Group 7-day waking average?

A nice 5.3 for me this morning after going to bed with an 8.9 last night.
Grey skies and rain incoming - matches my mood after 2 nights of very poor sleep. Thought the pain and stiffness resulting from the hedge trim would depart with some effort yesterday. Sadly wrong, it just got worse. It will not doubt clear up in time.
Meanwhile I am trying to get my Facebook account derestricted without success. Wolf, my avatar, has, since his puppyhood, posted an irreverent version of growing up with "Old Grumpy" and her attempts to thwart him, bath him, and instill discipline - for some reason this amuses my friends. For an even more mysterious reason Facebook took exception to his account of being bathed in May and removed it. Then a month ago they restricted my account - no explanation. Numerous emails have failed to elicit a response and there appears to be no mechanism of appeal linked to the deleted "Wolf Report". Sadly I shall have to leave the wretched platform which provides quite useful local information about blocked roads, local events, services for refugees etc. Any suggestions for an alternative?

Oops - nearly forget 5.7 this morning.
Start another account under another similar name. I was once banned for a totally innocent comment. A friend asked me a question about something I’d alluded to and I said I could tell her but would have to kill her! FB said it was abusive! Hope you get it sorted.
Morning all, very grey and overcast. Met Office forecasts more of the same all day, but no rain. The garden is too small for a veg patch, but we could do with some sun to ripen the grapes on the vines round all 3 fences.

6.2 first thing with the flattest line I have ever seen overnight. it's gone down to 5.6 but I attach a photo of the flat line!

@TinaD and @eggyg as I understand it, FB uses bots to pick out things it considers offensive, so no human judgement is involved at all. Seen some daft stuff taken off different groups I belong to. Led to either much hilarity or much outrage.

@Elenka_HM meant to say yesterday, the reason why you get a review at the GP's despite being under the hospital diabetes clinic is because the GP gets an extra payment for reviewing all it's patients with diabetes. I get one once a year and try to get them to do it in between hospital appointments, though quite often they want to do it within 2 weeks of a hospital appointment, which seems pretty pointless!

Not much to do today, liquidise some carrot soup I made yesterday out of some floppy carrots that were lingering in the veg drawer of the fridge and the stock left from boiling the gammon joint. Friend coming round for coffee this afternoon. My GOD I lead an exciting life!

Have a good day all.


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It was a 5.0 for me this morning after injecting my Levemir an hour earlier. Steadily rose to 7.2 whilst I fed and mucked out 4 horses, so I shot myself 4.5 units before I left the yard to give me some prebolus time before breakfast, walked home, let out and fed chucks, tended my polytunnel (watering and tickling tomato flowers with a feather) @freesia... No sign whatsoever of my tomatoes ripening either :( but had my first cucumber yesterday and courgettes are coming thick and fast now and will have some dwarf beans in the next couple of days), collected windfall apricots, made my breakfast, read the online news and only now have I just got to eat my breakfast. Fiasp is being more sluggish than usual this morning... well over an hour.... think I may need to give it a bit more help.

It is sensor changeover today (right now actually) and I applied my new Libre 2 sensor last night to give it a try, so we will see how that works out in a few hours. 60 min countdown has started. If this Libre 2 works OK with the reader I may consider upgrading as per the stickers on the Libre 1 boxes, which are now encouraging people to change, but my prescription is till to dispense Libre 1 so I can continue with it for the time being if I find this Libre 2 less effective. No alarms of course using the reader but I am fine with that.
@eggyg I tried your reader last night on my old sensor but it says that the sensor has already been activated by another reader so it clearly won't allow two readers to work on the same sensor which means if I lost or damaged my reader the new reader would only work if I applied a new sensor and the existing sensor would have to be replaced which is a bit of a waste. I still very much appreciate having a spare sensor though and yours looks to have had a much easier life than mine which is all chipped and scratched. I did contemplate switching over to yours today and giving mine a much needed rest but decided to keep things exactly the same whilst I evaluate this Libre 2 sensor. Also wondered if any of your data would be on that reader and if there is and I subsequently download the reader to Libre view, if it will confuse things. Ie some of your historic data on it overlaying on my previously downloaded data.... Maybe I am overthinking things. Not sure if there is a way to restore factory settings so that any old data is removed...... not that I would mind getting your readings as you seem to do rather better than me for consistency😎 .... and I have a consultant appointment coming up...😉

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day. @Robin Surely you must get some rain soon!! We have been getting it overnight and sometimes in the morning too for over a week now. Water butts are full and thankfully grass is now growing and my paddock is starting to look a little more green rather than brown. 🙄 It is coming to something when I am having to feed haylage through the summer!
Meant to add, Wordle was a rather tricky one this morning wasn't it? Took me 5 attempts to get it and I was really scratching my head!
Meant to add, Wordle was a rather tricky one this morning wasn't it? Took me 5 attempts to get it and I was really scratching my head!
Took me six and I couldn’t fathom what the word meant at first! I’m ashamed to say I Googled it and immediately said “duh!” The words look different in capitals to me! :rofl:
Start another account under another similar name. I was once banned for a totally innocent comment. A friend asked me a question about something I’d alluded to and I said I could tell her but would have to kill her! FB said it was abusive! Hope you get it sorted.
Thanks for the tip - I'll give it a go.
Hi all,

I may take a break from this forum for a very long time. Not because of anything that has happened on here but because I want to forget I even have diabetes with what’s been going on recently.

For months and months and months I have tried to get a pump, changed hospitals, written a super strong letter stating my case against the criteria with the reasons why I need one and how a pump would combat the issues.

Despite my best efforts, I am no further forward with this and I have honestly completely given up. This is not like me. I am usually super strong, carry on despite all odds. But I’m afraid I’m now totally in denial. I refuse to accept ‘no’ as an answer. I refuse to accept I even have this condition that is taking over every aspect of my life and yet despite that, no one is really trying to help.

I’m sorry but I need a long long time away from anything associated with diabetes. Thank you to those on here who have been supportive but I’m afraid to say the vast majority of healthcare professionals haven’t been.
Sophie, I am really, very sorry that you are feeling so defeated. You are still so early in your diabetes journey that getting a pump was always going to be a bit of a long shot and many people here have had to keep plugging away at that "NO" until they managed to turn it into a "Yes" Pumps are by no means an easy option and the changeover to a pump from MDI can be really frustrating for weeks or months so if you are already struggling with diabetes management, changing to a pump at this time may not be the best plan anyway. There are people who are finding it really hard work just changing from one make of pump to another, so it is not always the solution you might expect it to be
I can understand you needing a break from the forum, but you don't really have an option of taking a break from diabetes without risking doing yourself some serious harm and as a young person, with hopefully a long life ahead of you, you are taking a big risk if you don't look after your diabetes. Please make sure to look after yourself and at least do the basics of testing and taking your insulin.
I would recommend that you contact the Diabetes UK helpline to get some one to one support.... It will be closed tonight but open during office hours tomorrow.

Diabetes is really mentally challenging so it is perfectly understandable that you are struggling but there are strategies that you can use to tread water with it until you feel like you can cope a bit better again. Things like having the same or very similar meals each day so that you don't have to carb count. We all care about you a lot and I am sure your family love you very much and want you to stay as healthy as possible, so please look after yourself and come back to the forum at any time if you think we can help you in any way.

Sending you lots of ((((HUGS))))
Finally, a better day. Lets hope it continues.
Well, i spoke too soon this morning. Instead of cleaning the cupboards i decided to have a wander around the shops instead. I managed to head off a hypo whilst out and got levels back up high enough to get home. By lunchtime i was in the 7s. Suddenly, a hypo hit with a vengeance!! It took an hour to get levels up and i was so wiped out after i slept for an hour. Now i have the rebound high again, hitting 17 before just starting to drop.
Hi all,

I may take a break from this forum for a very long time. Not because of anything that has happened on here but because I want to forget I even have diabetes with what’s been going on recently.

For months and months and months I have tried to get a pump, changed hospitals, written a super strong letter stating my case against the criteria with the reasons why I need one and how a pump would combat the issues.

Despite my best efforts, I am no further forward with this and I have honestly completely given up. This is not like me. I am usually super strong, carry on despite all odds. But I’m afraid I’m now totally in denial. I refuse to accept ‘no’ as an answer. I refuse to accept I even have this condition that is taking over every aspect of my life and yet despite that, no one is really trying to help.

I’m sorry but I need a long long time away from anything associated with diabetes. Thank you to those on here who have been supportive but I’m afraid to say the vast majority of healthcare professionals haven’t been.
Please take care of yourself and as @rebrascora says, try and speak to someone about how you feel. Keep testing and taking your insulin and know that we are all here when you need to rant about D. I am finding it hard to manage atm too but every day is a new day and we can only do our best.
Big hugs to you. Take care.
Good morning 5.8
Yesterday was 6.2