all... looking bright and sunny despite assorted clouds. Met office forecasting a sunny afternoon and evening with highs of 19C. They were right yesterday so lets hope they are today.

6.8 this morning with a gentle rise and fall around 4 am.

Many Congratulations @Robin and @Barrowman on your HSs.

@TinaD Leylandii are a nightmare.... we had about 5 forming part of the hedge round our last house. Awful to trim because then all you see is dead wood. In the end we had a professional chap cut them down and remove the results. Then hubby spent what seemed like weeks grubbing the roots out before we replaced them with a much more biddable Griselinia hedge.

Have a good day all....
Morning all. 🙂 6.8 here.

I've got one of those Libre sensors that's all doom n gloom with constant dips into the red when my BG's just fine thank you. o_O It had better get its act together cos I'm doing the skip-lunch basal test today. I'm hungry already! 😳😛

Nice work @Robin and @Barrowman.

Hubby managed to book hotels in France with secure parking @Pattidevans - it's always a worry of mine, wherever we go, UK and abroad. Honestly @Leadinglights - they're slippery devils, insurance companies. I hope your daughter manages to get some money out of them. We had a couple of things stolen from our Ford KA on holiday once - they were hidden, in the boot, but they still wouldn't pay up. The boot of a dinky run-around wasn't secure enough, apparently, so they were under no obligation. Good grief!
Good morning everyone. 12.5 at 5am and shoving in quite a bit of insulin in to get it down, currently down to 10.2. I think it is because of the gastroparesis which isn't doing particularly well at the moment but I'm learning to ride through the flare ups. Going to have a lazy day today after a good week.
6.2 when I first woke up and injected Levemir and I upped the dose back to 24u and 5 last night. Went back to sleep and woke up 2.5 hours later!!! on 5.7. Sleep is my retreat when I am feeling stressed and I had a struggle day yesterday mentally and diet wise and unfortunately it will take a few days to come out of it, so I am hitting it with Levemir rather than firefighting with Fiasp. I went off-piste again with my diet yesterday and had a Chicken Tikka sandwich in a white poppy seed knot bun from the shop in the village.... no choice of a wholemeal bread sandwich. Hit it with 5 units and gave it plenty of prebolus time and waited till I was 5.0 before eating but still ended up in low teens for 4 hours and needed 7 extra units (4u+ 2x1.5u) to bring it down. Grrh! That will teach me to say that my TIR is just starting to look better and I am getting control back. 🙄

On a positive note I also got Wordle in 3 again today. That is 2x 3 in a row.... Can I make it a hattrick of 3s tomorrow.

Many congratulations to @Robin and @Barrowman on achieving the nominated optimum waking reading of 5.2 this morning. ie an House Special or HS
Morning all... looking bright and sunny despite assorted clouds. Met office forecasting a sunny afternoon and evening with highs of 19C. They were right yesterday so lets hope they are today.

6.8 this morning with a gentle rise and fall around 4 am.

Many Congratulations @Robin and @Barrowman on your HSs.

@TinaD Leylandii are a nightmare.... we had about 5 forming part of the hedge round our last house. Awful to trim because then all you see is dead wood. In the end we had a professional chap cut them down and remove the results. Then hubby spent what seemed like weeks grubbing the roots out before we replaced them with a much more biddable Griselinia hedge.

Have a good day all....
Leylandii : The trick is not to cut them back to the wood but to leave green fronds in place, although they are usually halved by trimmers, it seems to recover OK. My brother had a fine hedge of it at Bix, near Henley - trimmed it looked like yew. Screened him from the road, filtered noise and pollution. Had it trimmed back twice a year by man on cherry picker. Sadly I don't have one...The topping out requires trunk cutting to just below upper twigs. Well ,that is my experience. And I have to say that I have no plans to grub it out - its double thickness, on top of a bank, and about 35m long...I've put another hour into the job this morning - can't quite reach the very top with the electric shears - stopped as not too safe wobbling about on 6ft step ladder and hands cramping.
Late today

7.8, all control seems to have gone out the window. I am going to work hard on cutting back the carbs and getting my control back.

@Robin and @Barrowman congrats on your HS.
He-he! I am not super early (6.7 actually) but more super late and playing catch up. It was a horrendous 13.9 on Tuesday morning, a better 8.9 yesterday and 7.6 today. On Tuesday I basically only had a small portion of raspberries for breakfast, I.e. no Weetbix or milk and things were fine a few hours later. I had a busy afternoon and decided to check, 4.6, so I had a top up. I then started feeling low so had a bit more and then repeated the process. Two hours later it was 4.2 and I had had about 45gm CHO. Funny thing the diabetes but doing things from a wheelchair burns calories faster that the biped mode of operation. Also walking with a prosthetic allegedly needs 2 - 3 timed more energy than using natural legs. I digress and best get back to sleep after being rudely awoken by cramp in the leg I haven't got.
Good morning everyone

Looks a bit chilly out there this morning but the walk will still go ahead....

BG 5.1 another big tease !!! 🙂
BP 116/76
Pulse 63

All good

Not sure how to fit my walks in today as I am expecting a parcel. Talking of which I got another scam text the other day claiming I had a failed delivery (but at that time I had not yet ordered anything). I just ignored it but it made me think of many who could be tricked by these unscrupulous thugs.

Nothing much planned for today, a bit more research into macro nutrients stuff I think !!!

I need to order the meds for both myself and for my wife. Mustn't forget!!!

Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 6.7 on this cool morning. 9 degrees! I’m not cold though, almost 19 degrees in the house.

More chaos to ensue today. Zara 8.30, farmers’ children 9.30, eldest granddaughter 3pm! Four eldest staying for tea and a sleepover. Greek Night, I made the hummus and tzatziki yesterday. @Pattidevans I’m going to attempt the courgette fritter receipe you shared last week. I’m now going to attempt to cut into a giant leg of lamb I was gifted from one of my daughter’s sheep farming friends. She’s kept the shoulder. It is huge! It was frozen and has taken 24 hours to defrost. I will marinade some of it for kebabs for tonight, curry some and slow roast the rest for shepherds pies, which I’ll freeze, and the rest we’ll have for Sunday dinner.

Have a great day. 🙂
Morning all, 5.6 here. Definitely cooler last night, I slept better than I have for weeks. Just as well, because we need the bedroom windows shut, there’s a big music festival on near us this weekend. They work hard to position the stage where the sound is least likely to cause a nuisance, but if the wind's in the wrong direction there's not a lot they can do (apart from turning the volume down, but apparently that isn’t an option, people have paid good money to be deafened)
8.4 for me today (first reading on my meter) I purchased one myself as although type 2 and not taking insulin I am interested to see the fluctuations and whether my low carb diet is working. Scary first result. I have just had my breakfast now and will take it again in 2 hours time.

Picked up another Kate & Giancarlo Caldessi book yesterday with yet more tempting Low Carb recipes which I think I’ll actually cook rather than just read. Although reading them is the lowest carb version!